How can entropy explain formation of soap bubbles

In summary, the conversation discusses basic college physics and chemistry courses, with a focus on entropy and thermodynamics. The speaker questions how entropy plays a role in everyday activities, such as washing hands with soap. It is explained that entropy is a description of randomness and possible states, but in this scenario, the restriction of volume and surface tension of the bubbles play a stronger role in maintaining their organized state.
  • #1
I've taken basic college physics and chemistry courses where I learned about entropy and thermodynamics, and I can tell you that I don't know that much :) That's my background.

I understand that entropy is a description of 'randomness' and possible 'states'. When I wash my hands with soap, I wonder how entropy plays a role. When you wash your hands and look at the sink, you'll likely see bubbles aggregating. Now, isn't that a highly ordered state? You can argue that the motion of your hands create such organized state, that energy was created to give order in the system; but if left alone, why don't the bubbles un-form, due to the absence of motion?
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  • #2
Entropy doesn't play a part so much as the restriction of volume. The gas inside the bubble will push at the sides and force the bubble to be the most efficient model because of the bubbles surface tension. Entropy doesn't act as a strong enough force to degrade the optimized design.

Hope I could help.

FAQ: How can entropy explain formation of soap bubbles

1. What is entropy and how does it relate to soap bubbles?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. In the case of soap bubbles, entropy plays a key role in the formation of the bubbles. Soap bubbles are formed when soap molecules align themselves in a way that minimizes their surface energy, leading to the formation of a spherical shape. This process is driven by the increase in entropy as the molecules spread out and become more disordered.

2. How does the concept of surface tension play a role in soap bubble formation?

Surface tension is a measure of the force that holds the surface of a liquid together. In the case of soap bubbles, surface tension is responsible for the spherical shape of the bubble and the thin film that forms the bubble's surface. As soap molecules lower the surface tension of the water, the surface tension pulls the bubble into a spherical shape, creating the thin film necessary for stable bubbles.

3. How does the presence of soap molecules affect the stability of soap bubbles?

Soap molecules have a hydrophilic (water-loving) head and a hydrophobic (water-repelling) tail. When soap molecules are present in water, they form a thin film on the surface of the water, with their hydrophobic tails facing inward. This film helps to stabilize the bubble by reducing surface tension and preventing the bubble from bursting.

4. Can entropy also explain the different colors seen on soap bubbles?

Yes, the colors seen on soap bubbles are a result of the interference of light waves as they pass through the thin film of the bubble. This is due to the varying thickness of the film caused by the constant motion and reorganization of soap molecules on the surface, which is driven by the increase in entropy. As a result, the colors observed are a manifestation of the chaotic and random nature of entropy.

5. How do changes in temperature affect the formation of soap bubbles?

Temperature can have a significant impact on the formation of soap bubbles. As temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the soap molecules also increases, leading to more chaotic movement and higher entropy. This can result in larger and more numerous bubbles forming. On the other hand, at lower temperatures, the molecules have less energy and are more likely to form smaller and fewer bubbles. Additionally, extreme temperatures can cause the bubble to burst due to changes in surface tension and film stability.
