Have you ever experienced the 24 hour zoobonic plague from food poisoning?

  • Thread starter zoobyshoe
  • Start date
In summary: I'm not sure. In summary, Zooby got food poisoning from swordfish and it was pretty bad. She also recalls getting food poisoning as a child and it was really bad.
  • #1
I spent most of yesterday crawling on all fours due to a case of the 24 hour zoobonic plague. There was vomiting and other unpleasant things. Probably brought on by food poisoning.

This happens to me once in a while. Once a guy talked me into trying raw oysters. Apparently I am allergic to the bacteria they contain. Some people aren't, and can eat them with impunity.

Food poisoning feels like death is immanent. It has happened to me four times now, each time from something different.

Post your food poisoning stories here, or, post about any time you were sure death was not far away.
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  • #2
Two different occasions, years apart, food poisoning after cooking frozen shrimp. By pure coincidence, I had grape juice both times too--which gave everything a nice purple tint, if I may be crass--though I only purchase grape juice a couple of times a year.
  • #3
Janitor said:
By pure coincidence, I had grape juice both times too--which gave everything a nice purple tint, if I may be crass--though I only purchase grape juice a couple of times a year.
No one could really have asked for a report of a more splendid coincidence!
  • #4
I thought you might enjoy that extra little detail.
  • #5
zoobyshoe said:
I spent most of yesterday crawling on all fours

I thought that you spent everyday on all fours! :smile: :smile: :smile:

Okay, had to say it. :biggrin:

I got food poisoning at a hotel in Charlotte NC last year. They had used a jr chef who in turn used yesterdays meat or something. Boy did they kiss my butt! I had personalized service from the head chef and the hotel manager.

Anyway, I went from feeling fine, to high velocity projections to the north and south in less than an hour. Like you said, I thought I was going to die.

I once saw a scientist from CDC who said that about 80% of all bouts with the flu are really not the flu; rather they are minor episodes of food poisoning. It seems that many of us poison ourselves regularly.
  • #6
I got food poisoning from swordfish in about 1986. Once a fish lover, I still can't stomach the smell of fish now.
  • #7
Poor Zooby. Sorry you are sick.
I've had food poisoning before. One time I was sick for 10 days - felled by a tainted can of salmon.
At first I was afraid I would die. Then later... I was afraid I wouldn't! Really awful. You have all my empathy.
I hope you are feeling better.
  • #8
Ivan Seeking said:
I thought that you spent everyday on all fours! :smile: :smile: :smile:
No, I stand up now and then. You have to to reach the top shelf in the fridge.
I once saw a scientist from CDC who said that about 80% of all bouts with the flu are really not the flu; rather they are minor episodes of food poisoning. It seems that many of us poison ourselves regularly.
I did not know that.
  • #9
Ivan Seeking said:
I got food poisoning from swordfish in about 1986. Once a fish lover, I still can't stomach the smell of fish now.
Interesting. I went through a fish eating binge about 4 months ago. I tried three or four different kinds I'd never happened to have. Then I broke out in these red raised welts that itched like crazy for about three weeks. Apparently some of these fish start developing histamies as soon as they die. There supposed to freeze them immediately on the boat.
  • #10
Math Is Hard said:
Poor Zooby. Sorry you are sick.
I've had food poisoning before. One time I was sick for 10 days - felled by a tainted can of salmon.
At first I was afraid I would die. Then later... I was afraid I wouldn't! Really awful. You have all my empathy.
I hope you are feeling better.
Yes, that's exactly it. There are times you're afraid you're going to die, and then the moments it gets so bad you hope you do.

10 days, though! I've never had it that bad. That must have been excruciating.

I feel infinitly better today. Thanks.
  • #11
when I was little I remember this time where my mom made pankaces and bacon for breakfast the day before easter. Well apparently the bacon wasn't cooked well enough because on easter i was puking my guts out. Even when I tried to eat a single jelly bean (and how i tried) I would just end up puking it up. Not the best easter I've ever had.
  • #12
I got called in on a surgery case many years ago and while I was waiting for the rest of the crew to arrive, I purchased a turkey sandwich from the ER vending machine. I was EXTREMELY sorry I had done that a few hours later. I think I had to get better in order to die. I don't think they let you into heaven in that condition!
  • #13
DarkAnt said:
Well apparently the bacon wasn't cooked well enough because on easter i was puking my guts out.
I've never heard of bacon being the culprit before. I did get sick once from over easy eggs. I guess I got that one carton that escaped rotation for six months or something. The thing I don't like is what Ivan mentioned; that it can kill your tast for the food that made you sick. It was a while before I ate eggs again.
Tsunami said:
I think I had to get better in order to die.
Yep, well put.
  • #14
I had food poisoning... well milk poisoning. I had my cereal in the morning and then as I went to pour the milk in my tea once I had eaten my cereal I noticed it was 3 days out of date. Yuck.
  • #15
i once had a mcchicken sandwich at lunch from mcdonalds then went to class...(the sandwhich wasent fully cooked or something was wrong with it)...and i puked all over the class floor and even managed to get some on the guy that sits next to me...

