Will Equality Truly Prevail Today?

  • Thread starter ohlhauc1
  • Start date
In summary, my opponent asserts that equality does not exist, while asserting that if it does, then he (the opponent) would be the victor of the debate.
  • #1
Today in my English class, we were assigned a debate topic. My argument is that equality will exist.

I was thinking that I would have to find some practical reasons because using just that "it is theoretically possible" will destroy me during the debate. Does anyone have any ideas?

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  • #2
equality of what?
  • #3
What kind of "proof" are you looking for? Mathematical? Alcohol?
  • #4
Well its an english class so its probably some social justice topic.
  • #5

Equality is the wrong word. Not everything should be the same, or equal. Bland would it be if everyone were the same. If all particles has the same charge. If all things went down, or if all things went up. Or if everybody had the same clothes, the same eyes, the same kind of toilet, etc.

Fairness is the correct one. The sum of everything should be fair and balanced. It means that people may still assume differences, as long as these differences are fair and balanced.
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  • #6
ohlhauc1 said:
Today in my English class, we were assigned a debate topic. My argument is that equality will exist.

I was thinking that I would have to find some practical reasons because using just that "it is theoretically possible" will destroy me during the debate. Does anyone have any ideas?


For what kind of equality would you like to see a proof?
  • #7
Fairness isn't always possible either. Imagine you're on an island with another person and you have enough supplies for one person to survive the next day, which is when help is supposed to arrive. Who is more entitled to the food? How can you fairly distribute the food.

Both Don't Eat Food or Share Food=> Two Dead People

One Person takes thes food => One person dead and one person alive

In a scarce world it's survival of the fittest.

Even at the atomic level there is Pauli exclusion principle which says that no two electrons, or more precisely, two fermions, can occupy the same quantum state. Once the "room" is filled you're out of luck. Fair or not fair, that's how things go.
  • #8
well, if its only one day to go without food.. i think someone could just not eat...
  • #9
Gale, let's say the only food source is the other person and you have another week on the island.

The point is that in many cases there is no such thing as fair. It's more about desire and chance.
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  • #10
i know i know. i was joking around. for the record, you can probably go a week withouth food as long as you have water. but yeah yeah... besides the point.

fairness is a relative concept anyway. how about instead you have two people on an island, one can survive, the other can't, period, regardless of food and rescue etc. so you try to decide who dies based on fairness. person1 is a 14 year old boy, intelligent, promising future, so on. Person2 is a poor middle aged woman. seems 'fair' to let the boy live since he has much more to live for. But wait, now the woman has 6 kids who she's supporting back home, without a husband. Now it seems that 6 children's lives are more important that 1, seems 'fair' to save the woman. but of her 6 children, 3 are mentally retarded, 2 are severly physically handicapped, and the other is just average. Now do we save the 14 year old with the promising future, or the single mother of 6 children who likely will have dismal lives either way. which is more fair? its very relative...

anyway, that hardly helps the original poster. i suppose you could say, that regardless of who gets off the island, they both eventually die, so they turn out equal. equality prevails, woo!

maybe this thread should be in philosophy instead?
  • #11
ohlhauc1 said:
My argument is that equality will exist.
Here's all you have to say :


"Assertion 1 : Equality doesn't exist.

Assertion 2 : You (my opponent) win the debate.

Assertion 2 contradicts assertion 1 since it proclaims the equality of 'you' and 'the winner of the debate'. So, either assertion 2 alone is false or both assertions are false. (Assertion 1 alone can not be false)

If assertion 2 is false, I win the debate.

If assertion 1 is false, equality exists, and hence I win the debate, making assertion 2 also false. "


Simple, no ?

FAQ: Will Equality Truly Prevail Today?

1. What does "prove equality will exist" mean?

"Prove equality will exist" refers to the concept of demonstrating or providing evidence that all individuals are treated equally, regardless of their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic. It is a call for equality and justice for all individuals.

2. Is it possible to prove that equality will exist?

While it may be difficult to achieve complete and absolute equality, it is possible to work towards creating a more just and equal society through various means such as promoting diversity and inclusivity, advocating for equal rights and opportunities, and addressing systemic inequalities.

3. Why is it important to prove equality will exist?

Proving that equality will exist is important because it promotes social justice, diversity, and inclusivity. It ensures that all individuals have equal rights, opportunities, and fair treatment, regardless of their background or identity. This is crucial for creating a more equitable and inclusive society for everyone.

4. How can we prove that equality will exist?

We can prove equality will exist by promoting and practicing equality in all aspects of society, such as education, employment, healthcare, and government policies. This can be achieved through education and awareness, advocating for equal rights and opportunities, and holding individuals and institutions accountable for their actions that perpetuate inequality.

5. What role can science play in proving equality will exist?

Science can play a significant role in proving equality will exist by conducting research and providing evidence that supports the existence of systemic inequalities and their impacts on individuals and society. Scientists can also use their expertise to develop solutions and interventions that promote equality and address issues of discrimination and bias.
