Nasa to replicate results by Podkletnov

  • NASA
  • Thread starter Zantra
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In summary: In short, it does not matter what they say, because it cannot be checked.In summary, some more interesting information was discovered. The author claims that you need a PHD in physics to fully understand it, but offers equations nonetheless. One of the former astronauts owns a company that supposedly works on antigravity technology, but the author is highly dubious. There is evidence that antigravity has been proven in the past, though it is not clear how or why.
  • #1
Some more interesting information I came across:

This is an attempt by Nasa to replicate results by Podkletnov

This is a theory on gravimetrics. He claims in here that you need a PHD in physics to fully understand it, but see what you can make of it and the equations
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Physics news on
  • #2

Originally posted by Zantra
Some more interesting information I came across:

This is an attempt by Nasa to replicate results by Podkletnov

This is a theory on gravimetrics. He claims in here that you need a PHD in physics to fully understand it, but see what you can make of it and the equations

One of the former astronauts owns a company that works on this. I will dig up the link a little later. For the record, I don’t know what I think of this stuff. Much of it sounds like typical pseudoscience, but I also know that this explanation does not seem to explain the whole story. I am highly dubious, but I am also open minded as always.
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  • #3

Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
One of the former astronauts owns a company that works on this. I will dig up the link a little later. For the record, I don’t know what I think of this stuff. Much of it sounds like typical pseudoscience, but I also know that this explanation does not seem to explain the whole story. I am highly dubious, but I am also open minded as always.

Unfortunately not having advanced knowledge of physic(which I'm attempting to rectify) makes it diffult to weed through all the "crap" and find the tidbits of valid information..
  • #4
This little experiment reminds me of the commerical on TV where there are two children with toy blocks and one says hit it with a hammer to knock it into a hole that won't fit. When they grow up they work for an automotive center doing the same thing with a battery.

They have no ?? clue what gravity is and the during measurable weightlessness it is caused by something else if it was measured at all.

This is science? Actually I believe it is. Some times this is how other things are discovered, but they have not addressed the question yet or they would know the answer. They are children playing with expensive equipment.
  • #5
Well anti gravity in a sense, has already been proven. I believe it was russ who provided links 2 or 3 posts down in my ZPE post to or something like that. In the first link it has instructions in building a basic AG device along with demenstrations of other devices duplicated from all over the world. Very basic, and lacking control, but a step in the right direction.
  • #6
Russ did no such thing. Jonathan posted those links and the device you are referring to is called a lifter. They work because of ionized air flow between two charged plates, not antigravity. You can feel the flow of air between the very light "craft" and the ground. It's also the reason they don't work in vacuum.
  • #7
I stand corrected
  • #8
Originally posted by neutroncount
Russ did no such thing.
Thanks. Yeah, I'm the one who is saying all of this is baloney. But hey, this is the pseudoscience forum, so carry on.

One little tidbit from what I read in the one link:
The electron, I hypothesize, is really much, much smaller in size than was previously thought...
The mass of the electron is known to a very high degree of precision.
  • #9

Originally posted by Zantra
Unfortunately not having advanced knowledge of physic(which I'm attempting to rectify) makes it diffult to weed through all the "crap" and find the tidbits of valid information..

I tend to think a few possibilities exist to explain this:

Greer is nothing but a con man [of course]. He may be taking advantage of honest people - his witnesses - as well as others. I find it hard to imagine that all of his witnesses are lying.

Greer was honest but went crooked.

Greer and his followers have lost perspective as true believers.

They know something but not nearly enough.

We lack perspective.

I still haven't read this particular paper and I may feel diffently after reading this...what I saw in glancing over this looked pretty bad. I really try to stay away from anything except the immediate evidence. I will read this but I have been occupied defending the intellectual free world.
  • #10
I must clue you in on something although it is not in my power to give you the experience of it. Truth is a by product of experience. The words of fools saying they did this or they did not do that or that this is real or that this is not real is not knowlege. I see inquisitive open minds here, but you will not find truth on this forum, in the news paper or by enlightened or non existent enlightened individuals or anywhere else until you search one place and one place alone. The answer to what the universe is made of can only be born within yourself. You can never know it outside yourself although you may find expression of it there.

Most people put a thing like gravity outside themselves or most large questions god, etc... These things can only be answered by you. These answers will not be some self consoling bull or hit it with a hammer so called science, but direct experience of the reality of the question and the answer.

