Aero & Mech: Separate the Forums for Easier Navigation

  • Thread starter Cyrus
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of splitting the ME and AE forums into two separate entities. There are a lot of posts for ME, but scattered among them are some aerospace related threads, making it difficult to find specific topics. The suggestion is to create a dedicated Aero sub-forum and similar for Mechanical. However, there are concerns about the volume and overlap of topics. The conversation also explores the idea of making Aero a subforum under Mech & Aero. One person offers to move all the aerospace threads from the ME forum, while another suggests reporting them for easier moving. The overall desire is to attract more aerospace engineers and students to the forum.
  • #1
I would really appreciate it if somone could split the ME and AE forums into two separate entities. I noticed there are a hell of a lot of posts for ME and scattered here and there are some Aerospace related threads. It's *really* a pain in the backside to have to constantly sift through thread after thread hoping to find an aero topic.

I don't know how much work it would take to move things over, but I'm willing to do it myself (move all Aero threads into a dedicated Aero Sub-forum and smilar for Mechanical).

As it stands right now, its just a freakin mess and the problem is inherent to the fact that there are two topics of engineering in one place. So unless there are two separate sections, this will never go away.

Every other area of engineering has its own thread, but for some reason these two are merged into one.
Physics news on
  • #2
Aero is pretty specialized and historically taken as a subset of mechanical anyway. I see two practical problems though:

1. I'm not sure we have enough volume for a purely aero forum.
2. Due to the overlap, it would be tough to decide which forum to put many threads in.
  • #3
This list of Aero threads are just from the first three pages in that forum. I think there is enough to move over.

Would this design work? (rocket)
Lift ! (airplanes)
Question on Aerofoil and winglets profile
Landing Gear reliability testing.
lifting line theory...numeric estimation
Gyroscopes for direct stabilization of aircraft
sea plane with tail prop
propeller vs. rotor
Shorter Stopping Distance for ultralight vehicles?
aerospace/mechanical engineer/engineering student help wanted
Super-Birds? Vs Jet-engines
need ideas for school aero project please
Manned Mars mission in 2019?
Homemade Helicopter: For the People
How to build a simple wind tunnel force balance?
New Kind of Rocket Booster
autogyro plans
New Ideas for shelding:manned deep space Missions

I really don't see *too* much overlap between these two areas. If its a fluids question that does not relate to an aircraft system, its a mechanical topic.

Im not sure about others, but I don't bother looking at that part of the forums because I simply don't want to sift through the convolution of topics hoping to find something, and I'd speculate that people who come across PF and see this mix-up of topics arent going to want to post in there either. At least I feel it turns people away from posting - it does that for me.
  • #4
Ok, maybe you guys are not really getting my drift.

Do a google on "Aerospace Forums" and see the results. The result is PF, and one or two other CRAPY forums. Its to the point where guys are posting aerospace stuff in model airplane forums.

PF could potentially attract a large number of aerospace engineers, and students if it had a strong dedicated Aerospace Section. There really is next to nothing out there on the net. If I were searching for an aero forum on google, I would invariably arrive at PF (do the google yourself, you WILL come across PF as one of the first results), I wouldn't spend more than five mins before I left for another site because its such a grab bag of stuff. You could bring in a lot of people...

Would it take up more resources to do this?
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  • #5
Cyrus said:
Ok, maybe you guys are not really getting my drift.

Do a google on "Aerospace Forums" and see the results. The result is PF, and one or two other CRAPY forums. Its to the point where guys are posting aerospace stuff in model airplane forums.

PF could potentially attract a large number of aerospace engineers, and students if it had a strong dedicated Aerospace Section. There really is next to nothing out there on the net. If I were searching for an aero forum on google, I would invariably arrive at PF (do the google yourself, you WILL come across PF as one of the first results), I wouldn't spend more than five mins before I left for another site because its such a grab bag of stuff. You could bring in a lot of people...

