Christopher Hitchens has died (1949-2011)

  • Thread starter Kevin_Axion
  • Start date
In summary, Christopher Hitchens was a great man who had the courage to speak his mind in an era where that was not always easy to do. He will be missed.
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  • #2
He was a great man. I may not have always agreed with what he said, but I have so much respect for him.

He will be missed indeed.
  • #3
Such a loss. Agree or disagree? At least you'd have to consider his words and the thoughts behind them. I was so sad at the loss of WFBuckley, not because I could always agree with him, but because I could always consider his point of view and tease out the reasons WHY I might agree or disagree. Not an easy thing to do these days (or even back then) when politics and political discourse can be so polarized.
  • #4
Christopher Hitchens passes away :(

Wasn't sure where to put this, if its already been posted--please feel free to move/merge/delete topic.

Sad news Christopher Hitchens finally passed away from his cancer. :(

The influential writer and cultural critic Christopher Hitchens died on Thursday at the age of 62 from complications of cancer of the esophagus. Hitchens confronted his disease in part by writing, bringing the same unsparing insight to his mortality that he had directed at so many other subjects.
  • #5
Who was he?
  • #6
pergradus said:
Who was he?

He was a prominent anti-theist. Somewhat well known for his political backing of the Iraq Invasion.

He spoke out strongly against religion and claimed that it was a primary source for hatred in the world. He was quite a stubborn and confrontational man, but those who knew him well speak very highly of his honour and compassion.

Great speaker, even better writer. A google search last week would have turned up a much better answer to your you'll just get a bunch of stuff about his death.

EDIT: Here is a debate with Hitchens and Steven Fry facing off against two theists, a British MP, and a Cardinal of the church I believe. -
This one was fun to watch but Hitchen's and Fry's opponents were outclassed.
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  • #7
pergradus said:
Who was he?
He was a prominent journalist, author and speaker on current affairs. He was very confrontational and didn't mind who he offended, he was anti-religion, anti-totalitarianism and above all wanted democracy for all.

Begin here;
  • #9
Greg Bernhardt said:
I'll really miss his commentary. I enjoy listening to his debates.
I'd hate to be on the other side of the stage in his debates. That's why I compare his loss to William F. Buckley. Not just quick-witted, but well-informed, thoughtful and insightful. You might agree or disagree with him, but you'd be ill-advised to ignore his reasoning.
  • #11

strange... when I type just the above, it forces the i and p lower case. But when I add stuff, it sticks uppercase.
  • #12
I always found it amazing that he was able to tolerate the rubbish that was put to him in debates. He treated unreason with courtesy far beyond its deserves.
  • #13
He died on the day Iraq war was officially ended.
  • #14
Pythagorean said:

strange... when I type just the above, it forces the i and p lower case. But when I add stuff, it sticks uppercase.

yeah, it's the anti-yelling filter. It's ok to whisper a whole post, though.

RIP Hitch!
  • #15
A couple of Hitchens videos:
3xeK7R-TgHI[/youtube] [
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  • #16
turbo said:
Such a loss. Agree or disagree?
Agree. Courageous man.
  • #17
Pythagorean said:

strange... when I type just the above, it forces the i and p lower case. But when I add stuff, it sticks uppercase.

He spoke out strongly against religion and claimed that it was a primary source for hatred in the world.

He may well be right on in stating this. I agree with him.
But a person who does not have a higher power does not Rest in peace. What Rest? Where is the in? And as much as I would want this for everyone, what peace? More like gone and will be missed.
  • #18
What's it called when people take a figure of speech literally? I've always wondered this.
  • #19
turbo said:
I was so sad at the loss of WFBuckley, not because I could always agree with him, but because I could always consider his point of view and tease out the reasons WHY I might agree or disagree.
I liked Buckley and Hitchens mainly because of their styles. They had the 'gift of phrase', so to speak. But I feel sure that that ability also required a lot of concentrated study and thought. I especially liked Hitchens because of his atheism and some of his straightforward and yet eloquent arguments following an assumption of the existence of the Christian God, which make clear, imo, the absurdity of assuming the existence of such an entity in the first place. As well as his statements regarding the self-aggrandizement of the clergy, the hypocrisy and willful ignorance of the 'faithful', and the dangers of considering the pre-Enlightenment dogmas of the church (or mosque or synagogue) as being in any sense off limits to criticism and even ridicule.
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  • #20
  • #21
humanino said:
  • #22
Pythagorean said:
What's it called when people take a figure of speech literally? I've always wondered this.

Don't know what it's called. But I started paying a lot of attention to sayings that we just say because every one says it when I began my education in the ultra religious community. Coming from the secular community I used lots of sayings and never thought of it.

One was scum bag. That one got me a lot of attention.
When I was working by my ultra
orthodox rabbi and he says, "knock on wood." I said Rabbi, did you know that means knock on the wood of the cross?" I found that out from the "" bag Rabbi. :frown:
  • #23
Sorry to see such a find person gone. R.I.P. Christopher Hitchens. The world needs more people like you.

FAQ: Christopher Hitchens has died (1949-2011)

What were Christopher Hitchens' contributions to science?

Christopher Hitchens was primarily known as a journalist, author, and political commentator, rather than a scientist. However, he did contribute to the field of science through his writings on atheism and religion, particularly in his book "God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything". He also frequently debated with scientists on topics such as evolution and scientific morality.

What was Christopher Hitchens' stance on religion and science?

Hitchens was a staunch atheist and often criticized religion for its impact on science and reason. He believed that religious beliefs and dogma often hindered scientific progress and promoted ignorance and superstition.

How did Christopher Hitchens' death impact the scientific and intellectual community?

Hitchens' death was a loss for the scientific and intellectual community, as he was known for his sharp wit, eloquence, and rational thinking. He was a passionate advocate for critical thinking and reason, and his absence is still felt in discussions about science, religion, and politics.

What is Christopher Hitchens' legacy in the scientific world?

Although Hitchens was not a scientist himself, his writings and debates on science and religion have left an impact on the scientific community. He challenged traditional beliefs and encouraged people to question authority and think critically, which are important values in science.

What can we learn from Christopher Hitchens' life and work in relation to science?

Hitchens' life and work serve as a reminder to always question and challenge beliefs, and to use reason and evidence to guide our understanding of the world. He also showed the importance of open-mindedness and intellectual honesty in the pursuit of knowledge, including in the field of science.

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