Is it okay for parents to hope their kids become corrupted?

  • Thread starter wasteofo2
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In summary, this father is clueless and his attitude reflects poorly on him and his entire generation of parents.
  • #1
Me and my dad were eating dinner with a friend of his last week. My dad's friend said that his younger son (14) recently spent a weekend with his older son (18) at his college dorm. I asked if he trusted his older son not to corrupt the younger one, and he said that he kind of hoped that he did. Being corrupted is part of growing up, he said, you need to lose your innocence at some point.

What's your opinion on this? Do you think it's best to try to keep children innocent at all costs, and make sure they don't become corrupted in any way, or do you believe that the inevitability of corruption means that you should just accept it?
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  • #2
Wow, his father is certainly an...*Ahem*...interesting...guy.:rolleyes:

I think while innocence is impossible to maintain, corruption is not inevitable. They're two polar opposites, you don't have to be on either side. Finding a nice middle ground is better. (It's like the difference between being cowardly, rash, and brave. Someone who is brave doesn't not feel fear. Instead, they feel it but take appropriate action. You don't have to be rash to be brave; you acknowledge the fear but still act.) Allowing your 14 year old son to become corrupt is completely different than allowing him to see that the world is not all good while teaching him to be one of the few who still maintain as much goodness as they can.

Otherwise, he'll end up with an alcoholic, chain smoking 17 year old son with a child and another on the way.

That guy needs a swift kick in the head from his wife.
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  • #3
wasteofo2 said:
Me and my dad were eating dinner with a friend of his last week. My dad's friend said that his younger son (14) recently spent a weekend with his older son (18) at his college dorm. I asked if he trusted his older son not to corrupt the younger one, and he said that he kind of hoped that he did. Being corrupted is part of growing up, he said, you need to lose your innocence at some point.

What's your opinion on this? Do you think it's best to try to keep children innocent at all costs, and make sure they don't become corrupted in any way, or do you believe that the inevitability of corruption means that you should just accept it?

That is by far some of the dumbest **** that could ever dribble out of someones mouth. I mean I guess in this age what he said wasn't different from what the majority thinks, but it still doesn't make it right. So is that guy hoping that his son starts drinking and starts smoking (it depends on what his other son is like)? So many frickin' parents just act like it's no big deal that their kids are drinking at 13-15 or something. I think the main problem is that parents are wanting to appear to be 'cool' and forget their responsibilities as parents.

FAQ: Is it okay for parents to hope their kids become corrupted?

1. What is corruption and how does it impact society?

Corruption refers to the misuse of power or authority for personal gain. It can take many forms, such as bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism. Corruption has a negative impact on society as it undermines trust in institutions, hinders economic growth, and perpetuates inequality.

2. What factors contribute to the maturity of a society in relation to corruption?

The maturity of a society in relation to corruption is influenced by a variety of factors, including the strength and transparency of institutions, the level of education and awareness among citizens, and the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures and policies.

3. How does corruption affect the development and progress of a country?

Corruption can hinder the development and progress of a country in various ways. It can lead to the misallocation of resources, hinder fair competition, and discourage foreign investment. It also undermines the rule of law and erodes public trust in the government.

4. Can a country completely eliminate corruption?

While it may be difficult to completely eliminate corruption, countries can take steps to reduce its prevalence and impact. This can include implementing strong anti-corruption laws and enforcement mechanisms, promoting transparency and accountability in government, and fostering a culture of integrity and ethical behavior.

5. How can individuals help combat corruption?

Individuals can play a crucial role in combatting corruption by reporting instances of corruption, refusing to participate in corrupt activities, and holding their leaders accountable. Additionally, supporting and advocating for anti-corruption measures and promoting transparency and ethical behavior in their own actions can also make a difference.

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