Would it take up more resources to do this?
Start by becoming a contributor - again. :biggrin:
  • #6
Astronuc said:
Start by becoming a contributor - again. :biggrin:

:smile: Only because I fear you have the super-human strength to pick me up by my ankles and shake me until all the change falls out of my pockets! (This will be my 3rd time BTW)
  • #7
I would love to see a dedicated aerospace engineering section. The easy solution is to move the current ME/Aero forum into its own archive so we don't have to retroactively move hundreds of threads to a new forum. Then we can decide on a standard with which to identify a thread as Aero or ME (i.e. if fluids are mentioned). Maybe as a rule of thumb, if a thread is started in ME but is clearly an Aero topic, it should be moved, but not vice versa?
  • #8
One option could be (if the need exists) to make Aero be a subforum under Mech & Aero. That way, Greg won't be upset about having to change the number of forums on the main page.
  • #9
I agree with Cyrus in his plight. Gokul's suggestion seems like a viable solution.

Just my $0.02
  • #10
Gokul43201 said:
One option could be (if the need exists) to make Aero be a subforum under Mech & Aero. That way, Greg won't be upset about having to change the number of forums on the main page.

That's fine by me so long as the posts are not mixed together.
  • #12
Greg Bernhardt said:
ok done

You sir, are the man.
  • #13
I am willing to move over all the threads that are clearly aerospace that are in the ME forum right now if you want me to.

Or I can 'report' all the ones I find if that's easier too. Then you just have to move all the reported threads.
  • #14
Cyrus said:
I am willing to move over all the threads that are clearly aerospace that are in the ME forum right now if you want me to.

Just PM the links
  • #15
Just saw this - I'll getting the ones on the first few pages.
  • #16
I'm working my way through from the very first page:

Pages 57-58 Thread titles:
For you professionals out there
Spacecraft Engineering
Aerospace engineers
Thrust and power question
aerodynamics question
Aerodynamics: Wing Pitching Moment
Rocket engines
Questions for aerospace engineers
Aero Question
End of Commercial SuperSonic Flight
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  • #17
Cyrus said:
I'm working my way through from the very first page:

Pages 57-58 Thread titles:
For you professionals out there
Spacecraft Engineering
Aerospace engineers
Thrust and power question
aerodynamics question
Aerodynamics: Wing Pitching Moment
Rocket engines
Questions for aerospace engineers
Aero Question
End of Commercial SuperSonic Flight

Wow, that's dedication! I'll move these for you [Edit: done]. For the record, the page numbers you see are different from the page numbers the mentors see (we have deleted threads interspersed throughout).
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  • #18
Pg: 55-56

Critical Velocity?
Derigible Lift Capacity
Conseption for Winged Luner Craft
noise reduction in a jet engine
Quiet Jet Engines
NASA's X-43A Proves Hypersonic Scramjet Flight
Rebirth of the Hypersoar Program
Specific Impulse
Feasability of an Ion Engine For Manned Missions?
DARPA's "Morph"
Spanwise Lift force distribution?
Rocket trust and sound barrier breaktrough
Turbine Limit
Course regulation of a rocket set for outer-space
Moon/Mars - just go !
What are everyones thoughts on UAVs?
F-22 and MiG 1.42
Forward Throw from Aircraft ?
lift of wings
Aerodynamic Controll Surface Design
Autonomous satilite
Magneto Hydrodynamic Propulsion for hypersonic aircraft?
Inflatable spaceship set for test flight
Aeronautical and astronautical Engineering
Shuttle Manual
Active/Passive noise control
eStatic Field on Aeroplane Wings
Potential flow around an airfoil
Falling from an aircraft...effects?
Is hovering helicopter torque ever exactly = 0 ?
J-57 Turbojet
Good Aerodynamics websites for Beginners
Aerospace Engineering
Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics
Edit: Threads moved - cristo
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  • #19
(maybe now that I am posting the list's its a bit more clear as to why I was saying it was a big jumbled up mess of two topics)
  • #20
pg: 49-54