it wasent cool...i hate puking, it makes me feel like I am being electricuated lol...like u feel like ur eyes are going to pop out ur head, and ur jaw kills after its over
  • #16
jimmy p said:
You are comparing accidently eating some inadvertant yogurt to the 24 hour zoobonic plague?
  • #17
im comparing the mess I made to the zoobonic plague.. Partially digested cheerios everywhere...
  • #18
decibel said:
it wasent cool...i hate puking, it makes me feel like I am being electricuated lol...like u feel like ur eyes are going to pop out ur head, and ur jaw kills after its over
I always try to put off the upchucking as long as I can, hoping the feeling will go away by itself, because I hate throwing up. With food poisoning, this never works and you always end up throwing up eventually, until you're empty. And it isn't until you're empty that you start to feel any better. Once you're empty, then you can wait out the fever and chills, hopfully falling asleep during most of them.
  • #19
jimmy p said:
im comparing the mess I made to the zoobonic plague.. Partially digested cheerios everywhere...
Oh. As long as you hurled, everything is alright then. I thought you meant you tasted some curdled milk and said "yuck" and that was the extent of it.
  • #20
decibel said:
i once had a mcchicken sandwich at lunch from mcdonalds then went to class...(the sandwhich wasent fully cooked or something was wrong with it)...and i puked all over the class floor and even managed to get some on the guy that sits next to me...
Actually this reminds me that one of my bouts with the zoobonic plague was occasioned by a visit to the local Golden Arches drive through late at night. Apparently the guy on the grill must have been jumping the gun on the automatic timers that night, because when it hit me a few hours later, I knew that was the only wild card in my recent diet.

Meat, mayonaise and fish, are the usual suspects, but I also got it from eggs once, as I mentioned, and the very first time I ever got it was from a jar of peanut butter of all things. This thing a couple days ago came from fried chicken that you can buy hot at the supermarket. I went there late at night, and there is no telling how long it may have been sitting under that heat lamp.

I'm just realizing that it comes to a total of SIX times I've had it: Peanut butter, smoked oysters, raw oysters, eggs, McDonalds, and fried chicken.
  • #21
Somebody called?

The only time i had food poisoning was when i ate almost 3 plates full of cabbage in some rural village in China. I'm not a vegetarian, but that cook was really working magic with those cabbage. But in the end, i vomitted countless times and also had diorrhea.
  • #22
Ahh Rons Cafe, I have a story about Maccy D's too.. Apparently there was some girl in Portsmouth who had a McChicken sandwich and shortly after eating it, her mouth started swelling, so they went to the doctors, and found she had contracted an STI and when the burger was tested there was 3 different semen samples present.
  • #23
Bubonic Plague said:
Somebody called?
Yeah, but you missed the 24 hour deadline. Sorry, no prize.

The only time i had food poisoning was when i ate almost 3 plates full of cabbage in some rural village in China. I'm not a vegetarian, but that cook was really working magic with those cabbage. But in the end, i vomitted countless times and also had diorrhea.
Magic cabbage. I'll make a note: "Do not eat magic chinese cabbage."
  • #24
jimmy p said:
Ahh Rons Cafe, I have a story about Maccy D's too.. Apparently there was some girl in Portsmouth...
Urban legend.
  • #25
zoobyshoe said:
Urban legend.

Well I heard it from a guy who knows someone who knows this person that has a friend who eavesdrops on conversations...
  • #26
jimmy p said:
Well I heard it from a guy who knows someone who knows this person that has a friend who eavesdrops on conversations...
Oh. Didn't realize the chain of info was that short. It's authentic then. Sorry for the aspersions.
  • #27
It pays to have contacts in the right places :biggrin:

FAQ: Have you ever experienced the 24 hour zoobonic plague from food poisoning?

1. What is the 24 hour zoobonic plague from food poisoning?

The 24 hour zoobonic plague from food poisoning is a type of foodborne illness caused by consuming contaminated food or water. It is typically characterized by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.

2. How is the 24 hour zoobonic plague from food poisoning transmitted?

The 24 hour zoobonic plague from food poisoning is typically transmitted through the ingestion of food or water contaminated with harmful bacteria, viruses, or parasites. It can also be spread through contact with infected individuals or surfaces.

3. What are the common sources of the 24 hour zoobonic plague from food poisoning?

The 24 hour zoobonic plague from food poisoning can be caused by a variety of sources, including undercooked or raw meat, contaminated fruits and vegetables, unpasteurized dairy products, and contaminated water. It can also be spread through improper food handling and preparation practices.

4. How long does it take to experience symptoms of the 24 hour zoobonic plague from food poisoning?

The 24 hour zoobonic plague from food poisoning typically presents symptoms within 2-6 hours after consuming contaminated food or water. However, in some cases, it may take up to 24 hours for symptoms to appear.

5. What are the best ways to prevent the 24 hour zoobonic plague from food poisoning?

The best ways to prevent the 24 hour zoobonic plague from food poisoning include practicing good hygiene, properly cooking and storing food, avoiding cross-contamination, and consuming only safe and properly prepared food and water. It is also important to wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consuming them.

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