New Information Theory: KNIT - Exploring Intelligence, Perception & Creativity

In summary, the conversation discusses the presentation of Knit - The new (knowledgeable) information theory, which includes the concepts of signals, perception, data, knowledge, intelligence, and creativity. The theory also introduces new terms such as phenomenological action base, analytical action base, knowledge-in-itself, and web of beliefs. The conversation also addresses the reason for justification being a loaded word in naming knowledge as a justified true belief and the connection between individual intelligence and health, emotions, and knowledge. However, the presentation is missing the formal proof of the twenty-seven propositions and the AI addendum. The conversation concludes with a reminder to adhere to the forum guidelines.
  • #1
I present Knit - The new (knowledgeable)" .

My rules of engagement are for comments and debatable points that reference the material directly or has an impact on the content of the material, otherwise extraneous comments will be interpreted as an attempt to derail serious efforts, since this is important to philosophy.

The emperical derivation of this information theory allows it to consist of signals. perception, data, information, knowledge, intelligence and creativity as that making consciousness valuable.

Some surprising results of this theory shows intelligence to be methods in the brain not unlike the phenomeno;ogical action base that uses gravity, magnetism, heat, and electric charge to produce action effectively locking determinism into cause and effects.

Some new terms are introduced making it easier to express and name certain difficult patterns. Phenomenological action base, analytical action base, knowledge-in-itself(automaton), and web of beliefs (adopted from Quine) are a few examples where clarification was necessary and coallation under a secure name revealed itself as being necessary.

The reason why justification is such a loaded word in naming knowledge as a justified true belief, is addressed along with the human expression of IQ.

knit said:
In supporting the final human unit, the truth of individual intelligence can be attested to by health and hygene, emotions and comfort, knowledge and activity.

A few elements are missing from the presentation. The formal proof of the twenty-seven propositions, some of which are repeated, is missing, along with the AI addendum.

Please be fair.
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  • #3

I find this new information theory, KNIT, to be a fascinating and thought-provoking concept. The idea of exploring intelligence, perception, and creativity through signals, data, and knowledge is a unique approach to understanding consciousness. The inclusion of terms such as "phenomenological action base" and "web of beliefs" adds clarity to the discussion and helps to define difficult patterns.

I also appreciate the acknowledgement of the importance of health and hygiene, emotions and comfort, and knowledge and activity in determining individual intelligence. These factors are often overlooked in discussions about human intelligence and it is refreshing to see them included in this theory.

However, I do agree with the statement that there are some missing elements in this presentation. The formal proof of the twenty-seven propositions and the AI addendum would greatly strengthen the theory and provide a more solid foundation for its claims. Without these elements, it may be difficult for other scientists to fully evaluate and understand KNIT.

Overall, I believe that this new information theory has great potential and I look forward to seeing how it develops and is applied in the future. As with any new theory, it is important to approach it with an open and critical mind in order to fully evaluate its validity and potential impact on the field of philosophy.

FAQ: New Information Theory: KNIT - Exploring Intelligence, Perception & Creativity

1. What is New Information Theory (KNIT)?

New Information Theory (KNIT) is a scientific framework that aims to explore the fundamental principles behind intelligence, perception, and creativity. It combines various disciplines such as mathematics, computer science, neuroscience, and psychology to study how living organisms acquire, process, and utilize information to adapt and thrive in their environment.

2. How is KNIT different from traditional information theory?

Traditional information theory focuses on the mathematical properties of information, such as its transmission and storage. KNIT, on the other hand, takes a more holistic approach by incorporating biological and cognitive factors to study how information is perceived, interpreted, and acted upon by living organisms.

3. What are the applications of KNIT?

KNIT has various applications in fields such as artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and cognitive psychology. It can help in the development of more efficient and intelligent machines, understanding the neural basis of perception and decision-making, and improving our understanding of human creativity.

4. How does KNIT explain intelligence?

KNIT defines intelligence as the ability to acquire, process, and utilize information to solve problems and adapt to changing environments. It explains intelligence as an emergent property of complex systems, where the organization and interaction of different components give rise to intelligent behavior.

5. Can KNIT be applied to non-biological systems?

Yes, KNIT can be applied to non-biological systems such as artificial intelligence, social networks, and economic systems. It provides a framework for understanding how these systems acquire, process, and utilize information to achieve their goals and adapt to changing conditions.
