Is Using Coupons on a Date a Bad Idea?

  • Thread starter ZeroPivot
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In summary: I might actually buy tickets ahead of time and tell the girl they were free just to see if she was the kind of person I want to get to know better. I used to date a... guy, he was a top attorney and wealthy, from a fine family and headed up some of the best charity balls here. But when we'd go to a movie, there was no drinking or eating allowed because he considered it too expensive, I wasn't even allowed to buy my own. If he'd had coupons, he certainly would have used them. I wouldn't have thought anything of it, even though most women dating someone wealthy would probably be appalled. I would find the use of coupons
  • #1
I got free movie coupons and is it a big deal to use them? or it just plain wrong?
Im a guy btw straight.
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  • #2
ZeroPivot said:
I got free movie coupons and is it a big deal to use them? or it just plain wrong?
Im a guy btw straight.
Use them! If the girl is so shallow that she doesn't like it, GOOD RIDDANCE! I would admire a guy that had free tickets.
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  • #3
Even better, make her pay! :biggrin:

Disclaimer: you should probably not take relationship advice from random engineers over the internet.
  • #4
Should you use free vouchers? If its early in a relationship:

Two free tickets, yes.
Buy one get one free, no.

Later on you just stop caring about looking cheap, houses cost too much.
  • #5
ZeroPivot said:
I got free movie coupons and is it a big deal to use them? or it just plain wrong?
Im a guy btw straight.

Truthfully, I wouldn't use them... not on a date anyway. Unless you've literally said the phrase: "hey, I've got a couple of movie vouchers, want to go see <movie>?" But even then it implies that you might not have gone out with her if the expense incurred was too high.

If your goal is to appear thrifty, then just tell her she can't have popcorn or a soda.
  • #6
If you can`t use the tickets on a date because they are free, then you can`t take her on a date even if you pay, since that would make her date free, and since you can`t enjoy anything that if free on a date, she has to pay, but that makes your date free, and you can`t enjoy anything on a date that is free, then ...

You might as well split up now before you get too deep, tell her it was great while it lasted, but it just isn`t working out.
  • #7
Personally I wouldn't mind coupons. But in the general public, it's probably different.

I think age is a factor. If the guy is a teenager and uses coupons, then there is no issue. If the guy is 30 or so, it might be viewed differently. His date my wonder if he lives in his mother's basement, for example.
  • #8
I'd save them for another time, first impressions matter and even if she isn't shallow, it does come across as a bit cheap to use them for a date.
  • #9
I wouldn't go to to the cinema, they're showing lousy pictures these days anyway.

Try to sell your coupons.
  • #10
lisab said:
Personally I wouldn't mind coupons. But in the general public, it's probably different.

I think age is a factor. If the guy is a teenager and uses coupons, then there is no issue. If the guy is 30 or so, it might be viewed differently. His date my wonder if he lives in his mother's basement, for example.

Exactly. Many women would question the use of free coupons/tickets/whatever on a first date and not necessarily be shallow.

Don't be cheap. Use the coupons with friends, not on a first date.
  • #11
Rick21383 said:
Exactly. Many women would question the use of free coupons/tickets/whatever on a first date and not necessarily be shallow.

Don't be cheap. Use the coupons with friends, not on a first date.
I guess I am more easy going and look at the "person", I don't care if he's taking me on a trip to the Bahamas for free with frequent flier miles and credit card bonus points, he's using them to treat me. I think a female that wants him to spend money instead is shallow and the guy should have second thoughts about her.

I used to date a very nice guy, he was a top attorney and wealthy, from a fine family and headed up some of the best charity balls here. But when we'd go to a movie, there was no drinking or eating allowed because he considered it too expensive, I wasn't even allowed to buy my own. If he'd had coupons, he certainly would have used them. I wouldn't have thought anything of it, even though most women dating someone wealthy would probably be appalled. I would find the use of coupons even more acceptable and smart if the guy didn't have much money.

If I was a guy and dating, I might actually buy tickets ahead of time and tell the girl they were free just to see if she was the kind of person I want to get to know better.
  • #12
Evo said:
I guess I am more easy going and look at the "person", I don't care if he's taking me on a trip to the Bahamas for free with frequent flier miles and credit card bonus points, he's using them to treat me. I think a female that wants him to spend money instead is shallow and the guy should have second thoughts about her...
If I was a guy and dating, I might actually buy tickets ahead of time and tell the girl they were free just to see if she was the kind of person I want to get to know better.
Marry me! Marry me NOW!
:!) :!)
  • #13
Enigman said:
Marry me! Marry me NOW!
:!) :!)
Be careful what you wish for. Now you will be appointed "Evo's Imaginary Boyfriend, Holiday Season 2013". This esteemed position requires that you post pictures of cool socks dedicated to me in the Random Posts thread as we approach the holidays. Failure to do so will result in your immediate termination from the forum. (This is actually a "real" imaginary annual position)

/End of thread hijack
  • #14
Evo said:
I guess I am more easy going and look at the "person", I don't care if he's taking me on a trip to the Bahamas for free with frequent flier miles and credit card bonus points, he's using them to treat me. I think a female that wants him to spend money instead is shallow and the guy should have second thoughts about her.

