Collision of a moving proton into a proton at rest (relativity)

In summary: What am I missing?In summary, the accelerated proton has 6 times the kinetic energy of a proton at rest.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A high speed proton collides with a proton at rest, two proton-antiproton pairs were created. That is some of the accelerated protons kinetic energy was enough to be converted into the mass of the new particles. If the proton-antiproton pairs move along together as a single particle of rest mass M=4m show that hte kinetic energy of the accelerated proton before collision is:


Homework Equations

relativistic momentum: p=gamma(mv)
Relativistic kinetic energy: K=(gamma-1)mc2
energy as a function of momemtum: E2=(pc)2 + (mc2)2

The Attempt at a Solution

Heres my train of thought...So the kinetic energy of the moving proton must equal the mass energy of 2 additional particles in the product of the collision but those products ( the proton antiproton pairs) are also moving so that's additional kinetic energy. The reactancts have a mass of 2m and the products have a mass of 4m. The total momentum must be the same since its conserved.

I tried figuring out the speed of the intital moving proton and the speed of the blob of 4 particles and got :

4u2 + v2=3c2

where u is the velocity of the proton and the v is the velocity of the 4 particle blob.

Then Iam not sure to procede from there. I am assuming that all the mass of the proton at rest was converted into energy but it doesn't really state that. It just seems weird because the intital proton can moving at any speed greater than the least amount of speed required to create 4 particles that are moving...if that makes sense since it says that SOME of the accelerated protons kinetic energy was converted.

Thank you for your precious time.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Gravitino22 said:

Homework Statement

A high speed proton collides with a proton at rest, two proton-antiproton pairs were created. That is some of the accelerated protons kinetic energy was enough to be converted into the mass of the new particles. If the proton-antiproton pairs move along together as a single particle of rest mass M=4m show that hte kinetic energy of the accelerated proton before collision is:

This actually can't happen because you have a total charge of +2 before the collision and a total charge of 0 after the collision. A proton-antiproton collision would work, though.
Here's my train of thought...So the kinetic energy of the moving proton must equal the mass energy of 2 additional particles in the product of the collision but those products ( the proton antiproton pairs) are also moving so that's additional kinetic energy. The reactants have a mass of 2m and the products have a mass of 4m. The total momentum must be the same since its conserved.

I tried figuring out the speed of the intital moving proton and the speed of the blob of 4 particles and got :

4u2 + v2=3c2

where u is the velocity of the proton and the v is the velocity of the 4 particle blob.
It would help if you showed how you got this result.

Generally, when you solve this type of problem, you want to work with the particles' energy and momentum, not their velocities.

Are you familiar with working with four-vectors?
  • #3
Well if the proton is going fast enough to overcome the electric repulsive forces it would collide wouldn't it? that's how colliders work don't they?

And i have never heard of 4 vectors sorry =/.

And the velocities i got it from equating the total energies of the "reactancts" and "products"

E1=gamma(2mc2) 2m because there's 2 protons initially

E2=gamma(4mc2) equated both equations but obviously i used the definiition of gamma because they both have different velocities.
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  • #4
Gravitino22 said:
Well if the proton is going fast enough to overcome the electric repulsive forces it would collide wouldn't it? that's how colliders work don't they?
That's not the point. You can't have interactions where electric charge just simply appears or disappears.
And the velocities i got it from equating the total energies of the "reactancts" and "products"

E1=gamma(2mc2) 2m because there's 2 protons initially

E2=gamma(4mc2) equated both equations but obviously i used the definiition of gamma because they both have different velocities.
E1 isn't correct because only one proton is moving. Your expression would only be correct if both protons were moving with the same speed so they have the same gamma.

