Boiling & Freezing water at the same time?

In summary, the conversation is about a student who is struggling with a research paper and presentation on the topic of boiling and freezing water at the same time. The student is not familiar with the concept of a phase diagram and is seeking suggestions and resources for their research. The conversation provides information on the importance of understanding phase diagrams and suggests keywords for further research on the topic.
  • #1
OK, I'm not a science person. I'm an elementary ed major and we have to take classes in physical science to get the basics.

So, my problem is in plain English!

This month, I have to do a 10 page research paper and presentation on "Boiling water and freezing it at the same time." Now, the only thing I know about water temps is that warm water freezes faster than cold. Can anyone give me any ideas of articles to look for or what to research? I am totally lost!

Physics news on
  • #2
You might want to start by looking at a phase diagram for water (see picture 2 and simply look at the colors ). It's pretty clear to see that such a process could only occur below about 0 degrees celsius. Right along the borders of the colored regions in that picture represent points where an equilibrium has been established between two different (or three different) states of matter. I hope I didn't mention something you already knew.
  • #3
Thanks! That was very helpful. No, I didn't already know anything about that.

Assume I know nothing. <grin> Anybody else have suggestions...?
  • #4
The key is in the phase diagram (linked to by vsage) of water. Understand first what a phase diagram is, what information can be got from a P-V diagram and get familiar with a few different phase diagrams, before proceeding.

To have boiling (liquid going to vapor) and freezing (liquid going to solid) at some temperature, you want to have the solid, liquid and vapor phases touch each other in the phase diagram. Clearly, this does not happen at atmospheric pressure (10^5 Pa). You need to get to the "triple point" (about 4.58 torr or 600 Pa and about 273K or 0.01C) to see this phenomenon.

That's one aspect of the problem - the equilibrium thermodynamics. There are other aspects to it too : fluctuations, kinetics, microscopic mechanisms of the phase transitions - hydrogen bonding in the liquid and solid phases, structures of these pahses, colligative effects (on the phase diagram) of adding a solute, etc.

That should start you off and give you a few key words to Google and research.

FAQ: Boiling & Freezing water at the same time?

1. Why is it not possible to boil and freeze water at the same time?

Boiling and freezing are two opposite processes that require different conditions to occur. Boiling requires heat energy to increase the temperature of water, while freezing requires the removal of heat energy to decrease the temperature. These two processes cannot happen simultaneously because they require different energy inputs.

2. Can water be both boiling and freezing at the same time?

No, water cannot exist in both boiling and freezing states at the same time. This is because boiling and freezing are two different physical states of water and they cannot coexist simultaneously. Water can only exist in one state at a given temperature and pressure.

3. Is it possible for water to reach a temperature where it is both boiling and freezing at the same time?

No, it is not possible for water to reach a temperature where it is both boiling and freezing at the same time. At a specific temperature and pressure, water can only exist in either a liquid, solid, or gas state. It cannot exist in two states simultaneously.

4. Are there any substances that can boil and freeze at the same time?

No, there are no known substances that can boil and freeze at the same time. This is because boiling and freezing are two opposite processes that require specific conditions to occur. Most substances will either boil or freeze depending on the temperature and pressure they are subjected to.

5. Is it possible for water to be at its boiling and freezing points at the same time?

No, it is not possible for water to be at its boiling and freezing points at the same time. The boiling point and freezing point of water occur at different temperatures and pressures. At one specific temperature and pressure, water can only be at one of these points, not both simultaneously.
