Exploring Different Densities of Water for Swimming

In summary, Bob suggests that a lighter mass water type has not been invented because of the problems of sinking and the less efficient use of buoyancy.
  • #1
Today on my way to a swimming lesson, i wondered why swimmingpools with other kinds of liquid mass in them havn't been invented? I was wondering if water with a different density and lighter mass wouldn't equal that a human beeing would more easily go through the water and not hit himself as bad if he trains jump-ins and such. Why havn't a lighter mass watertype been invented? Wouldn't it be perfect for huge jump training so you won't hit yourself as bad. A downside would ofcourse be (I believe its Newtons law) that you won't swim as fast because of friction (action/reaction) would be less.

Any way, just a thought :) New to the forum. Hello all.

Ps: Please bare with me. I am not a physics major or anything classy, just interested.
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  • #2
One immediate problem would be sinking. If the liquid density were half of water (half a human), then the swimmer would have to produce an upward thrust of ~ 50 Kg just to stay on top.

Bob S
  • #3
so that's about 25 kg in normal water?
  • #4
JohnniG said:
so that's about 25 kg in normal water?
According to Archimedes, if your normal weight (mass) is say 80 Kg, your weight in regular water is ~0 Kg, and ~40 Kg in half density water. So you will sink.

Bob S
  • #5
Right. What if your weight is 40 kg then? 0 and 20 in the other water?
  • #6
JohnniG said:
Right. What if your weight is 40 kg then? 0 and 20 in the other water?
40 Kg in regular water and 20 Kg in lite-water. The buoyant upward force is equal to the weight of the water your body displaces.

Bob S
  • #7
but that makes no sense? You are way easier to lift in water? So you have to at least feel lighter? If you weighed 100 kg it feels like 50 in water if a persons lifts you etc?
  • #8
JohnniG said:
but that makes no sense? You are way easier to lift in water? So you have to at least feel lighter?
Right. In your substance X, rather than weighting 80kg, you might weight 40. You would have to geenrate 40kg of lift while swimming to stay afloat.

Think of your substance as somewhere between air and water.

You have a tiny amount of bouyancy in air. It will take 80kg to lift you.
You have a lot of bouyancy in water. It will take 0 kg to lift you.
You have a small amount of bouyancy in substance X. It will take 40kg to lift you.

BTW, one of the ways of making such a substance is to inject it with air bubbles. People fallen into vats of foam (such as processing beer). They sink to the bottom and drown because the substance is not dense enough to swim in.
  • #9
That's a great post. I understand you now. Ill just look up bouyancy to grasp the term ;) But in generel I get your point.

Back to topic though. Why don't you make water that requires 20% of your bodyweight to lift you. It would be able to swim in, and not hurt when you land in it?
  • #10
By the way, this:
JohnniG said:
...water with a different density and lighter mass...
...is a self-contradiction. A swimming pool with a fixed volume of water has one mass and an associated density. If you increase the mass, you increase the density and vice versa. You can't increase the density while decreasing the mass unless you make the pool smaller and the making the pool smaller bit doesn't have any effect on buoyancy or drag.
  • #11
JohnniG said:
Back to topic though. Why don't you make water that requires 20% of your bodyweight to lift you. It would be able to swim in, and not hurt when you land in it?
Because you'd sink. And then drown.

Try this: tie 35 pounds of rocks around your waist, jump in and try to swim.

Hint: Don't.
  • #12
You're right. Probably would be too hard to stay afloat.
  • #13
There are no "waters of different density". Density is a property of the substance, so water has always the same density. You can slightly change the density of water dissolving something - for example ammonia solutions have lower density, while kitchen salt solutions have greater density (which is why it is easier to float in the sea than in fresh water). Trick is, you will not want to swim in most of these solutions One can think about using different liquids, but in most cases they they will be either expensive or poisonous (or both).
  • #14
Borek said:
...you will not want to swim in most of these solutions One can think about using different liquids, but in most cases they they will be either expensive or poisonous (or both).

Right - you could fill a pool with mercury, and barely get your knees 'wet'...
  • #15
Actually, when I first saw the title of this thread, I thought you were talking about using liquids denser than water so it would be easier to swim in them! Of course, a major problem with all of this is that all water has the same density so you would have to use other kinds of liquid- and they are almost uniformly poisonous (many if absorbed through the skin).
  • #16
There are of course already "different types" of water; e.g. very salt water like in the Dead Sea (density 1.2x that of water) or water with continuously "injected" air (lower density).

It is also possible to make water more "slippery" by mixing in a small amount of certain polymers, although I've never heard of anyone actually filling a whole pool with that stuff.
  • #17
HallsofIvy said:
Actually, when I first saw the title of this thread, I thought you were talking about using liquids denser than water so it would be easier to swim in them! Of course, a major problem with all of this is that all water has the same density so you would have to use other kinds of liquid- and they are almost uniformly poisonous (many if absorbed through the skin).
  • #18
The salty dead sea water was a good example :)
  • #19
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  • #20
Seems to me like they have mostly changed the viscosity, not the density.
  • #21
Borek said:
Seems to me like they have mostly changed the viscosity, not the density.

Good point. When I read this thread that episode popped into my mind, guess I should have read what they specifically did.
  • #22
JohnniG said:
Today on my way to a swimming lesson, i wondered why swimmingpools with other kinds of liquid mass in them havn't been invented? I was wondering if water with a different density and lighter mass wouldn't equal that a human beeing would more easily go through the water and not hit himself as bad if he trains jump-ins and such. Why havn't a lighter mass watertype been invented? Wouldn't it be perfect for huge jump training so you won't hit yourself as bad. A downside would ofcourse be (I believe its Newtons law) that you won't swim as fast because of friction (action/reaction) would be less.
In case, you should find a *denser* liquid which is also *more fluid* than water: it would be better for dives and also for swimming.

FAQ: Exploring Different Densities of Water for Swimming

1. What is the purpose of exploring different densities of water for swimming?

The purpose of exploring different densities of water for swimming is to understand how the density of water affects a swimmer's performance and to find the ideal density for competitive swimming.

2. How do you measure the density of water?

The density of water is typically measured by using a hydrometer or a densitometer, which measures the mass and volume of a given amount of water and calculates its density.

3. What factors can affect the density of water?

The density of water can be affected by temperature, salinity, and pressure. Warmer water tends to be less dense, while saltier water is more dense. Changes in pressure can also impact the density of water.

4. How does the density of water affect swimming performance?

The density of water can impact a swimmer's performance in several ways. A higher density of water can create more resistance, making it more challenging to move through the water. However, a slightly higher density of water can also provide more buoyancy, which can help swimmers float and maintain their body position in the water.

5. What is the optimal density of water for competitive swimming?

The optimal density of water for competitive swimming is still a subject of debate and further research. However, most studies suggest that a slightly higher density of water (around 1.005 g/mL) may provide the best balance between resistance and buoyancy for swimmers.
