Can a TRIAC be used to reduce power consumtion for a charger?

In summary, a triac is a low-power, on/off switch that is activated when the voltage across it crosses zero. When the triac is turned on, it remains on until the input voltage crosses zero again. Delaying the triac turn-on each half-cycle reduces the rms voltage to the charger and reduce power consumption. However, the charger may not work correctly due to lack of input voltage.
  • #1
If my understanding of triac's is correct then the triac will conduct current until the amperage flowing though it drops below the threshold. If that is true would adding a triac before the primary induction coil reduce power consumption?

If it did, how would the you reestablish the connection? Would it automatically reestablish itself after a wile, or would the circuit be broken forever?

Help please
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  • #2
After the applied voltage to a triac crosses zero, the triac remains OFF (non-conducting) until it is triggered with a pulse from a (passive) timing circuit. Once the triac is turned ON, it remains ON until the input voltage crosses zero again, which turns the triac OFF.

Delaying the triac turn-on each half-cycle reduces the rms voltage to the charger and reduce power consumption, but the charger may not work correctly due to lack of input voltage.
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  • #3
It makes sense now
Thanks a ton!
  • #4
TRIAC's will kick off as soon as the amperage drops below the threshold, so whenever the AC current reverses direction the TRIAC will brake the circuit. This happens about 60 times per second. So using a TRIAC for power conservation is not such a good idea
  • #5
Most hosehold incandescent lamp dimmer switches are just triacs with a manually adjustable gating circuit. When you adjust the dimmer you are just changing the delay in time between when ac voltage crosses zero and when the gating circuit turns on the forwardly biased half of the triac; the triac is like two inverse parallel SCRs with their gates tied together. It does this for both positive and negative halves of the sine wave. So, turning down a dimmer (increasing the triac gating delay) "conserves power" since less current flows to the lamp filiment for each half alternation. Triacs could easily be used at the power delivery end of an "intelligent", automatic, control system to throttle back resistive loads (water heater elements, resistive heating, incandescent lighting, etc) and thus conserve power. Not paying your electric bill for 3 months in a row is another way

FAQ: Can a TRIAC be used to reduce power consumtion for a charger?

1. Can a TRIAC be used for power control in a charger?

Yes, a TRIAC (triode for alternating current) can be used to control the power output of a charger. It is commonly used in electronic devices to regulate the amount of power being supplied to a circuit.

2. How does a TRIAC reduce power consumption for a charger?

A TRIAC controls the power output by interrupting the flow of electricity in the circuit. By regulating the amount of time the electricity flows, the TRIAC can effectively reduce the overall power consumption of the charger.

3. Is a TRIAC the most efficient way to reduce power consumption in a charger?

There are other methods that can be used to reduce power consumption in a charger, such as using a switching power supply or implementing a power management system. However, a TRIAC can be a cost-effective and simple solution for controlling power output in a charger.

4. Are there any drawbacks to using a TRIAC in a charger?

One potential drawback of using a TRIAC is that it may cause electromagnetic interference (EMI) in the circuit, which can affect the performance of other electronic devices. Additionally, a TRIAC may not be suitable for high power applications and may require additional components for proper functioning.

5. Can a TRIAC be used in all types of chargers?

TRIACs are commonly used in chargers that require power regulation, such as battery chargers for electronic devices or electric vehicles. However, it may not be suitable for chargers that require high power output, such as chargers for industrial equipment or large machinery.
