Capacitance W/ Dielectric Problem

In summary: So if you had a capacitor with 100 µC stored energy, removing the dielectric would result in 1000 µC of stored energy.
  • #1
A parallel-plate capacitor has rectangular plates of length L = 19 cm and width W = 3 cm . The region between the plates is filled with a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K= 4 which can slide along the length of the capacitor. Initially, the slab completely fills the rectangular region, and the capacitor holds a charge of 0.1 µC. How far should the dielectric slab be pulled so that the stored energy is double its initial value?

Ok. I know there are two capacitance that are parallel with each other. One with a dielectric (1) with length L-X and the other without (2) with length X.


The doubling of stored energy confuses me, and I really don't know where to begin.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Stored energy in a capacitor is given by

1/2 CV2, where V = voltage, and C = capacitance. So doubling the capacitance, C, one could double the stored energy at the same voltage.
  • #3
Energy stored in a capacitor is (1/2) Q_final V_final .

V is MORE with no dielectric between the plates,
because the di-electric molecules polarize and orient themselbves
so that the E-field with a dielectric is E_dielectric = E_original / K .
The thing that stays the same is the plysical distance between the plates.
(Recall dV = E dot ds)
  • #4
How can one capacitance have a higher voltage than the other one? Shouldnt potential across a parallel circuit be the same? Sorry for any confusion.
  • #5
You're right, the two pieces have the same voltage (they're one conductor)
But that Voltage is NOT the same as it used to be ... the puller does Work!
The charges on the plates are denser where the dielectric is,
and sparser near the open space. The Voltage increases as the slab is pulled.

The key point is that the Voltage source has been disconnected.
The Areas add to the total Area, the distance is the same, Q's add.
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  • #6
Ah I see. so if the dielectric were to be completely removed, the potential would be much greater b/c there is no dielectric to lessen the electric field between the plates. This would explain why there is more potential energy afterwards. Ok thanks.

EDIT: Ui=(Q^2)/(2KCo)


R=X/L (ratio for capacitance)



I believe this is right. Can someone verify for me?
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  • #7
Removing the dielectric is essentially the same as pulling the plates 4x farther apart, "unzipping" it.

FAQ: Capacitance W/ Dielectric Problem

1. What is capacitance and how does it relate to dielectric materials?

Capacitance is the ability of a system to store electrical charge. Dielectric materials are insulators that can be placed between the plates of a capacitor to increase its capacitance. This is because they have a high permittivity, which allows them to store more charge.

2. What is the formula for calculating capacitance with a dielectric material?

The formula for calculating capacitance with a dielectric material is C = εA/d, where C is the capacitance, ε is the permittivity of the dielectric material, A is the area of the plates, and d is the distance between the plates.

3. How does the presence of a dielectric material affect the electric field between the plates of a capacitor?

The presence of a dielectric material between the plates of a capacitor reduces the electric field between the plates. This is because the dielectric material polarizes in the presence of an electric field, creating an opposing electric field that reduces the overall electric field between the plates.

4. Can a dielectric material increase the capacitance of a capacitor indefinitely?

No, a dielectric material cannot increase the capacitance of a capacitor indefinitely. There is a maximum value of capacitance that can be achieved with a given configuration of plates and dielectric material, known as the dielectric constant. Beyond this value, further increases in capacitance require changes to the physical structure of the capacitor.

5. How does the dielectric constant of a material affect its ability to increase capacitance?

The dielectric constant of a material is directly proportional to its ability to increase capacitance. A material with a higher dielectric constant will have a greater effect on increasing the capacitance of a capacitor compared to a material with a lower dielectric constant, given the same physical dimensions and configuration.
