Partition function of rotating molecule

In summary, the derivation of the partition function Q for pure rotation involves making a substitution of the integration variable from dJ to d(J2 + J), which eliminates the degeneracy factor (2J+1) from the integrand. This is done using the "u-substitution" method, where J is substituted with (J2 + J) - J2. The integration is then performed, resulting in the final expression for Q(rot) = (8pi2IkT)/(h2).
  • #1

I am working through a textbook here, struggling to follow a mathematical step. We are deriving the partition function Q due to pure rotation of a system containing molecules with quantum rotation energy levels:

E = h2J(J+1) / 8pi2I

Where J is the rotational quantum number, J = 0,1,2...

I have substituted this into the partition function, where the degeneracy is (2J+1), and have made the approximation of turning the sum into an integral to obtain:

Q(rot) = INT(J=0 to infinity) of (2J+1)exp[(-h2J(J+1))/(8pi2IkT)] dJ

Suddenly they say we can eliminate the (2J+1) factor at the front of the integrand if we convert the integration variable from dJ to d(J2 + J). Nothing else changes:

Q(rot) = INT(J=0 to infinity) of exp[(-h2(J2 + J))/(8pi2IkT)] d(J2 + J).

They then integrate, taking the constant factor of the exponential down, evaluate what's left at the limits to get [1-0] and conclude the answer is this factor, which is:

Q(rot) = (8pi2IkT)/(h2)

I understand the last step, but can't see how they've done the substitution of the variable in the first place to remove the (2J+1) factor in the integral.

Thanks for any help,

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  • #2

Hello Mike,

Thank you for sharing your struggle with this mathematical step. I can understand how it can be confusing and difficult to follow. Let me try to break it down for you.

Firstly, let's look at the original expression for the partition function:

Q(rot) = INT(J=0 to infinity) of (2J+1)exp[(-h2J(J+1))/(8pi2IkT)] dJ

As you have correctly pointed out, the degeneracy factor (2J+1) is present in the integrand. Now, let's make the substitution of the integration variable from dJ to d(J2 + J). This means that instead of integrating with respect to J, we will now integrate with respect to (J2 + J). This is a common technique used in integration, known as the "u-substitution" method.

Now, let's see how this substitution affects the integrand. We will substitute J = (J2 + J) - J2. This means that (2J+1) becomes [(J2 + J + 1) - (J2 + 1)]. Simplifying this, we get (2J+1) = J2 + J. Substituting this in the original expression, we get:

Q(rot) = INT(J=0 to infinity) of (J2 + J)exp[(-h2J(J+1))/(8pi2IkT)] d(J2 + J)

As you can see, the (2J+1) factor has been eliminated from the integrand. Now, when we integrate this expression, we will get:

Q(rot) = INT(J=0 to infinity) of exp[(-h2(J2 + J))/(8pi2IkT)] d(J2 + J)

The limits of integration remain the same, but the integrand has changed. This is because we have substituted the variable, not the limits. Now, when we integrate this expression, we will get:

Q(rot) = [-exp[(-h2(J2 + J))/(8pi2IkT)]] from J=0 to infinity

Evaluating this at the limits, we get [1-0], which gives us the final result:

Q(rot) = (8pi2IkT)/(h2)

I hope this helps to clarify the steps involved in the substitution of the integration variable. If you have any further questions or
  • #3

Hello Mike,

Thank you for reaching out with your question. I can understand your confusion with the substitution of the variable in the partition function for a rotating molecule. Let me explain it step by step.

First, let's look at the integral that you have written:

Q(rot) = INT(J=0 to infinity) of (2J+1)exp[(-h2J(J+1))/(8pi2IkT)] dJ

As you correctly mentioned, the degeneracy of the rotational energy levels is (2J+1). However, when we are calculating the partition function, we are essentially summing over all possible energy states. In this case, we are summing over all possible values of J, which goes from 0 to infinity. Therefore, we can write the integral as:

Q(rot) = INT(J=0 to infinity) of (2J+1)exp[(-h2J(J+1))/(8pi2IkT)] dJ = INT(J=0 to infinity) of exp[(-h2J(J+1))/(8pi2IkT)] dJ

Now, let's look at the substitution of the variable. The reason we do this is to make the integral easier to evaluate. When we substitute J with (J2+J), we are essentially changing the variable from J to (J2+J). This allows us to eliminate the (2J+1) factor in the integral, making it easier to integrate. Let's see how this works:

Q(rot) = INT(J=0 to infinity) of exp[(-h2J(J+1))/(8pi2IkT)] dJ

Substituting J with (J2+J):

= INT(J2+J=0 to infinity) of exp[(-h2(J2+J)(J2+J+1))/(8pi2IkT)] d(J2+J)

= INT(J2=0 to infinity) of exp[(-h2(J2+2J+1))/(8pi2IkT)] d(J2+J)

= INT(J2=0 to infinity) of exp[(-h2J2-h2J-h2)/(8pi2IkT)] d(J2+J)

= INT(J2=0 to infinity) of exp[(-h2J2)/(8pi2IkT)]exp[(-h2J)/(8pi2IkT

FAQ: Partition function of rotating molecule

1. What is the partition function of a rotating molecule?

The partition function of a rotating molecule is a mathematical quantity that represents the distribution of energy levels in a molecule due to its rotational motion. It is used to calculate thermodynamic properties such as entropy, heat capacity, and free energy.

2. How is the partition function of a rotating molecule calculated?

The partition function of a rotating molecule is calculated by summing over all possible rotational states of the molecule, each weighted by their corresponding energy levels. This can be expressed mathematically as Z = ∑e^(-E/kT), where E is the energy of a particular state, k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the temperature.

3. What factors affect the partition function of a rotating molecule?

The partition function of a rotating molecule is affected by several factors, including the moment of inertia of the molecule, temperature, and the number of rotational energy levels. It is also affected by the molecular geometry and rotational symmetry of the molecule.

4. How does the partition function of a rotating molecule relate to other thermodynamic properties?

The partition function of a rotating molecule is used to calculate various thermodynamic properties, such as entropy, heat capacity, and free energy. These properties are related to the partition function through mathematical equations, allowing for the prediction of the behavior of the molecule under different conditions.

5. What is the significance of the partition function of a rotating molecule in chemistry?

The partition function of a rotating molecule plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of molecules in chemical reactions and phase transitions. It allows for the calculation of thermodynamic properties that are essential in determining the stability and reactivity of molecules in different environments.

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