Answers to a Physicist's Dating Dilemma: Should Tea be Prepared Early?

  • Thread starter Rohin.T.Narayan
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In summary, the physicists went to a restaurant and asked for tea to be made hot, but the waiter brought milk and water tea bags and sugar cubes. The physicist mixed the ingredients and made the tea, then mixed cold milk and coffee and put it in the fridge to drink later. The question for the physicist is whether the tea would be more hot if the tea was made after the girlfriend arrived. The answer depends on whether the girlfriend took milk in her tea and how hot the milk was.
  • #1
A physicists dating...

I went for a date with my girlfriend last sunday to a state of the art restaurant. I asked the waiter to bring 2 cups of tea. but he brought hot milk hot water tea bags and sugar cubes. Now my girl called me over my cellphone and told me that she will be late by half an hour. This is a perplexing situation. I want the tea to be as hot as it can be. I mixed the ingredients and made the tea then itself.

Now the question for you. Did I do anything wise here ? Would the tea be more hot had I prepared the tea after my girl came?

please reason out your answer so that I can be more wiser the next time
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  • #2
Rohin.T.Narayan said:
I went for a date with my girlfriend last sunday to a state of the art restaurant. I asked the waiter to bring 2 cups of tea. but he brought hot milk hot water tea bags and sugar cubes. Now my girl called me over my cellphone and told me that she will be late by half an hour. This is a perplexing situation. I want the tea to be as hot as it can be. I mixed the ingredients and made the tea then itself.

Now the question for you. Did I do anything wise here ? Would the tea be more hot had I prepared the tea after my girl came?

please reason out your answer so that I can be more wiser the next time
It depends on whether she took milk in her tea and how hot the milk was. A tea bag placed in cool water it isn't tea, so from a culinary perspective you did the right thing.

  • #3
This is a practical application for a Peltier junction. Put milk on one side, and the tea on the other, hook up 5 Amperes, shabang you got boiling tea and milk popsicles!

What kind of tea was it?

GHB usually helps when you're making tea for your girlfriend, I always carry a small white package of it in my front right pocket.
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  • #4
Rohin.T.Narayan said:
please reason out your answer so that I can be more wiser the next time
Is this a homework problem?

I know I've seen this question on here before; you can use the search feature to find previous discussion on the topic.
  • #5
mk said:
GHB usually helps when you're making tea for your girlfriend, I always carry a small white package of it in my front right pocket.

I hope that the GHB your referring to, is not the same substance that I've heard of people slipping into women's drinks...
  • #6
I would have asked the waiter/waitress to keep it warm for you as your gf is running late. They always understand :smile:
  • #7
You should make the tea as cold possible as soon as possible, laws of thermodynamics tell us that the speed of cooling down depends on the temperature difference, so if you make the temperature difference lower, it will cool down slower. Experiments have been done with adding cold milk to coffee, the temperature difference was almost 2 oC after 5 min :-p
  • #8
This has been posted several times before, it's a homework problem.

FAQ: Answers to a Physicist's Dating Dilemma: Should Tea be Prepared Early?

1. What is the dilemma faced by a physicist in dating?

The dilemma faced by a physicist in dating is whether to prepare tea early or wait until the time of consumption. This dilemma arises due to the conflicting principles of thermodynamics and freshness.

2. Why is tea preparation a concern for a physicist?

Tea preparation is a concern for a physicist because it involves the transfer of heat energy and the change in temperature and state of matter. As a scientist, a physicist is interested in understanding the underlying principles and effects of these processes.

3. What does thermodynamics have to do with preparing tea early?

Thermodynamics is the study of the relationship between heat, temperature, energy, and work. Preparing tea early means that the tea will have to be reheated before consumption, which involves the transfer of heat energy and affects the temperature and freshness of the tea. This goes against the principle of thermodynamics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred.

4. Why is freshness a concern when preparing tea?

Freshness is a concern when preparing tea because the taste and aroma of tea are affected by the time since it was brewed. Preparing tea early means that it will have to be stored for some time before consumption, which can affect its freshness and overall quality.

5. Is there a definitive answer to the physicist's dating dilemma?

No, there is no definitive answer to the physicist's dating dilemma. It ultimately depends on personal preferences and priorities. Some may prioritize the principles of thermodynamics and opt to prepare tea closer to the time of consumption, while others may prioritize convenience and opt to prepare tea early. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the decision ultimately lies with the individual.