Real answers come with real questions. Real questions are have no choice to be answered.

If you are supprised by the result of article, what would you say to witnessing your next door neighbor who was in a wheel chair for 7 years could not walk go to a catholic healer and during a mass become healed and walk again when the doctors themselves did not know how this was possible. He was on national television by the way. Most of you would take this in in an instant upon witnessing and say I believe. I did not even though I knew the character of the individual and was friends with the family. I had to know one word. How and did not accept or not accept. I accept nothing but a witness to what really is. This and only this is truth.

I tackled gravity in the same way so can anyone else.
  • #11
Originally posted by TENYEARS
I must clue you in on something although it is not in my power to give you the experience of it. Truth is a by product of experience. The words of fools saying they did this or they did not do that or that this is real or that this is not real is not knowlege. I see inquisitive open minds here, but you will not find truth on this forum, in the news paper or by enlightened or non existent enlightened individuals or anywhere else until you search one place and one place alone. The answer to what the universe is made of can only be born within yourself. You can never know it outside yourself although you may find expression of it there.

Most people put a thing like gravity outside themselves or most large questions god, etc... These things can only be answered by you. These answers will not be some self consoling bull or hit it with a hammer so called science, but direct experience of the reality of the question and the answer.

Real answers come with real questions. Real questions are have no choice to be answered.

If you are supprised by the result of article, what would you say to witnessing your next door neighbor who was in a wheel chair for 7 years could not walk go to a catholic healer and during a mass become healed and walk again when the doctors themselves did not know how this was possible. He was on national television by the way. Most of you would take this in in an instant upon witnessing and say I believe. I did not even though I knew the character of the individual and was friends with the family. I had to know one word. How and did not accept or not accept. I accept nothing but a witness to what really is. This and only this is truth.

I tackled gravity in the same way so can anyone else.

So are you likening gravity with religion? How is that even POSSIBLE?
You don't know the TRUTH about gravity if it called you up one evening. Gravity is gravity. It's there for a reason and it works for a reason. And one day we'll figure out why and how IN A SCIENTIFIC MANOR! There is nothing mystic or religious about it.
  • #12
I figured out what gravity was in 1991. My understand is the reality that exists. I would not, will not post it on this forum amoung other things that have value. If you want answers ask yourself a question and mean it until you do don't bother to respond to my posts or at least come up with something worth responding to. If you want a biblical quote here is one "don't cast your pearls before swine least they trample them under their feet".
  • #13
He who knows everything is lost. He who realizes he knows nothing has found the path to enlightenment- confuscious
  • #14
This is true but, I doubt Confused us said it.

Confuscious was found to be an idiot when he came before the master of tao. He gives himself this label when he defines why he made the visit and the glory of the response and the title he gives to the founder only to sustain his ego. Or is it that he crosses a bridgeless bridge like many?

Note: The context of your quote is totally lost if you use two hands to clap.
  • #15
Originally posted by Zantra
He who knows everything is lost. He who realizes he knows nothing has found the path to enlightenment- confuscious

[Approximately] = Socrates; my hero.
  • #16
The Buddhists had another saying.

If you come across a Buddha walking down the street, kill him!

TENYEARS, you'd better run!
  • #17
So, FZ you must have went on vacation for a minute I actually thought there was a possiblity you were going to do some statistical analysis on the probability of the vision I sent you. See I gave you a class C because you need plenty of C A and B are also important, but with the ability to metabolize C you are in dire straights.
  • #18
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
[Approximately] = Socrates; my hero.

Sorry, my bad;)

And Ten the context was in response to your biblical scripture. You said that we should assume we know about gravity all that there is to know. I'm saying that He who assumes he knows everything knows nothing. :wink:
  • #19
I never said assume, I assume next to nothing unless I am having fun with someone I try to no make it to much at their expense but at a price they can afford.

The thought I suppose one would have from a materialist perspective would be why would a person who had any of the experiences which I said I have had bother posting on this forum if such a thing could be real or were a real experience to myself.

1 It is a Lie
2 Individual is deluded
3 Mind created phsiological experience in order to console the
thought of death
4 1 & 2
5 1 & 3
6 2 & 3
7 1 & 2 & 3
8 It is the truth
  • #20
Originally posted by TENYEARS
I must clue you in on something although it is not in my power to give you the experience of it. Truth is a by product of experience. The words of fools saying they did this or they did not do that or that this is real or that this is not real is not knowlege. I see inquisitive open minds here, but you will not find truth on this forum, in the news paper or by enlightened or non existent enlightened individuals or anywhere else until you search one place and one place alone. The answer to what the universe is made of can only be born within yourself. You can never know it outside yourself although you may find expression of it there.

