Calculating Value of Continued Fraction

  • Thread starter Hypercase
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In summary, Hypercase was asking about the value of a continued fraction and found that it was a simple equation in the form X = n + \frac{1}{a+\frac{1}{b+\frac{1}{c+\frac{1}{d+\frac{1}{e+...}}}}} which can be solved with basic algebra. He also mentioned that continued fraction are cool and can get you thinking about problems in other areas.
  • #1
hi u guys .
I was hoping u could show me how to calculate the value of a continued fraction.
Physics news on
  • #2
Hmmm ...
[tex]\frac{1}{(6 + \frac{1}{(6 + \frac{1}{(...)})})}[/tex]

  • #3
let x be the fraction. what's 1/x?
  • #4
Originally posted by Hypercase
hi u guys .
I was hoping u could show me how to calculate the value of a continued fraction.

I love continued fraction, they're just so cool.

This one is easy to solve, since it's a simple continued fraction (all numerators are 1) and the denominator doesn't vary. That gives us a similarity in the continued fraction that we can use to our advantage.

To write the equation out graphically:

[tex]X = \frac{1}{6 + \frac{1}{6 + \frac{1}{6 + \frac{1}{6 + \frac{1}{6 + ...}}}}}[/tex]

Let's use the variable X to represent the continued fraction in the denominator, that is

[tex]X = \frac{1}{(6 + X)}[/tex]

See, those are equivalent statements, and this second form is easy to solve with basic algebra, yielding [itex]X^2 + 6X - 1 = 0[/itex] which gives X a numeric value of [itex]\sqrt{10} - 3[/itex], or in decimal form .162277660168... which is just a little bit less than [itex]\frac{1}{6}[/itex] as we'd expect.

Note that we throw away the negative root because the result has to be positive.

See? That's all it takes.
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  • #5
This topic of continued fractions got me thinking, and I have a two part question about them. The first is “simple” and the second might be “hard” At least, hard for me to get a handle on.

First, some preliminaries.

The approach of self-similarity can be used to solve for any simple continued fractions with repeating patterns. For simplicity of notation, instead of the graphical form

[tex]X = n + \frac{1}{a + \frac{1}{b + \frac{1}{c + \frac{1}{d + \frac{1}{e + ...}}}}}[/tex]

we’ll use the standard text notation for simple continued fractions of (n;a,b,c,d,e,...)

where the first number before the semicolon can be any value and the numbers after it are non-negative integers).

From the original post we considered the simplest case of X = (0;6,6,6,6,6,…), and we got [itex]\sqrt{10}[/itex] – 3 as a result. In general, if we use (n;a,…) (how can I use Tex to put a bar above the repeating values?) we get a general solution of

[tex](Eq 1) X = n + \frac{-a}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{a^2 + 4}}{2}[/tex]

by a fairly simple application of algebra.

The same approach with a little more algebraic manipulation applied to (n;a,b,…) yields

[tex](Eq 2) X = n + \frac{(-b)}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{(a^2b^2 + 4ab)}}{2a}[/tex]

A quick check shows that Eq 2 does degenerate into Eq 1 when b = a.

Going to (n;a,b,c…) yields the rather ugly looking

[tex](Eq 3) X = n + \frac{b-a-c-abc}{2(ab + 1)} +[/tex]

[tex]\frac{\sqrt{a^2b^2c^2 + 2a^2bc + 2ab^2c + 2abc^2 + a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + 2ab + 2ac + 2bc + 4}}{2(ab + 1)}[/tex]

(My browser truncates that last expression. If yours does too, the terms under the root go "2ac + 2bc + 4")

It's ugly, but there is a certain rhythm to it. Again, checking, Eq 3 degenerates into Eq 1 when c = b = a. Unfortunately, setting c = b or b = a doesn't help us any, since the repeat still takes three steps, so Eq 3 doesn't degenerate into Eq 2.

I leave it to others with more patience to come up with the general solutions for (n;a,b,c,d…) and (n;a,b,c,d,e…) and so on. To simplify the notation, we can rewrite these continued fractions using subscripted variables instead of sequential letters, such as

[tex](n;a_0,a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4, a_5...)[/tex]

I don’t know the normal terminology for this, but we’ll say Eq 1 shows a first order repetition, Eq 2 a second order repetition, and so on. Then a repetition is of order k when [itex]a_{i+k} = a_i[/itex]. I don’t see a pattern to it as we go from one order of repetition to the next, but I suspect there must be one. I do note, however, that for any repeating continued fraction, no matter what the order is, the solution involves at most a square root and a constant. Higher orders of repetitions do not make for higher order roots. So, the first part of my question is this: Is there a general form by which we can generate the solution for a continued fraction of an “n-th order repetition”? I’m betting the answer must be yes, and probably involves some variant of binomial expansion, but it’s messy enough to elude me. If anyone can shed some light on this, I’d really appreciate it.

Now, here’s my hard question. I understand there is no analytic method for solving continued fractions in general. And yet, any non-repeating continued fraction can be approximated by a repeating continued fraction, and the approximation should get better for increasing orders. Does this imply there might be some method, maybe related to or just analagous to Fourier transforms, where the shape of a continued fraction could be expressed in a different form that is amenable to analytic solution? Would this give a handle on an otherwise intractable problem? Wouldn't that be neat?
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FAQ: Calculating Value of Continued Fraction

1. What is a continued fraction?

A continued fraction is a mathematical expression where a number is represented as a sum of fractions, where the denominator of each fraction is added to the next fraction as a whole number. It can be written as [a0; a1, a2, a3...], where a0 is the whole number part and the rest of the numbers are the denominators of the fractions.

2. How do you calculate the value of a continued fraction?

The value of a continued fraction can be calculated by starting from the end and working backwards. First, the last fraction is converted into a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator. Then, this decimal is added to the fraction before it and the result is used as the numerator for the next fraction. This process is repeated until the first fraction is reached, giving the final value of the continued fraction.

3. Why are continued fractions useful?

Continued fractions have many applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They can be used to approximate irrational numbers with a high degree of accuracy, as well as to solve certain types of equations. They also have connections to other areas of math, such as number theory and dynamical systems.

4. How do you find the convergents of a continued fraction?

The convergents of a continued fraction are the fractions obtained by truncating the continued fraction at different points. To find the convergents, the process of calculating the value of the continued fraction can be reversed. Starting from the first fraction, the convergents can be found by simplifying the fractions obtained at each step.

5. Are there any patterns or properties of continued fractions?

There are many interesting patterns and properties of continued fractions. For example, the convergents of a continued fraction can be used to find the best rational approximations of an irrational number. Also, the continued fraction expansion of a quadratic irrational will eventually repeat in a pattern. Additionally, there are connections between continued fractions and the golden ratio, which has many fascinating properties in math and nature.

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