Should Professors Focus on Teaching or Research? The Debate Explored

  • Thread starter kant
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In summary, teaching is a necessary part of a professor's job, especially if they are working in conjunction with a university. The amount and frequency of teaching may vary depending on the university and any arrangements made, such as research grants or administrative duties. While there are options for reducing teaching duties, such as obtaining a research professorship or retiring to become an emeritus professor, teaching is an important aspect of being a professor and should not be underestimated.
  • #1
I am just curious, but must they teach at all? Is it not that research are their primary focus? I know some professor that won the fields medal in mathematics, and they still had to teach. My question is "why"? How many nobel prize or fields metals you need to win to not have to teach at all. What kind of arrengement is this?
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  • #2
I think it depends if you're working in conjuction with a university or not. If you are I think they'd want you to teach.
  • #3
There is often a great deal of satisfaction derived from teaching. :wink:

moo (moo') adj. Of no practical importance; irrelevant, such as a moo point (i.e. a cow's opinion).
  • #4
I think that, in a university, professors are expected to teach. It's part of their job description. How much and how frequently will depend on the university and what arrangements have been negotiated. For example, a professor might get freed from some teaching duties by a research grant, by a sabbatical, or by administrative responsibilities [e.g. being a chairperson]. One may be able to get a different appointment as a "research professor". (Alternatively, one could get a position at an institute like the Institute for Advanced Studies (Princeton) or the Perimeter Institute.) One could also retire and become an "Emeritus Professor".

Some interesting reading at
  • #5
Many people underestimate teaching. There are great mathematicians who don't know how to teach, and there are less great mathematicians who teach great. :smile:
  • #6
Yes, we have to teach. How much we teach often depends on how much of our salary is being paid by the department and how much is being brought in on research grants. Who else would teach you in college if it weren't for the professors?

FAQ: Should Professors Focus on Teaching or Research? The Debate Explored

1. What is the difference between focusing on teaching and focusing on research as a professor?

When a professor focuses on teaching, they prioritize their time and efforts on educating students through lectures, assignments, and other teaching methods. On the other hand, when a professor focuses on research, they prioritize their time and efforts on conducting and publishing original research in their field of expertise.

2. Why is there a debate on whether professors should focus on teaching or research?

The debate stems from the fact that both teaching and research are essential aspects of academia, but it can be challenging for professors to balance their time and energy between the two. Some argue that teaching should be the primary focus, as it is the main responsibility of a professor. Others argue that research is crucial for advancing knowledge and maintaining the reputation of the university.

3. Is it possible for professors to excel in both teaching and research?

Yes, it is possible for professors to excel in both teaching and research. However, it requires a significant amount of time management and prioritization. Some professors may choose to focus more on one aspect than the other, while others may find a balance between the two.

4. How does a professor's focus on teaching or research affect students?

A professor's focus on teaching or research can have a significant impact on students. When a professor prioritizes teaching, students may benefit from more in-depth lectures, more personalized attention, and a stronger emphasis on practical applications of the subject. On the other hand, when a professor prioritizes research, students may benefit from being taught by experts in their field and staying updated on the latest developments in the subject.

5. What are the potential consequences of a professor neglecting either teaching or research?

If a professor neglects teaching, students may receive subpar education and struggle to understand the material. This can lead to lower grades and a lack of preparation for future courses or careers. Neglecting research can also have consequences, such as hindering the university's reputation and potentially hindering the advancement of knowledge in their field.

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