How Did You Choose Your Username?

  • Thread starter larkspur
  • Start date
In summary: I already took that!Thanks!Ivan Seeking...he's interested in UFO's?Yes, he's a member of a support group for people who have experienced UFO abduction.He was abducted by one. That's how I know that the horror stories with the butt probes are all true. :eek: Tsu...tsunami?No, Tsu is the alien who abducted Ivan. She walks among us, but clings to her alien name. :bugeye: Zoobyshoe...? I got no clue what it means.I've never heard of it. Is it a flower?No, it
  • #1
Larkspur is my favorite flower. I can only guess at some PF member name origins.

Tell me if I am even close:biggrin:

Math Is Hard...something to do with Barbie?
Moonbear...your favorite CareBear?
Mk...initials of some sort?
Ivan Seeking...he's interested in UFO's?
Zoobyshoe...? I got no clue what it means.
Turbo-1...was his pet ferret's name.
Evo....short for evolution?
Wolram...a family name?
Astronuc....something to do with your occupation?
Yomamma...your favorite comeback phrase?
Penguino....loves penguins? that your real name??
scorpa...your favorite motorcycle
Danger...a nickname?

Am I close?

What about the rest of you. How did you come up with your user name?
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  • #2
yomamma came from which I had stumbled upon(no, I don't get the point of the site)
  • #3
Astronuc....something to do with your occupation?
Yes. Astronuc = Astronuclear. In graduate school, my research was in the area of nuclear propulsion for spacecraft .

I work in the nuclear industry, primarily in nuclear fuel, power systems and materials technology.

Although the US aerospace nuclear propulsion program starts and stops, we try to keep it alive. :rolleyes:
  • #4 my really name(yomamma come up with a comeback fraze)
Edit: it's scott1 because for some starnge reason scott already taken
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  • #6
I refer to my youngest daughter as the "child of evil". Using southern slang, that became "chil' of evil" or "chil' of evo'". That makes me Evo.

  • #7
yomamma said:
wikipedia is a highly unaccurate source of inforamation all gramer on that site is unaccurate so therefore I'am using the proper gramer and everone elese is not.
  • #8
Evo said:
So have overthrow greg yet?
  • #9
scott1 said:
wikipedia is a highly unaccurate source of inforamation all gramer on that site is unaccurate so therefore I'am using the proper gramer and everone elese is not.
well...would you rather use wikipedia or this...?
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  • #10
larkspur said:
Math Is Hard...something to do with Barbie?

Yes, her username is an ode to that ill-conceived, short-lived Mathematician Barbie. :-p

Moonbear...your favorite CareBear?

Nope, that's the name she got running around nekkid in the commune during her hippie days. :-p

Mk...initials of some sort?

He broke all his fingers but the middle one on his right hand, and could only type out those two adjacent letters. I don't want to know what he used to press the shift key when he typed the "M"...

Ivan Seeking...he's interested in UFO's?

He was abducted by one. That's how I know that the horror stories with the butt probes are all true. :eek:


No, Tsu is the alien who abducted Ivan. She walks among us, but clings to her alien name. :bugeye:

Zoobyshoe...? I got no clue what it means.

He's named after the footwear of choice of zoobies everywhere, of course. :-p

Turbo-1...was his pet ferret's name.

No, he is the ferret!

Evo....short for evolution?

She already spilled the beans on that one. :devil:

Wolram...a family name?

Proud owner of The Most Boring Website in the Universe. :zzz:

Astronuc....something to do with your occupation?

I have nothing funny whatsoever to say about this. Seriously, I'm drawing a total blank.

Yomamma...your favorite comeback phrase?

No, it's your female parental unit. She's watching you! :bugeye:

Penguino....loves penguins?

No, he loves the supersymmetric partners of penguins. Come on, this is basic particle physics! :biggrin: that your real name??

That's what he wants you to think.

scorpa...your favorite motorcycle

More than that, he is the world's first IntelliBike, capable of posting on internet forums. Kind of like the car on Knight Rider except cooler because well, he's a motorcycle.

Danger...a nickname?

Yes. Don't cross him.

What about the rest of you. How did you come up with your user name?

I didn't, my parents came up with it for me. :smile:

Hope that was informative! :biggrin:
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  • #11
yomamma said:
yomamma came from which I had stumbled upon(no, I don't get the point of the site)
Glad you didn't use that image for your avatar!
  • #12
Astronuc said:
Yes. Astronuc = Astronuclear. In graduate school, my research was in the area of nuclear propulsion for spacecraft .

