Solving Design Project w/ Thermal Switch (Statics)

In summary, the project involves redesigning a thermal switch with three metal strips that expand due to heat. The middle strip is aluminum and expands faster than the steel strips, causing it to buckle and complete a circuit at a certain temperature. The dimensions of the aluminum strip must be changed to complete the circuit at a lower temperature. The initial approach was flawed as it did not consider the actual behavior of the strips under stress. A new approach is suggested involving calculating the strain of each strip as a function of stress and temperature change, setting them equal, and using a free-body diagram to relate the stresses and determine the critical buckling stress.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is for Statics and mechanics of materials 1...

In this project, we were tasked with the re-design of a cheap thermal switch that is to be a component of a low cost product. The switch consists of three metal strips that are bounded on the top and bottom by a rigid plate (the plate is not bounded tho). The two outer strips are steel, and the one in the middle is aluminum. The only loads on the switch are the loads generated by the strips expanding due to heat. Since the middle strip is aluminum, its coefficient of thermal expansion is greater than the steel outer strips. Because of this, the aluminum strip will expand faster than the steel strips, which results in an internal force being generated. When the forces in the aluminum strip reach its critical axial compressive load, it will buckle, which will cause it to contact one of the steel strips. This will cause a circuit to be completed, which will signal the product that it has reached a certain temperature. We are given dimensions for a thermo switch that completes its circuit at 180 degrees, and we are to change the dimensions of the aluminum strip so that it completes its circuit at 100 degrees instead.

Height of strips = 4 in

width of alum. strip for 180 degree switch = 1/16 in
"" "" steel strip """ """ """ """ = 1/16

length of alum. strip = 1/4 in
""" """ steel """ = 1/8 in

coef. thermal expansion for alum. (alpha) = 12.5E-6
"""" """" """" "" steel (alpha) = 6.6E-6

Youngs modulus of alum (E) = 10,000 ksi = 10,000,000 psi
"""""""""" steel (E) = 30,000 ksi

Homework Equations

Formula for critical axial load = (4*Pi^2*E*((length*width^3)/12))/Height^2

Width must be < length so the alum. strip buckles in the direction of the steel.

The Attempt at a Solution

Well what I tried doing is first using the equation:

(alpha alum. * deltaT * height) - (alpha steel * deltaT * height) = how much more the alum. expands than the steel

Then I reduced it to:

DeltaT * 2.4E-5 = how much more the alum. expands (Deformation)

By plugging in both alphas and the height of 4 in.

Then I used:

Deformation = (P*L)/(E*A) with P=force and L=height and A=cross section area.

I changed that to:

(Deformation * E * A)/L = P

Plugging in I get


Which is:

DeltaT*A*60 = Force in lb

I then set that equal to the formula for critical axial load, because you want the strip to reach the critical axial load at the temperature you specify.

Now here is the problem, when I set them equal to each other, it cancels out the length of the strip, and I get:

sqrt((DeltaT*11328)/(4*Pi^2*1E7)) = width of the strip

I plugged in 180 degrees, and got .07 inches, which is 8 hundredths off the 1/16 it should be..

Please help me, I've been on this for like 4 hrs now, am I approaching this wrong? It can't be right that the length of the strip cancels out, because it affects the critical axial load! Right?
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  • #2

It looks like you're assuming that the plate compresses the aluminum strip until its length matches the length of unconstrained steel strips at the higher temperature. But this isn't exactly what happens, is it? The length of the connected strips before buckling is more than an unconstrained steel strip and less than an unconstrained aluminum strip.

Try calculating the strain of each strip as a function of stress and temperature change. (Lump the steel strips together to make calculation easier.) Set these strains equal. Perform a free-body diagram on one of the plates to get the relationship between the stresses. Finally, connect the stress in the aluminum strip to the critical buckling stress.
  • #3

I would approach this problem by first understanding the purpose of the thermal switch and the principles behind its function. It is important to consider the materials used and their properties, as well as the loads and forces involved.

From the given information, it seems that the goal is to change the dimensions of the aluminum strip so that the switch completes its circuit at 100 degrees instead of 180 degrees. In order to do this, we need to determine the appropriate width for the aluminum strip.

To do this, we can start by setting up an equation using the formula for critical axial load. However, instead of setting it equal to the equation for deformation, we can set it equal to the critical axial load at 100 degrees. This will give us the necessary force for the aluminum strip to buckle at 100 degrees.

Next, we can use the equation for deformation to determine the width of the aluminum strip that will produce this critical axial load at 100 degrees. We can also use the given information about the coefficients of thermal expansion and the height of the strips to calculate the difference in expansion between the aluminum and steel strips.

Once we have the appropriate width for the aluminum strip, we can check our calculations by plugging in the values for the critical axial load and deformation at 100 degrees and ensuring that they match.

It is also important to consider the safety and reliability of the new design, as well as any other factors that may affect the performance of the thermal switch. This may include material compatibility, manufacturing processes, and environmental conditions.

In summary, solving this design project would involve understanding the principles and properties involved, using appropriate equations and calculations, and considering other factors to ensure the success of the new design.

FAQ: Solving Design Project w/ Thermal Switch (Statics)

1. What is a thermal switch in a design project and why is it important?

A thermal switch is a device that is used to control the flow of heat in a system. It is important in a design project because it helps to regulate the temperature and prevent overheating, which can cause damage to the system.

2. How does a thermal switch work?

A thermal switch works by using a temperature-sensitive material, such as a bimetallic strip, that expands or contracts based on changes in temperature. This movement is then used to open or close an electrical circuit, which controls the flow of heat in the system.

3. What are some common applications for a thermal switch in a design project?

Thermal switches are commonly used in electronic devices, such as computers, to prevent overheating. They are also used in heating and cooling systems, as well as in industrial equipment, to regulate temperature and prevent damage.

4. What are some factors to consider when designing a thermal switch for a project?

When designing a thermal switch, it is important to consider the temperature range in which it will be operating, the required response time, and the desired level of accuracy. Other factors to consider include the materials used, the size and shape of the switch, and the method of activation.

5. Can a thermal switch be used in conjunction with other types of switches?

Yes, a thermal switch can be used in conjunction with other types of switches, such as pressure switches or limit switches. This can provide additional control and protection for the system, as different types of switches respond to different stimuli.

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