How to calculate force of electric current on magnet

In summary, the conversation discusses how a moving magnetic field can induce an electrical current and vice versa, which is the basis for how speakers work. The question is then posed about how to calculate the amount a permanent magnet would move when exposed to an electric field and what factors would be needed to do so. It is explained that the force on the magnet can be calculated using the equation B=B(I) and by knowing the current (amplitude, frequency, and phase) and the mass and strength of the magnet.
  • #1

It is my understanding that a moving magnetic can induce an electrical current, and that conversely, and electrical current can move a magnet. I believe that this is the basis by which speakers work (changing electric field causes vibration of the magnet that generates the sound).

My question is how would one calculate the amount a permanent magnet would move when exposed to an electric field. Another way to put it, how would you calculate the force of an electric field on a permanent magnet. Would there only be a force given an AC current of would there also be a force with a DC current?

What factors would you need to know to be able to calculate this? I would assume you would need to know:

frequency (hz) and power (Amp) of the electrical current
mass of magnet
strength of magnet (what units? gauss?)

Thanks for any help one can offer.

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  • #2
A changing electric field generates a magnetic field which exerts force on a magnet (so its not the changing electric field by itself that exerts the force but the magnetic field that is generated by the changing electric field).

But also a current (AC or DC ) generates a magnetic field.

In order to calculate the force we ll need the equation B=B(I) that relates the magnetic field to the current I (for all frequencies below Ghz we neglect the magnetic field due to changing electric field unless we are studying electromagnetic fields from antennas that radiate electromagnetic energy).

Also we ll need to know the current (amplitude, frequency and phase if possible). From the equation B=B(I) we will be able then to calculate B. The force on the magnet from the magnetic field B will be F=B*q where q is the quantity of magnetism of the magnet measured in Newton/Tesla. Mass of the magnet will come into play to equate the Force of the magnetic field as m*a, so it would B*q=m*a where m the mass of the magnet and a its acceleration.
  • #4
Thanks for the help, that is exactly the information I was looking for. Take care,

  • #5

Thank you for your question. The force of an electric current on a magnet can be calculated using the following formula:

F = BILsinθ

F = force (in Newtons)
B = magnetic field strength (in Tesla)
I = current (in Amperes)
L = length of conductor (in meters)
θ = angle between the direction of the current and the direction of the magnetic field

To calculate the force, you would need to know the strength of the magnetic field, which can be measured in units of Tesla or Gauss. You would also need to know the current and length of the conductor. The angle between the current and magnetic field is also an important factor, as the force is dependent on this angle.

In the case of a permanent magnet, the force would be generated by an alternating current (AC) as it creates a changing magnetic field. However, a direct current (DC) can also produce a force on a magnet if the magnet is able to move within the magnetic field. This is because a DC current can create a magnetic field that is not constant, but rather fluctuates due to the movement of the electrons.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, other factors that could affect the force include the size and shape of the magnet, as well as external factors such as temperature and surrounding materials. I hope this helps answer your question. Let me know if you need any further clarification.

FAQ: How to calculate force of electric current on magnet

1. How is the force of electric current on a magnet calculated?

The force of electric current on a magnet can be calculated using the formula F = BIL, where F is the force in Newtons, B is the magnetic field strength in Teslas, I is the current in Amperes, and L is the length of the conductor in meters.

2. What is the direction of the force of electric current on a magnet?

The direction of the force is perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the direction of the current. This is known as the right hand rule, where the thumb points in the direction of the current, the fingers point in the direction of the magnetic field, and the palm faces the direction of the force.

3. Can the force of electric current on a magnet be increased?

Yes, the force can be increased by increasing the current or the magnetic field strength. Increasing the length of the conductor also increases the force, but to a lesser extent.

4. How does the distance between the magnet and conductor affect the force of electric current?

The force of electric current on a magnet decreases as the distance between the two increases. This is because the magnetic field strength decreases with distance, resulting in a weaker force.

5. What are some real-world applications of calculating the force of electric current on a magnet?

Calculating the force of electric current on a magnet is important in designing and understanding electric motors and generators. It is also used in the development of magnetic levitation trains, particle accelerators, and medical imaging technologies such as MRI machines.

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