Most people put a thing like gravity outside themselves or most large questions god, etc... These things can only be answered by you. These answers will not be some self consoling bull or hit it with a hammer so called science, but direct experience of the reality of the question and the answer.

Real answers come with real questions. Real questions are have no choice to be answered.

If you are supprised by the result of article, what would you say to witnessing your next door neighbor who was in a wheel chair for 7 years could not walk go to a catholic healer and during a mass become healed and walk again when the doctors themselves did not know how this was possible. He was on national television by the way. Most of you would take this in in an instant upon witnessing and say I believe. I did not even though I knew the character of the individual and was friends with the family. I had to know one word. How and did not accept or not accept. I accept nothing but a witness to what really is. This and only this is truth.

I tackled gravity in the same way so can anyone else.

Ok, I admit I skimmed through your post too quickly the first time. But after all, as russ pointed out, this is the pseudoscience forum, not philosophy:wink:

To me, it's not a matter of "faith" I'm not willing to accept UFO's on "faith", though quite a few may. I see strong evidence, and I see a need for further exploration of the ideal, but I do not see absolute physical proof. I still eye this objectively. Perhaps then it is the fact that most will not accept this notion unless it basically lands in their front yard. What bothers me, is that people see strong evidence and they dismiss it automatically withot regard to the facts most times. And of course I'm generalizing. But thereis the stigma attached to UFO's that preclude serious investigation. However various scientists of note have concluded after investigation of the phenomenon that there is no conclusive proof either way. So a4t best it remains unresolved. So then I guess it would come down to personal feelings. But pure objectivity prevents summary judgement of an unproven theory.

In other words, until it's proven that UFO's are a hoax, I can't hoestly say I know they are a fake.
  • #21
There is not faith here just fact. The man could not walk for seven years and also had this brand new shinny metal cross that was held in his had blackened by the electrical discharge which lept from the healers hands hands. The doctors were all baffled and he was requested to make a presence on a national TV show at the time and did so. You would have all dove in at witnessing such an event especially when knowing the family so well.

I did not disbelieve or believe. I looked at the facts and thought and rethought until...

These are the facts, no faith here. I do not have time for it not when it comes to reality. Sometimes I have it in people.
  • #22
Originally posted by TENYEARS
I figured out what gravity was in 1991. My understand is the reality that exists. I would not, will not post it on this forum amoung other things that have value. If you want answers ask yourself a question and mean it until you do don't bother to respond to my posts or at least come up with something worth responding to. If you want a biblical quote here is one "don't cast your pearls before swine least they trample them under their feet".

But what the HELL does that have to do with gravity? Here's my understanding of reality. People tend to rely on easy, madeup answer for questions that seem difficult. And I'm going to ask myself a question. Do you know what your talking about? And I'm going to answer it. No you don't. And don't you dare say my post aren't worth your time. I criticized you for thinking you seriously know how the world works. So be it. Deal with it. I understand science and I won't let a coward like you think you have all the answers because they seem hard to solve. There's an answer to everything and it's not all "God did it" or "Reality is whatever you want it to be". You didn't seek anything. Really all you did was give up.

FAQ: Nasa to replicate results by Podkletnov

1. What is the purpose of NASA replicating results by Podkletnov?

NASA is conducting experiments to replicate the results claimed by Russian scientist Eugene Podkletnov, who claimed to have discovered a way to counteract the effects of gravity.

2. What were Podkletnov's original results?

Podkletnov's original results claimed that he was able to reduce the weight of objects placed above a high-speed rotating superconductor by up to 2%, suggesting that he had discovered a way to manipulate gravity.

3. Why is NASA interested in replicating these results?

NASA is interested in exploring any potential advancements in anti-gravity technology, as it could have major implications for space travel and exploration.

4. How is NASA conducting these experiments?

NASA is using a similar setup to Podkletnov's original experiment, with a large rotating disc made of a superconducting ceramic material and measuring its effects on objects placed above it.

5. What have been the results of NASA's experiments so far?

So far, NASA has not been able to replicate Podkletnov's results. However, they are continuing to conduct experiments and gather data in hopes of understanding the potential behind his original claims.

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