Start by writing down the equations for conservation of energy and momentum in terms of the energies and momenta of the individual protons and the blob. Square the two equations, and then make use of the third "relevant equation" to combine and simplify your results.
  • #5
Well you have the proton at rest: E=mc2 K=0 p=0

The moving proton E1=K1+ mc2 p=(gamma1)mu whre u is the speed of the proton

The blob: E2=K2+4mc2 p=(gamma2)mv where v is the velocity of the blob

Equating any of teh energy/momentum equations together just seems like a big mess because of the velocity that is also inside the gamma function...
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  • #6
This is the only problem i have left unsolved before tomorrows test(which is verbatim from homework). I've tried solving for the velocities using the previously mentioned equations but no luck =/.
  • #7
To repeat...
vela said:
Generally, when you solve this type of problem, you want to work with the particles' energy and momentum, not their velocities.

vela said:
Start by writing down the equations for conservation of energy and momentum in terms of the energies and momenta of the individual protons and the blob. Square the two equations, and then make use of the third "relevant equation" to combine and simplify your results.
  • #8
Sorry vela. I thought you mean start by energies and momentum to get velcoties.
Ok i managed to obtain the mass in terms of the K1 using hte euation above and the third relavant equation.

m=(pc)2 - K12/(2K1c2) i don't know if this will help.

When you say the equations for conservation of energy and momentum are you referring to:

Conservation of energy:K2+4mc2=K1+ mc2
Conservation of momentum: p=(gamma1)mu = p=(gamma2)mv
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  • #9
The units don't work out in that equation. Stick with the total energy E and momentum p for each particle. Once you solve for the total energy of the moving proton, you can calculate its kinetic energy by subtracting out the rest energy.
  • #10
yes i know what your saying:

Kinetic energy energy of moving proton is K1=(gamma1-1)mc2
But this takes me back to the initial quetion i would have to solve for the velocity in the gamma to obtain the kinetic energy just in terms of mass and c2.

Iam stupid sorry, iam not understanding at all. I don't see how you can solve this problem with just using the momentum and energies.
  • #11
E1 = energy of moving proton
E2 = energy of proton at rest
E = energy of blob

p1 = momentum of moving proton
p2 = momentum of proton at rest
p = momentum of blob

Conservation equatlons are

E1 + E2 = E
p1 + p2 = p

Plus you know p2=0 and E2=mc2.

Square the first equation. Multiply the second equation by c and then square it. Subtract the second from the first.
  • #12
I feel like a complete retard now...but i still can't see it. I did what you told me and i still can't see how the momentum cancels out.
  • #13
What is E2-(pc)2 equal to?
  • #14
I failed , sorry vela. The my ******* proffesor put this one test and he knew it was the only one i didnt awnser. Out of 30 homework questions he always puts 6 on the test and he puts the only one i didnt have. Oh well i will still get an A but i wanted 100% cause it makes him mad when someone gets a 100%

Thanks for helping me even though i failed :( really apreciate your time.

FAQ: Collision of a moving proton into a proton at rest (relativity)

1. What is the theory of relativity?

The theory of relativity, developed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century, is a set of two theories: special relativity and general relativity. Special relativity deals with the laws of physics in inertial (non-accelerating) reference frames, while general relativity applies to all reference frames, including those that are accelerating.

2. How does the theory of relativity apply to the collision of protons?

In the collision of a moving proton into a proton at rest, the theory of relativity helps to explain the behavior of the particles and their interactions. According to special relativity, the speed of light is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. This means that the mass and energy of the particles will change as they approach the speed of light, leading to interesting effects such as time dilation and length contraction.

3. What is the significance of the collision of protons in understanding the universe?

The collision of protons is important in understanding the fundamental building blocks of the universe. Protons are one of the basic particles that make up the atoms in our world, and studying their collisions can help us understand the forces and interactions that govern the behavior of matter on a subatomic level. This information is crucial in understanding the formation and evolution of the universe.

4. How is energy conserved in the collision of protons?

In the collision of a moving proton into a proton at rest, energy is conserved through the conversion of mass into energy. This is described by the famous equation E=mc², where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light. As the protons collide, their mass and energy are transformed, but the total energy of the system remains constant.

5. How do scientists study the collision of protons?

Scientists study the collision of protons using particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. These machines accelerate protons to incredibly high speeds and then collide them at designated points. The resulting particles and their interactions are then observed and analyzed by detectors, providing valuable data for further research and understanding of the universe.

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