Xpress Aerospace
Where is that paper?
Airfoil moment performance details
Shuttle's Main Engines
I want to be an aerospace engineer
Final speed of rocket in space
A collateral question about rockets
Black Sky: Space Ship One documentary on Science Channel
Is Burt Rutan the Cray of aeronautics?
Breaking sound barrier
Inverted flying
Remote controlled aircraft: Biplane efficiency
Jet Engines
Resistence of wings on commercial airliners
A traveling-wave engine to power deep space travel
Physics of scramjet engines.
power failure on helicopter
Golden coloured paper in Satellites
Satellite guided airship
harder than any other
Nano Flight
Mach 10
Modeling a Saturn V launch
How Helicopter works...
The world's largest aircraft
Shame on NASA
Disaster relief blimps: case made
Need an advise please
Help I need to clear the runway!
Are practical aircrafts dependent on carbon-based fuels?
Clearing The Runway Revisited
Aircraft system HELP
A question on thrust
automatic flight control
Jet Propulsion Books
Airport Abberation...
aerospace people get in here quick, i need help w/ a question.
Acceleration for take-off
LEM gear
Celebrating a Century of Flight
Some Satellite Questions..
Russ or U.S ?
Dog fight
Need advice from mech/aero space engineers
What made an Airbus rudder snap in mid-air?
Becoming a Pilot - what do you need?
Heavy lauch/lift vehicles
Russian Plane
Why Harrier didn't success?
airfield way
for NASA
Rocket models
The probability of working for NASA
aviation forum
Edit: Moved - cristo
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  • #21
pg: 40-48

Aspiring Aeronautical/Astronautical Engineer
advice on rockets
Thrust vs. Pressure Altitude
Hydraulics for Landing Assemblies?
SR-71 Blackbird - Supersonic Aircraft
Toughest material for space ships
Physics of Turbofan operation
Model Rocket Basic Guidance
pumping air over wing??
taking off an helicopter
Book for introduction in aerodynamics
Thrust from Propellers
Help finding a Mentor in Aerospace Engineering
model rocket propulsion
Jet engine intakes
Thrust Vectoring
A380 Has First Flight
Coanda or Bernouli, which describes lift?
Airbus strikes Boeing
Ground Effect
Japan, France to Jointly Develop New Jet
Report of the NASA Science Definition Team for the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter
Rocket Engine Design
Congrats to Eurocopter
Water Weak behind Aircrafts
stealth characteristics
High speed jets used in rocket engines
Unique flying machines
Prop effect
Solar Sail Spacecraft
Rogallo Wing
CO2 powered water rocketry
Modification of Space Shuttle Tiles?
Proposal Modify Shuttle Fuel Tank
static margin and longitundiual stability
Space Shuttle moon orbit
Aviation future
Shuttle Sensor
low speed airfoil
aerodynamics textbooks
New Shuttle concepts from Europe
Japan to test supersonic airliner prototype
Controlled Descent
NASA Announces New Launch Vehicle and CEV
Aerospace engineering
AIAA - Textbooks in Aerodynamics and Space Engineering
How do you understand Aerodynamics?
Question on wing Down wash ?
Crazy Space Plane Idea I have
military aircraft
NASA's crazy Mars idea!
  • #22
pg: 33-39

