Electrostatics: spherical shell

In summary, the problem involves a point charge located in the center of a spherical conducting shell with inner and outer radii a and b respectively. The total charge of the shell is Q2 and the goal is to determine the electrostatic field and potential everywhere in space, as well as the amount of charge on the inner and outer surfaces of the shell after equilibrium is reached. Using Gauss law and the spherical symmetry of the problem, it is possible to calculate the electric field at any point on the surface of the shell. This leads to the conclusion that the electric field is zero inside the shell and depends only on the distance from the center for points outside the shell.
  • #1
Electrostatics: spherical shell [SOLVED]

Homework Statement

A point charge [tex]Q_1[/tex] is located in the centre of a spherical conducting shell with inner radius [tex]a[/tex] and outer radius [tex]b[/tex]. The shell has total charge [tex]Q_2[/tex]. Determine the electrostatic field [tex]\vec{E}[/tex] and the potential [tex]\phi[/tex] everywhere in space, and determine how much charge is on the inner and outer surfaces of the shell after electrostatic equilibrium has been reached.

Homework Equations

Gauss law: [tex]\oint_S\vec{E}\cdot d\vec{a} =\frac{ Q_{encl}}{\epsilon_0}[/tex]
Area of a sphere: [tex]A=4\pi r^2[/tex]
Surface charge density (homogenous charge distribution): [tex]\sigma = Q/A[/tex]
Electric field from a point charge: [tex]\vec{E}(\vec{r})=\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{Q}{r^2}\hat{r}[/tex]
Electric field from a surface charge: [tex]\vec{E}(\vec{r})=\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\int_S\frac{\sigma da}{r^2}\hat{r}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I call the charges on the inner and outer surfaces [tex]Q_a[/tex] and [tex]Q_b[/tex] respectively. The electric field inside a conductor is always zero, so Gauss law on a surface [tex]a<r<b[/tex] gives

[tex]0=\oint_S\vec{E}\cdot d\vec{a} =\frac{ Q_1+Q_a}{\epsilon_0} [/tex]
[tex]\Rightarrow Q_a=-Q_1[/tex]

The total charge of the conductor:

[tex]\Rightarrow Q_b=Q_1+Q_2[/tex]

The total electric field could be calculated by taking the sum of the electric field from each charge.


E-field from the point charge:


Introduce the surface charge density [tex]\sigma_{a,b}=Q_{a,b}/A_{sphere}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{align*}\vec{E}_a(\vec{r})=&\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\int_S\frac{\sigma da}{r^2}\hat{r} \\
&=\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\int_0^r\frac{Q_a da}{4\pi a^2 r^2}\hat{r} \\
&= \frac{Q_a}{16\pi^2\epsilon_0a^2}\int_S\frac{rdrd\theta}{r^2}\hat{r} \\
& =\frac{Q_a}{8\pi\epsilon_0a^2}\int_0^r\frac{1}{r}\hat{r} \\
& = \frac{Q_a}{8\pi\epsilon_0a^2}\left[ln|r|\right]_0^r

which does not make sense. Similar problems arise for E-field from [tex]\sigma_b[/tex]. Can anyone help me out, please?

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Use the spherical symmetry of the problem: the magnitude of E depends only on r, and it is parallel with the radius at any point. As [tex]d\vec{a}[/tex] is normal to the surface of the sphere and so is [tex]\vec{E}[/tex]

\oint_S\vec{E} \cdot d\vec{a} =\oint_SEda

where E is the magnitude of the electric field at distance r from the centre of the sphere, and it is the same at each point of the surface, therefore

\oint_S\vec{E} \cdot d\vec{a} =\oint_SEda
= 4\pi r^2 E=\frac{ Q_{encl}}{\epsilon_0}[/tex]

You know well that the electric field is zero inside the conducting shell, you know that the enclosed charge is Q1 for r<a and Q1+Q2 for r>b...

  • #3
Thank you! That was really helpful.

FAQ: Electrostatics: spherical shell

1. What is a spherical shell in electrostatics?

A spherical shell in electrostatics refers to a conducting spherical surface that has a uniform charge distribution on its surface. It can be thought of as a hollow sphere with a constant charge density.

2. How is the electric field inside and outside a spherical shell related?

Inside a spherical shell, the electric field is zero, as the charges on the surface cancel out any electric field that would exist inside. Outside the shell, the electric field behaves as if all the charge is concentrated at the center of the sphere.

3. What is the relationship between the electric potential and the electric field of a spherical shell?

The electric potential of a spherical shell is directly proportional to its electric field. This means that the electric potential decreases as the distance from the shell increases, while the electric field strength decreases at a faster rate.

4. How does the electric potential of a spherical shell change with the distance from the center?

The electric potential of a spherical shell decreases with the distance from the center, following a 1/r relationship, where r is the distance from the center of the sphere. This means that the potential decreases rapidly as the distance increases.

5. How does the charge distribution on a spherical shell affect the electric field inside and outside the shell?

The charge distribution on a spherical shell does not affect the electric field inside the shell, as it is always zero. However, the charge distribution does affect the electric field outside the shell, as a more concentrated charge distribution will result in a stronger electric field at a given distance from the shell.
