Need desparate help on this question concerning finding a positive integer

In summary, fi have no idea what to do and i tried posting it on another forum and nobody replied so please help me! thank you so much!
  • #1
fi have no idea what to do and i tried posting it on another forum and nobody replied so please help me! thank you so much!

find a positive integer n so that 40n is a fifth power (of an integer) 500n is a sixth power, and 200n is a seventh power, or explain why it is impossible to do so (hint: let x = e2(n) and y = e5(n) use the given assumptions about n to find systems of linear congruences that x and y must satisfy. you may leave n in terms of its canonical prime factorization. show as much work as possible
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  • #2
40 = 2^3 * 5, 500 = 2^2 * 5^3, 200 = 2^3 * 5^2.

For simplicity, assume n = 2^x * 5^y for some natural numbers x, y.

Then 40n = 2^(x + 3) * 5^(y + 1). If this is to be a fifth power, both exponents must be divisible by 5, i.e.

x + 3 == 0 (mod 5),
y + 1 == 0 (mod 5).

You can find similar requirements for 500n and 200n. Then you solve this system of equations.
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  • #3
Thank you for answering my question. I just need some clarification though. When you have the
x + 3 == 0 (mod 6),
y + 1 == 0 (mod 6).

do you solve the congruence x + 3 == 0(mod6) and then you solve the second y+1 == 0(mod6) and once you do you subsitute the remainder into the n = 2^x * 5^y

For the 500n = 2^(x + 2) * 5^(y + 3).
x+2 == 0(mod6)
y+3 ==0(mod6)

what happens when you solve all the equations how do you know what n would be if you have different numbers?
  • #4
I made a mistake in my original post, 40n was supposed to be a fifth power. The equations need to be changed accordingly.

do you solve the congruence x + 3 == 0(mod6) and then you solve the second y+1 == 0(mod6) and once you do you subsitute the remainder into the n = 2^x * 5^y

No. You must find x, y such that all six equations are satisfied /simultaneously/:

x + 3 == 0 (mod 5),
y + 1 == 0 (mod 5),
x + 2 == 0 (mod 6),
y + 3 == 0 (mod 6),
x + 3 == 0 (mod 7),
y + 2 == 0 (mod 7).

Have you heard about the Chinese remainder theorem? (This system can be solved without explicitely using the CRT though).

After you have found a solution, you plug it into n = 2^x * 5^y. That's how you find out what n "is" (but n is not uniquely determined, i.e. there are infinitely many n that will work. The original problem was to find /an/ n that worked, not all n).
  • #5
Question again

how can you use the chinese remainder theorem if you have an x and y and you want to do it simulatenously?
  • #6
Um, by first solving

x + 3 == 0 (mod 5)
x + 2 == 0 (mod 6)
x + 3 == 0 (mod 7)

using the CRT, and then doing the same to

y + 1 == 0 (mod 5)
y + 3 == 0 (mod 6)
y + 2 == 0 (mod 7).
  • #7
to use the chinese remainder theorem wouldn't you have to rewrite the equation s for the x's as

so then we can rewrite it using the q's. and once we figure out what the general form of it the x would be the remainder of it

FAQ: Need desparate help on this question concerning finding a positive integer

1. How do I find a positive integer?

There are several ways to find a positive integer. One way is to start with a number and add 1 until you reach a positive integer. Another way is to use a mathematical equation, such as x + 1 = positive integer. You can also use a calculator to find a positive integer.

2. Can any number be a positive integer?

No, a positive integer must be a whole number greater than 0. Fractions, decimals, and negative numbers are not considered positive integers.

3. What are some real-life applications of finding positive integers?

Finding positive integers is used in various fields such as computer science, finance, and statistics. In computer science, positive integers are used for indexing and counting. In finance, positive integers are used for calculating interest rates and loan payments. In statistics, positive integers are used for counting and analyzing data.

4. How do you know if a number is a positive integer?

If a number is greater than 0 and does not have any decimal or fraction, it is a positive integer. You can also determine if a number is a positive integer by using the mathematical symbol for positive integers, which is ℕ (the letter N with a double line on the left).

5. Can I use negative numbers to find a positive integer?

No, negative numbers cannot be used to find a positive integer. Negative numbers are less than 0 and cannot be considered positive integers. You can only use positive numbers and whole numbers to find a positive integer.