Need help with an airfoil name
IIT's Aerospace Engineering Program.
Batwing airplanes
spitfire strutural plans
engineering for a rocket scientist
low speed airfoil
Fin Stabilization
Clark Y-14 Airfoil
Boeing 747-400
Airplanes without classes?
airplane pulling on the earth?
Simple homemade helicopter
Solid fuel rockets
Capsule Reentry
Turbo Fan
Aerospace Engineer Question
Why does a jet look like this when it breaks the sound barrier?
the real drawings of the supermarine spitfire
Wind Tunnel Test!
ww2 airfoil and aircrafts
Aerospace Engineers
Can an aerospace Engineer please complete this interview for a PLTW student?
Help modeling a hiller flybar?
Lift of a trapezoidal wing
shielding of robots in space
subsonic aircrafts
Virgin Galactic
Helicopter downwash
Airbags for rockets
Fusion Rocket.
Airframe impact question
Mathematics in Aerospace Engineering
Homemade Parachute
aerospace engineering study and work in the United States
jet engines
Survey text on aerospace engineering
Going to the moon?
Engine Size 747-400
which language for aerospace industry
United Technologies (UTC) Acquires Rocketdyne from Boeing
Finite Wings
NASA/NACA Technical Reports and Memoranda
Scramjet Speed
New university student in aerospace engineering program
End of the Space Shuttle?
Japan's Supersonic Aircraft
Scram Jet Blimps
NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts
NASA Glenn - Power and Propulsion R&D
NASA Marshall Fact Sheets
Why tiles for re-entry and not launch?
NASA Lunar Lander Challenge
Airliner Autoland Stats
Airplane design
Need Help - A step towards Aerospace Engineering
Question about jet propulsion.
Moment Coefficients
Lift on an airfoil
  • #23
p. 20-31
Induced drag in a biplane
Submersible aircraft carierrs
Ramjet Topic!
NASA's Constellation Program - Center Assignments
Rocket Booster Failure...
The Extended Kalman Filter
How do aircraft fly upside down?
Space elevator feasibility; split from: NASA Announces New Launch Vehicle and CEV
AIAA - Nuclear and Future Flight Propulsion Technical Committee
Career In Avionics
Computer Code For 3-D Rocket Thermal Evaluation
Nose cone design
Winglet question
why propellers used for cargos
Driving a flapping wing
question: ice forming on wing
Size of test wing
Fly by wire
supersonic turning radius
best books for students of aerospace?
Question about a modified 747
Delta Wing - Natural Control Reversal
flying car
JSF F-35B Tests
Propeller and thrust
Aerospace Engineering Experiments
Alarm @ wing stall
gas flowing quickly over the surface of an aircraft wing
MIT's GUI_Missile_Flyout
Standard Takeoff Temperature
Aerodynamic stabilization of satellites
Aerospace Unis
Buran Vehicle (USSR)
Blue Origin wants to hire experienced aerospace engineer or engineering leader
Fighter aircraft maneovres
Propeller Efficiency
can anyone confirm this equation?? Prop. Thrust
Shimming of nose landing gear...
Obtaining very old blueprints?
Some question about Boeing 777
A google talk conference chat for Aerospace Engineering
A few questions about helicopters
Sea-Launch "anomaly"
Propeller Thrust Equation
wing shape of boeing 787
airbus engine noise reduction
Classification of corrosion, please help(Aviation Industry)
Entering a Masters program in Aerospace Engineering
Where Can i Get Basic aircraft Maintenance BOOK
Launching a UAV...
How would you determine the Lift(thrust) force of a Helicopter in hover
Books on flight engineering!
Aluminum prop help
thrust vectoring?
Why does an airplane perform a loop?
Naca 0015
airfoil selection
Conformal Mapping of Aerofoil at incidence
Aircraft Structure Problem
temperature of the back of a turbine jet engine (or something like that)
Jet sound contribution
Becoming an aerospace engineer
Rotorcraft Problem
deciding aerospace as my course
Aerodynamic Forces
Aerospace Engineering Conference
GPA for Aero grad school
Aircraft Wings
mean aerodynamic center
Hypersonic Aircraft Design Project
Spanwise load distribution due to change in twist!
Gust Load Alleviation and Flutter Supression?
Should I pursue and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering or stick with a Masters Degree?
How can i be an Astronaut?
Mathematics involved in Aerodynamics
Need Materials for "Stability and Control Helicopter"
Offcentre thrust, spinning spaceship
I am interested in building a rocket with feedback control system...
Wing weights
propeller problem
Helicopter aerodynamics
can we increase the wing area vertically?
aircraft structure (thin walled closed section beam)
How do planes fly?
aircraft inventions
Satelites at different levels ..

FAQ: Aero & Mech: Separate the Forums for Easier Navigation

1. What is the purpose of separating the Aero and Mech forums?

The purpose of separating the Aero and Mech forums is to make navigation and finding relevant information easier for users. This allows for more efficient and organized discussions within each field.

2. Will my current forum posts be transferred to the new separate forums?

Yes, all current forum posts will be transferred to the respective Aero and Mech forums. This will ensure that no discussions are lost and can continue in the appropriate forum.

3. Can I still access both Aero and Mech forums if I am interested in both fields?

Yes, users can still access both forums even if they are interested in both Aero and Mech. The separation is primarily for easier navigation and organization, but users are not restricted to only one forum.

4. How will this change affect the community and discussions?

This change is intended to improve the community and discussions by providing a more focused and relevant platform for each field. It will also make it easier for users to find and participate in discussions related to their specific interests.

5. Are there any other changes that will be made along with the separation of the forums?

No, there are no other changes planned along with the separation of the forums. The goal is to keep the forum layout and features as consistent as possible while improving navigation and organization for users.
