I'm no biologist, but I think it's a sloth.

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, the group of teens found a dead sloth and claimed that they killed it with a blunt object. They have since been heavily criticized for their story. It is likely that the creature was just a sloth that had lost its fur and was bloated from being in water.
  • #1

This story has gotten some decent publicity. Panamanian officials are saying it's a dead fetus? A dead fetus of what? Maybe a sloth?

A mystery creature in Panama was beaten to death by teens on Saturday. Four teens came upon a mystery creature in Panama while they were walking on near a cave in the city of Cerro Azul. The four teens were terrified of the mystery creature, which has subsequently been named the "Panama
Mystery Creature in Panama Beaten to Death by Teens

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  • #2
It looks like a Hollywood alien. It's probably fake.

  • #3

Either a shaved sloth or sloth fetus, I'd say.
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  • #4
lol? looks weird. i guess taking it as a sloth is the best explenation, and i am content with it.
  • #5
I agree it looks much like a sloth especially with those claws. But I am confused how it could be a fetus. It looks massive!
  • #6
Yes, the claw seems to be the dead giveaway. Fetus? I don't see that.

The kids shaved a dead sloth and faked the story, is my guess.
  • #7
Or maybe lots of Nair®.
  • #8
Wow! Check out the hit rate on this thread. :smile:
  • #9
Ivan Seeking said:
Wow! Check out the hit rate on this thread. :smile:

nice, 2600 since yesterday,

can I put an ad in this thread?
  • #10
According to the National Ambient Authority, they found a headless sloth on Tuesday. I doubt those kids were able to shave it, but maybe the animal had a disease or something that caused him to lose the hair.
  • #11
I thought that this was a Montauk monster thread again. But, nooo. This is a new monster. Funny how many are showing up with regularity lately, huh?

This one looks rubber.
  • #12
I don't think they shaved one. (wouldn't that be a ridiculous amount of work!)

It's just one that's been in water and lost its fur, much like the Montauk [strike]monster[/strike] raccoon.

If they said they killed it, they're lying - that thing's been dead a while.
  • #13
that poor ol' sloth...
  • #14
Anticitizen said:
Either a shaved sloth or sloth fetus, I'd say.

Not to say that it's an alien or something (I've seen human babies that look more like an alien than this), but the eyes aren't positioned the same (a sloth's eyes are usually right beside the nose and set back, these are above the nose and more forward), and the nose itself is shaped pretty differently with wider nostrils and no real point to it. Also the mouth isn't really shaped like a sloth's. The face in general seems a bit flat to be one, but I guess it could just be swollen or something. If that's true though, somehow only the face is swollen and the rest of the body seems to be pretty emaciated, especially the limbs. Maybe it's a mutant or something?

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  • #15
capncrunk said:
Not to say that it's an alien or something (I've seen human babies that look more like an alien than this), but the eyes aren't positioned the same...

Look at the picture of the live sloth. The eye positions are the same as the "creature". Claws, shape, and belly hair just showing in the pic of the creature makes it obvious it is a Sloth.

I don't think the sloth has been shaved or that it's a fetus. Notice the hair on the belly. Possibly it was too much for some big snake to digest and he regurgitated it after stomach fluids took off the hair. (I mean a BIG snake!)

My other hypothesis is that radiation from an Alien Death Ray caused the sloth's hair to fall off and then killed it.
  • #16
capncrunk said:
Maybe it's a mutant or something?

Or a mentally retarded one, if there even is such a thing with sloths... I'm assuming if it had some sort of mental retardation, like with humans, there would be noticeable differences in the facial features and the skull...

Or even a different breed of sloth. Different sloths have different facial features.

FAQ: I'm no biologist, but I think it's a sloth.

What is the "Panama Creature"?

The "Panama Creature" refers to a mysterious creature that was found washed ashore on a beach in Panama in 2009. It has been described as having a long, snake-like body with a head resembling that of a horse or a camel.

What species does the "Panama Creature" belong to?

The exact species of the "Panama Creature" is still unknown. Some experts have suggested that it could be a species of oarfish, while others believe it could be a new, undiscovered species.

Is there any evidence that the "Panama Creature" is a hoax?

There is currently no evidence to suggest that the "Panama Creature" is a hoax. However, some people have speculated that it could be a hoax due to the lack of information and scientific evidence surrounding it.

Have there been any similar sightings of this creature?

There have been similar sightings of strange, unidentified creatures in other parts of the world. However, it is difficult to determine if these sightings are related to the "Panama Creature" or if they are completely separate incidents.

What further research is being conducted on the "Panama Creature"?

Currently, there is limited research being conducted on the "Panama Creature". However, some scientists and researchers have expressed interest in conducting further studies and DNA testing to determine the true identity of this mysterious creature.
