Conservation of energy in magnets

In summary, permanent magnets can be used to give kinetic energy to other objects, but it takes energy to do so.
  • #1

With permanent magnets I have been puzzling over how they can obey the conservation of energy.

If I make a permanent magnet then I can use it, expending negligible energy myself, to attract, and thus give kinetic energy to, many other metallic objects.

So, when I create my magnet, do all of the objects in the universe suddenly gain 'magnetic potential energy', in which case I would have to provide an unrealistic amount of energy to produce the magnet?

So how does COE work with permanent magnets?
Physics news on
  • #2
How do you make a magnet?
  • #3
the conservation of energy works the same for permanent magnets as it does for everything else. The universe doesn't gain or lose any energy by assembling atoms into a bar magnet for the same reason that the universe doesn't gain or lose any energy when two bar magnets are put together to make a stronger magnet. (atoms can be treated as very small bar magnets of varying strengths and directions)

Though you could say that the potential energy of an object changes in such a case, the potential energy decrease is equal to the energy required to assemble the big magnet from smaller magnets, so the total energy remains constant.
  • #4
you make a magnet by orienting the spins of the electrons in atoms to point all or mostly in the same direction. the spin of an individual electron creates a small magnetic field just like a loop of current does. When you add all these spins up, you can get a strong magnetic field as in a bar magnet.
  • #5
User11037 said:
So, when I create my magnet, do all of the objects in the universe suddenly gain 'magnetic potential energy', in which case I would have to provide an unrealistic amount of energy to produce the magnet?
You seem to think that the energy in the magnetic field is infinite. It is not. The magnetic field has an energy density which is proportional to the square of the field. Integrating this density over space gives a finite total energy.
  • #6
yeah. There's two main points in my opinion. 1) the magnetic field takes time to spread out through space. So once you make the magnet, it does not instantly produce a magnetic force on a wire which is very far away. 2) Even when the magnetic field does spread out into space, the strength of this magnetic field decreases with distance, such that the magnetic force on a wire which is further away, is smaller.
  • #7
If I make a permanent magnet then I can use it, expending negligible energy myself, to attract, and thus give kinetic energy to, many other metallic objects.

How many? The number isn't unlimited, at least not without removing some as well. That takes energy.

FAQ: Conservation of energy in magnets

1. What is conservation of energy in magnets?

The conservation of energy in magnets is a fundamental principle in physics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transformed from one form to another. In the case of magnets, the energy is stored in the magnetic field and can be converted into other forms of energy, such as mechanical or electrical energy.

2. How does conservation of energy apply to magnets?

Conservation of energy applies to magnets in the sense that the total energy in a system of magnets remains constant. When two magnets attract or repel each other, the energy in their magnetic fields changes, but the total energy remains the same.

3. Can energy be lost in magnets?

No, energy cannot be lost in magnets. As per the law of conservation of energy, the total energy in a system of magnets must remain constant. Energy can only be transformed from one form to another, but it cannot be lost.

4. How does the conservation of energy in magnets affect their strength?

The strength of a magnet is directly related to the energy stored in its magnetic field. As long as the total energy remains constant, the strength of the magnet will also remain constant. However, if energy is added or removed from the system, the strength of the magnet will change accordingly.

5. What is the role of conservation of energy in magnetism?

The conservation of energy is a fundamental principle that governs all physical processes, including magnetism. It ensures that the total energy in a system of magnets remains constant, and any changes in energy are accounted for through energy transformations. This principle is essential for understanding and predicting the behavior of magnets and other magnetic phenomena.
