Where Do Spiders Mate? Answers to FAQs

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses spiders and their behavior, as well as personal experiences and opinions with spiders. The conversation touches on topics such as spider sex, their exclusion from Noah's Ark, and their hunting habits. Some participants express their fondness for spiders, while others share their encounters with different types of spiders. One participant also mentions using insecticides to deal with spiders.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
Where do they, err do it? i mean they make a web and seem to stay in it till they die, so how come , do they nip off and have a bit of nookie while i am not around ?
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  • #3
:rolleyes: not even pengwuino could make a threads as pointless as this
  • #4
You would be sorry if there were no spiders :-p
  • #5
Did you know that spiders weren't included in the Noah' s Ark deal, so how they came back from the brink is anyones guess; I like spiders, sorry I'm wierd:smile:
  • #6
Schrodinger's Dog said:
Did you know that spiders weren't included in the Noah' s Ark deal, so how they came back from the brink is anyones guess; I like spiders, sorry I'm wierd:smile:

I like spiders too, except those big bodied squat leged ones that seem to eat other spiders.
  • #7
wolram said:
I like spiders too, except those big bodied squat leged ones that seem to eat other spiders.
We get these awful looking creatures around here. They don't seem to build webs...they HUNT! And they're just a bit too big to stomp without making a mess. :cry:

  • #8
Moonbear said:
And they're just a bit too big to stomp without making a mess. :cry:

Do you use pyrethroid insecticides (RAID)? They work instantly.
  • #9
Looks like you could put a collar and lead on that one MoonB
  • #10
i saw a black widow spider for my first time when i was at camp! it had the little hour glass and everything. then, when i was leaving camp (forever! *tear*) we saw a tarantula cross the road. i'd post the picture, but i don't know how to take pics off my phone and onto my comp. anyway, it was sooooo exciting! we don't have anything cool like that in new england... hmph
  • #11
Gale said:
i saw a black widow spider for my first time when i was at camp! it had the little hour glass and everything. then, when i was leaving camp (forever! *tear*) we saw a tarantula cross the road. i'd post the picture, but i don't know how to take pics off my phone and onto my comp. anyway, it was sooooo exciting! we don't have anything cool like that in new england... hmph

I wish we had some wild left in england, all i ever see is stupid rabbits and even stupider pigeons.

FAQ: Where Do Spiders Mate? Answers to FAQs

1. Where do spiders mate?

Spiders typically mate in their natural habitat, such as in trees, bushes, or on the ground. Some species may also mate in a sheltered area or inside their webs.

2. Do all spiders mate in the same place?

No, different species of spiders may have different mating behaviors and preferences. Some may mate in the same location every time, while others may vary their mating location depending on environmental factors.

3. When do spiders mate?

The timing of spider mating can vary depending on the species, but it often occurs in the late summer or early fall. Some spiders may also mate during other times of the year if the weather and environmental conditions are suitable.

4. How do spiders attract mates?

Male spiders will often use pheromones or vibrations to attract female spiders. They may also use visual cues, such as bright colors or elaborate dances, to court potential mates.

5. What happens after spiders mate?

After mating, the male spider may leave or be eaten by the female. The female will then lay eggs, which will hatch into spiderlings. The spiderlings will eventually grow and go through their own mating process as adults.

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