I used to date a very nice guy, he was a top attorney and wealthy, from a fine family and headed up some of the best charity balls here. But when we'd go to a movie, there was no drinking or eating allowed because he considered it too expensive, I wasn't even allowed to buy my own. If he'd had coupons, he certainly would have used them. I wouldn't have thought anything of it, even though most women dating someone wealthy would probably be appalled. I would find the use of coupons even more acceptable and smart if the guy didn't have much money.

If I was a guy and dating, I might actually buy tickets ahead of time and tell the girl they were free just to see if she was the kind of person I want to get to know better.

ok...that doesn't add up at all. This "guy" was a top attorney and wealthy and headed up some of the best charity balls (lol what?) but eating or drinking anything at the theatre wasn't allowed, even if you bought it, because it was too expensive? Even if half of that was true most girls would ding him based on your description. And rightfully so. Dont be a cheap skate guys...throw down that whole extra $10 for the ticket and avoid looking like a tool. First impressions are key.
  • #15
Bonus advice: Stop buying drinks for random girls at bars & clubs. Girls will graciously except free drinks from ANYONE whether they're into you or not.
  • #16
Rick21383 said:
ok...that doesn't add up at all. This "guy" was a top attorney and wealthy and headed up some of the best charity balls (lol what?) but eating or drinking anything at the theatre wasn't allowed, even if you bought it, because it was too expensive? Even if half of that was true most girls would ding him based on your description. And rightfully so. Dont be a cheap skate guys...throw down that whole extra $10 for the ticket and avoid looking like a tool. First impressions are key.
Charity balls are commonplace in certain social circles. They are a blast.

Again, it depends on what you're looking for, if you are looking for someone that cares about you and not about money, then use the coupon.
  • #17
Evo said:
I used to date a very nice guy, he was a top attorney and wealthy, from a fine family and headed up some of the best charity balls here. But when we'd go to a movie, there was no drinking or eating allowed because he considered it too expensive, I wasn't even allowed to buy my own.

There is a difference between being savvy with money and having deep pockets but short arms.
  • #18
I agree with Flex. It's not so much that I'd be worried that she'd think I'm cheap or anything, but for me there's just something off about using coupons on a date unless you've stated up front, "Hey, I got a coupon for half off at X restaurant, want to go?"

It just seems like, if you take her out and then use a coupon to pay, that you're too focused on the cost of the date, rather than the lady you're with. Just something off about it to me, for the first couple dates. Once you've got her hooked, then be as thrifty as you want.
  • #19
Travis_King said:
I agree with Flex. It's not so much that I'd be worried that she'd think I'm cheap or anything, but for me there's just something off about using coupons on a date unless you've stated up front, "Hey, I got a coupon for half off at X restaurant, want to go?"

It just seems like, if you take her out and then use a coupon to pay, that you're too focused on the cost of the date, rather than the lady you're with. Just something off about it to me, for the first couple dates. Once you've got her hooked, then be as thrifty as you want.
Yeah, I can also see this approach. At least you'll get a few good dates before she dumps you for being cheap. :wink: (kidding)
  • #20
Evo said:
Charity balls are commonplace in certain social circles. They are a blast.

Again, it depends on what you're looking for, if you are looking for someone that cares about you and not about money, then use the coupon.

I know what a charity ball is but that phrase, after calling this guy a "top lawyer", etc. was what caused your description of him to
jump the shark. Anyway, I'm not saying most girls would go as far as refusing a second date just because a guy used a free movie pass, assuming everything else went well but it's not a smart move on the guys part. Sorry, but that's not the credited move to say "I'm chill and don't care" it's a red flag that says "I'm cheap". If you don't have the cash, then don't take her to a movie. In my opinion, you're over thinking the situation. If we're on a first date, I'm not going to waste my time playing games to test you by using a free coupon. I'm going to offer to buy our tickets & whatever food and drinks you want. I don't need to use a free ticket to determine if I like you or not. I'm there to have a good time and if it doesn't work out then oh well. I've spent a few bucks, watched a movie, and don't come off looking like a loser that lives in his parents basement. If you're like 16 and in high school with no job then sure, use the free ticket on a first date.
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  • #21
Just do it mate, yolo,
  • #22
Use the coupons. And use the money you save and (over)indulge her a bit.
  • #23
Evo said:
I used to date a very nice guy, he was a top attorney and wealthy, from a fine family and headed up some of the best charity balls here. But when we'd go to a movie, there was no drinking or eating allowed because he considered it too expensive, I wasn't even allowed to buy my own.