I work in the nuclear industry, primarily in nuclear fuel, power systems and materials technology.

Although the US aerospace nuclear propulsion program starts and stops, we try to keep it alive. :rolleyes:
Thought job!
  • #13
Oh, his old avatar was much worse! Who remembers the assface?
  • #14
scott1 said: my really name(yomamma come up with a comeback fraze)
Edit: it's scott1 because for some starnge reason scott already taken
Nice to meet you scott1.:smile:
  • #15
Evo said:
I refer to my youngest daughter as the "child of evil". Using southern slang, that became "chil' of evil" or "chil' of evo'". That makes me Evo.

Thanks for explaining.
  • #16
Tom Mattson said:
Yes, her username is an ode to that ill-conceived, short-lived Mathematician Barbie. :-p

Nope, that's the name she got running around nekkid in the commune during her hippie days. :-p

He broke all his fingers but the middle one on his right hand, and could only type out those two adjacent letters. I don't want to know what he used to press the shift key when he typed the "M"...

He was abducted by one. That's how I know that the horror stories with the butt probes are all true. :eek:

No, Tsu is the alien who abducted Ivan. She walks among us, but clings to her alien name. :bugeye:

He's named after the footwear of choice of zoobies everywhere, of course. :-p

No, he is the ferret!

She already spilled the beans on that one. :devil:

Proud owner of The Most Boring Website in the Universe. :zzz:

I have nothing funny whatsoever to say about this. Seriously, I'm drawing a total blank.

No, it's your female parental unit. She's watching you! :bugeye:

No, he loves the supersymmetric partners of penguins. Come on, this is basic particle physics! :biggrin:

That's what he wants you to think.

More than that, he is the world's first IntelliBike, capable of posting on internet forums. Kind of like the car on Knight Rider except cooler because well, he's a motorcycle.

Yes. Don't cross him.

I didn't, my parents came up with it for me. :smile:

Hope that was informative! :biggrin:
You are naughty!:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #17
courtrigrad: court (Richard Courant) trig (trigonometry) rad (radian / radical)
  • #18
Mine is quite simple: my first name shortened followed by my initials.

:smile: Tom you are awesome!
  • #19
Tom Mattson said:
More than that, he is the world's first IntelliBike, capable of posting on internet forums. Kind of like the car on Knight Rider except cooler because well, he's a motorcycle.

Haha actually he is a she :-p

And no I just happened to be looking through a scorpa brochure I got from a bike show when I made my username. My favorite bike is actually a Harley with Triumph as a close second. :biggrin:
  • #20
At my work, there are a lot of Mikes in my workgroups. It got really bad at one point with e-mails saying Mike said this and Mike did that, and we basically had no clue who did what when wherever. Pretty obnoxious. So as one of the Mikes (Mike Berke), I started calling myself berkeman to make things clearer, and the handle stuck. It's actually a pretty handy handle, because in the motocross forum that I frequent, I can refer to my son as berkeboy (yes, he is faster than me on some tracks -- pretty annoying).

Oh, and as for Danger's handle, I can vouch for his rather dangerous nature. Well, except for a recent thread in the EE forum where we teamed up to keep a poor guy from electrocuting himself with a 120V mechanics "creeper" cart for working under cars... :rolleyes: :biggrin:
  • #21
scorpa said:
Haha actually he is a she :-p
:rolleyes: Another of the sisterhood's agents has her cover blown. How are we ever going to infiltrate the enemy's headquarters?

I'm going with Tom's story for how my name came to exist. Only select members of the sisterhood know its true origins (and no, it has nothing to do with Carebears! ).
  • #22
"PEEJAKE"...Pee is because I am small made + not that tall for my age...Jacob is my first name, but people call me jake...
Hence the name peejake...

  • #23
Tom Mattson said:
I have nothing funny whatsoever to say about this.
As opposed to the rest of that post? :confused:

berkeman said:
Oh, and as for Danger's handle, I can vouch for his rather dangerous nature. Well, except for a recent thread in the EE forum where we teamed up to keep a poor guy from electrocuting himself with a 120V mechanics "creeper" cart for working under cars... :rolleyes: :biggrin:
That was such a weird combination of bright, funny, and potentially hazardous. You got to admit that the basic idea was pretty good as a thought excercize; I just wouldn't want to be responsible for any harmful repercussions by not advising against.

