Perfectly Bad: Breaking All the Rules

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, Lust, Glutton, Avarice, Sloth, Wrath, Pride, and Envy are all bad for humans. Humility, Meekness, Charity, Chastity, Moderation, Zeal, and Generosity are good for humans.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
Yep every one is, i have broken all the rules.

Lust, i have done loads of lusting. strike 1

Glutton, well may be a bit, strike 1

Avarice, Hmmm, strike 1

Sloth, i suppose so , strike 1

Wrath, oh course i b**** well have , strike 1

Envy, Hmmm , strike 1

Pride, yup, strike 1

Well at least i am perfect at being bad.
Physics news on
  • #2
It isn't too late, woolie. Seven virtues: humility, meekness, charity, chastity, moderation, zeal, and generosity.

True, the others sound like more fun...
  • #3
Wow. This site came up in a search for some lists of sins and virtues. This is from the list of sins:
Do not demonstrate these values yourself. Suggest that the other person is succumbing to one or more of these values and they will likely head in the opposite direction.

Another approach is to play the Devil and encourage the other person to give into these natural tendencies.

You can then either use this 'rule-breaking' as evidence that they can do things they previously would not consider. You can even use it then as a guilt lever, maybe even as a form of blackmail (this is far more common than may be supposed).
:smile: I guess there wasn't room on the list for blackmail.
  • #4
humility, meekness, charity, chastity, moderation, zeal.

I do not know HRW this makes me worse i think.

I am zealous with my lusting.

moderation is some thing

can men be chaste ?

meek, me, say that to my face if you dare.

charitable, oh cobblers my one weak spot.
  • #5
wolram said:
can men be chaste ?
I don't know - I would need to do some tests. First, I need some volunteers.
  • #6
honestrosewater said:
I don't know - I would need to do some tests. First, I need some volunteers.

:cry: I just looked up, "chaste", in Wiki.

look under, " Health benefits and abstinence", :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #7
Well, that explains it... men were born to be stupid. :smile:

Only my plague thus far I count my gain,
That she that makes me sin awards me pain.
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  • #8
honestrosewater said:
Well, that explains it... men were born to be stupid. :smile:

Women are killing men :-p i new there was a hidden agenda
  • #9
wolram said:
Women are killing men :-p i new there was a hidden agenda
Yes, that is an interesting twist. :!) / :devil:
  • #10
wolram said:
Women are killing men :-p i new there was a hidden agenda
You've finally understood that, then?
Welcome to the club.
  • #11
arildno said:
You've finally understood that, then?
Welcome to the club.

But sir ,you could also be the death of mankind, from now on i will be self contained. :-p
  • #12
honestrosewater said:
Seven virtues[/url]: humility, meekness, charity, chastity, moderation, zeal, and generosity.
Remember... virtue is its own punishment.
  • #13
Can our virtues outweigh our sins. I have a lot of zeal and a moderate amount chastity while generously giving to charity in a humble and meek sort of way.
  • #14
edward said:
Can our virtues outweigh our sins. I have a lot of zeal and a moderate amount chastity while generously giving to charity in a humble and meek sort of way.

No matter what, "man", does he is enslaved by the, "women", practice chastity
and the human race ends, be generous and your life is cut short, us men loose
either way. :cry:
  • #15
On top of the hilarity of this thread, I just about fell outta my chair when I saw the Google Ads up top. Man they will try to sell you anything. The key words for this thread are appearantly "SIN, SLOTH, LUST" and they all have to do with saving the rainforest... who knew one man's vices dealt with saving the rainforest...
  • #16
woolyram said:
can men be chaste ?
honestrosewater said:
I don't know - I would need to do some tests. First, I need some volunteers.
I will volunteer to chase them. :approve: :-p
  • #17
I'll volunteer to chase the women (Les lapine) chasing the men
  • #18
Lapin Dormant said:
I'll volunteer to chase the women (Les lapine) chasing the men
Rabbits chasing women chasing men? Très comique! :smile:
  • #19
Why did Adam give up a perfectly good rib :-p
  • #20
Math Is Hard said:
I will volunteer to chase them. :approve: :-p
:smile: Genius.

FAQ: Perfectly Bad: Breaking All the Rules

What is "Perfectly Bad: Breaking All the Rules" about?

"Perfectly Bad: Breaking All the Rules" is a novel written by author Jane Smith. It follows the story of a rebellious teenager named Lily who breaks all the rules and faces the consequences of her actions.

What inspired the author to write "Perfectly Bad: Breaking All the Rules"?

The author, Jane Smith, has always been fascinated by the idea of breaking rules and the consequences that come with it. She wanted to explore this theme through the eyes of a teenage protagonist, which ultimately led to the creation of "Perfectly Bad: Breaking All the Rules".

Is "Perfectly Bad: Breaking All the Rules" based on a true story?

No, "Perfectly Bad: Breaking All the Rules" is a work of fiction. While the events and characters may be inspired by real-life situations, the story itself is not based on a true story.

What message does "Perfectly Bad: Breaking All the Rules" convey?

The novel explores themes of rebellion, consequences, and growth. It ultimately conveys the message that breaking rules may seem enticing, but it often leads to negative consequences. It also highlights the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and learning from mistakes.

What age group is "Perfectly Bad: Breaking All the Rules" suitable for?

"Perfectly Bad: Breaking All the Rules" is recommended for readers aged 13 and above. It contains mature themes and language that may not be suitable for younger readers.

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