Some "cheapness" has nothing to do with how money he has - and I doubt his unwillingness to buy theater snacks has anything to do with his amount of money. It's probably a fairness issue in his eyes.

Not allowing you to buy your own would be an indication that he might get a little too obsessed with his personal "causes"; not that he was cheap. And that he might be just a bit over controlling.

Probably a more trivial issue, but equally interesting issue, would be whether a person would spend an extra 25 to 50 cents for the large vs the medium just because the relative price difference is so small. Do people really finish off those large drinks?

I dated a woman that liked to bring restaraunt coupons along with her so that even though I was paying, at least it would be a little cheaper. After one meal, she was a little upset that they weren't taking her coupon. Then the waiter had to explain to her that that really wasn't a coupon - it was just an advertisement that looked kind of like a coupon. The price on the "coupon" was their regular price. I thought that was an interesting interaction - and kind of entertaining, although I figured it probably wouldn't be appropriate to actually laugh out loud.

So, at least make sure it's really a coupon before you use it. :smile:
  • #24
I used £1.99 coupons (Big Mac + Fries) at McDonald's when dating an older girl. She didn't mind.

Or so she said.
  • #25
BobG said:
Some "cheapness" has nothing to do with how money he has - and I doubt his unwillingness to buy theater snacks has anything to do with his amount of money. It's probably a fairness issue in his eyes.
Exactly, and that's how I saw it.

Not allowing you to buy your own would be an indication that he might get a little too obsessed with his personal "causes"; not that he was cheap. And that he might be just a bit over controlling.
Exactly, and that's how I saw it.

I dated a woman that liked to bring restaraunt coupons along with her so that even though I was paying, at least it would be a little cheaper. After one meal, she was a little upset that they weren't taking her coupon. Then the waiter had to explain to her that that really wasn't a coupon - it was just an advertisement that looked kind of like a coupon. The price on the "coupon" was their regular price. I thought that was an interesting interaction - and kind of entertaining, although I figured it probably wouldn't be appropriate to actually laugh out loud.

So, at least make sure it's really a coupon before you use it. :smile:
I've seen those, and they aggravate me. I hate that kind of advertising.
  • #26
I didn't read every reply, but I'm surprised to see that nobody suggested getting the tickets before the show. Every theater I've ever gone to allows you to get tickets in advanced, so if she says yes, just get the tickets with the vouchers beforehand, and she'll be none the wiser :)

It also depends on your personality as well, but I won't get into that subject as who the hell knows what women really want? :p
  • #27
Since when were coupons symbolic of anything? If you had a coupon that offered 10K off a new car, would you be too 'moral' to use it? I doubt any woman would deem that a character weakness. She might even consider it clever.
  • #28
Hmm good question , it crossed my mind recently as I had some coupons for a nice restaurent , in the end I paid the entire meal without the coupon and saved it for when I'm going to go with a friend or something.Still not sure if I was worried for nothing , but it could look like I'm a cheap guy.It's worthy to note that I don't care for a girl who would want me for my money (and since I don't have much they probably wouldn't care for me anyway) , but there's a difference between looking cheap and looking poor.

FAQ: Is Using Coupons on a Date a Bad Idea?

1. Can using coupons on a date be seen as cheap or unromantic?

It depends on the context and the type of coupon being used. If the coupon is for a discount at a fancy restaurant or for an activity that the couple enjoys, it can be seen as a smart and practical choice. However, if the coupon is for a free item or a significant discount at a fast food restaurant, it may come across as cheap or lacking effort.

2. Is it appropriate to use coupons on a first date?

Using coupons on a first date may send the wrong message and make it seem like you are not willing to invest in the relationship. It is better to save the coupons for future dates once you have established a connection and comfort with your date.

3. How can I use coupons on a date without making it awkward or uncomfortable?

If you want to use a coupon on a date, it is important to be transparent and communicate with your date beforehand. Let them know that you have a coupon and ask if they are comfortable with using it. This can help avoid any awkwardness or discomfort during the date.

4. Are there any situations where using coupons on a date is acceptable?

Yes, there are situations where using coupons on a date can be acceptable. For example, if both individuals are on a tight budget or if the coupon is for a shared activity or experience that the couple enjoys. It is also acceptable if the coupon is for a special occasion, such as a birthday or anniversary.

5. Should I feel embarrassed or ashamed for using coupons on a date?

No, you should not feel embarrassed or ashamed for using coupons on a date. Saving money and being financially responsible is a smart choice, and using coupons can help you do so. It is important to remember that the value of a date comes from the time and connection shared, not the amount of money spent.

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