Larkspur, you got it right. The name that I'm generally known by in town is Danny Danger, (somehow corrupted by the younger generation to Dangerous Dan), or alternatively by some as The Doctor. Therefore, I use either DANGER or DR for pinball or darts scoreboards, non-incriminating websites, etc. (dependent upon how many characters are allowed). The name arose originally because of the fact that, although Canada has serious firearms restrictions, I was always heavily armed. (Minimum .22 auto with an 1896 Swedish Mauser bayonette as backup; usually .45 ACP Llama Model 9.) I probably just lost Astronuc's respect, but that's how it was, and would still be had not the court seen fit to remove my firearms for a year. You don't even want to think about the weapons that I design and build. :devil:
  • #24
Danger said:
As opposed to the rest of that post? :confused:

That was such a weird combination of bright, funny, and potentially hazardous. You got to admit that the basic idea was pretty good as a thought excercize; I just wouldn't want to be responsible for any harmful repercussions by not advising against.

Larkspur, you got it right. The name that I'm generally known by in town is Danny Danger, (somehow corrupted by the younger generation to Dangerous Dan), or alternatively by some as The Doctor. Therefore, I use either DANGER or DR for pinball or darts scoreboards, non-incriminating websites, etc. (dependent upon how many characters are allowed). The name arose originally because of the fact that, although Canada has serious firearms restrictions, I was always heavily armed. (Minimum .22 auto with an 1896 Swedish Mauser bayonette as backup; usually .45 ACP Llama Model 9.) I probably just lost Astronuc's respect, but that's how it was, and would still be had not the court seen fit to remove my firearms for a year. You don't even want to think about the weapons that I design and build. :devil:

But you gained mine :-p
  • #25
I could not think of a name, so i designed a complex program to make one,
i inputed my real name and the computer program came up with wolram, after an hour going through all the possible combinations, oh i could have had nibor as an alternative.
  • #26
cyrusabdollahi said:
But you gained mine :-p
I'm not sure if that's good or not, but I'll take it as a compliment. :biggrin:

wolram said:
i inputed my real name and the computer program came up with wolram, after an hour going through all the possible combinations, oh i could have had nibor as an alternative.
So your real name is Robin Marlow? No bloody wonder you use an alias. :-p
  • #27
Danger said:
I'm not sure if that's good or not, but I'll take it as a compliment. :biggrin:

So your real name is Robin Marlow? No bloody wonder you use an alias. :-p

Well at least i have famous ancestors, as for my first name a cruel coincidence that a robin landed on the bedroom window sill as i was berthed.
  • #28
Leonardo (Leonardo da Vinci) + Sidis (William James Sidis, see = Leonardo Sidis

I thought that the name was also interesting because Leonardo was a master of tricks and hidden meaning, and Sidis is a palindrome, not to mention the last name of arguably the most intelligent being to ever exist. By having their names as my user name, I am not suggesting that I am on a similar level as them, but using their names because their passion for learning and discovering inspires me.
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  • #29
wolram said:
a robin landed on the bedroom window sill as i was berthed.
Are you a boat? Most humans are birthed.
Anyhoo... the only reason that I find some amusement in your name is something that probably isn't even within your experience. Although I'm sure that you have some familiarity with the 'Phillip Marlow' series of novels and movies, you probably aren't aware that a very good TV show in the US called 'Magnum: PI" revolved around a character who worked for an unseen employer named Robin Masters, who wrote Marlow-type novels. So despite your Member Photo picture, I'm forever going to think of you in a trench coat and slouch hat.
  • #30
Moonbear said:
:rolleyes: Another of the sisterhood's agents has her cover blown. How are we ever going to infiltrate the enemy's headquarters?
Dadgummit! I thought we were actually going to get away with it this time!:frown:
  • #31
I'm sure nobody can guess the origin of my name! :-p
  • #32
Lisa! said:
I'm sure nobody can guess the origin of my name! :-p

Easy, Look I am Sure Agirl :confused:
  • #33
Danger said:
I probably just lost Astronuc's respect,
Never! :smile:
  • #34
Just to set the record (pun intended) straight - I didn't choose my user name because of my love for Country music.
  • #35
wolram said:
Easy, Look I am Sure Agirl :confused:
Eh and if you put that ! at the end of my name, the meaning changes!:rolleyes:

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