Solving Integral Equation: sin(x)+∫_0^π sin(x-t)y(t)dt

In summary, the conversation discusses how to solve the given integral equation using different methods. The final solution is found by setting the resulting equation equal to zero and solving for the constants A and B.
  • #1

Homework Statement

solve the following integral equation

[tex]y(x)=sin(x)+\int_0^\pi sin(x-t)y(t)dt[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

If the limits of integration were from 0 to x then i could solve this using Laplace transfroms because the definition of the convolution is:
integral g(x-t)y(t) where the limits are from 0 to x.
But here, we have the limits from 0 to pi.
Does anyone have any ideas.
Thank you
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  • #2
How about if you differentiate with respect to x twice. What happens if you add that to the original equation?
  • #3
after I differentiate once, I get:

[tex]y'(x)=cos(x)(1+\int^\pi_0 (cos(t)-sin(t))y(t)dt)[/tex]

differenitiating agin gives


adding to the original gives

[tex]y''+y=\int^\pi_0 (sin(x)-cos(x))sin(t)y(t)dt[/tex]

is that right?
What shall i do now?
  • #4
[tex]y(x)=sin(x)+\int_0^\pi sin(x-t)y(t)dt[/tex]
let's try to solve this integral by integration by parts twice:
[tex]\int_0^pi \sin(x-t)y(t)dt[/tex]
let u=y(t) then du=y(t)dt
dv=sin(x-t)dt then v=cos(x-t)
apply [tex] u*v -\int vdu [/tex]
we will obtain two factors [tex]A+\int cos(x-t)y(t)dt[/tex]
another time integrate the second integral by parts we will obtain the same integral as above we will get 2*the first integral and solve for it!
  • #5
the first integral i wrote above i mean pi and not from 0--->p, writing mistake!
  • #6
I think you made a mistake,

if u=y(t) then u'=y'(t) because we are integrating with respect to t.
so in the intgrand we will have y'(t) and if we integrate by parts again, we will have y''(t) in the integrand.
  • #7
yes you'r right i have made a mistake.
take u=y(t) du=y'(t)dt
dv=sin(x-t)dt v=-cos(x-t)
then after calculating it, calculate the second integral by the same method but take
u=cos(x-t) du=sin(x-t)dt
dv=y'(t)dt v=y(t)
  • #8
I don't think this is the right approach. after the integration by parts, we get that the integral =0 leaving us with
y(x) = sin(x)

is this right?
  • #9
sara_87 said:
after I differentiate once, I get:

[tex]y'(x)=cos(x)(1+\int^\pi_0 (cos(t)-sin(t))y(t)dt)[/tex]

differenitiating agin gives


adding to the original gives

[tex]y''+y=\int^\pi_0 (sin(x)-cos(x))sin(t)y(t)dt[/tex]

is that right?
What shall i do now?

I get that y''(x)=(-sin(x))+integral(-sin(x-t)*y(t)). So y(x)+y''(x)=0. I don't see how you are factoring a cos(x) out of that first derivative.
  • #10
sara_87 said:
after I differentiate once, I get:

[tex]y'(x)=cos(x)(1+\int^\pi_0 (cos(t)-sin(t))y(t)dt)[/tex]
How did you pull the cos(x) out of the integral? You just want to differentiate sin(x-t) wrt x and leave it all inside the integral, i.e.

[tex]\int sin(x-t)y(t)dt \Rightarrow \int cos(x-t)y(t)dt[/tex]
  • #11
thank you both for pointing out my mistake.
after differentiating twice and adding y and y'' I get
so the solution is

to find A and B I need initial conditions.
How can I get the initial conditions?
  • #12
sara_87 said:
thank you both for pointing out my mistake.
after differentiating twice and adding y and y'' I get
so the solution is

to find A and B I need initial conditions.
How can I get the initial conditions?

Plug your y(x) into the integral equation. Now you can explicitly do the integral. If you move all of the terms to one side you will get something like c*sin(x)+d*cos(x)=0 (where c and d are linear functions of A and B). Now what?
  • #13
i did this just now and got that:



is this right?
  • #14
Right. You set c=d=0. Those look like the same values I got for A and B.
  • #15
wohoo, thanks.
Im doing another question and it is the same as this one but instead of sin(x-t)y(t) in the integrand, i have (x-t)y(t) in the integrand.
Do I also differentiate twice?
  • #16
sara_87 said:
wohoo, thanks.
Im doing another question and it is the same as this one but instead of sin(x-t)y(t) in the integrand, i have (x-t)y(t) in the integrand.
Do I also differentiate twice?

It's certainly worth a try. What do you think will happen?
  • #17
Why integration by parts is wrong in such a case?
  • #18
we have

[tex]y(x)=1+\int_0^1 (x-t)y(t)dt[/tex]

[tex]y'(x) = \int_0^1 y(t)dt[/tex]

y''=0 i add them? :confused:
  • #19
sara_87 said:
we have

[tex]y(x)=1+\int_0^1 (x-t)y(t)dt[/tex]

[tex]y'(x) = \int_0^1 y(t)dt[/tex]

y''=0 i add them? :confused:

Well, you don't need to. y''=0 is already an ODE you can easily solve.
  • #20
hisham.i said:
Why integration by parts is wrong in such a case?

For one thing, you did it wrong. If u=y then du=y'(x)dx. Now there's a y'(x) in your integral. The next time you integrate by parts you get y''(x). You aren't going to get back where you started. You are just making things more complicated.
  • #21
when I solve y''=0 and then substitute it into the original equation I get:


how will this help to find A and B?
  • #22
sara_87 said:
when I solve y''=0 and then substitute it into the original equation I get:


how will this help to find A and B?

The same as the other one. If c*x+d=0 for all x, then c=0 and d=0.
  • #23
wohoo, thank you very much.
I get A=-12/5 and B=6/5

just one final question,
If now instead of (x-t)y(t) in the integrand, I have ln(x/t)y(t), do i still use differentiation?

I would then get:

[tex]y'(x)=\frac{1}{x}\int_0^1 y(t)dt[/tex]
[tex]y''(x)=\frac{-1}{x^2}\int_0^1 y(t)dt[/tex]
  • #24
Step back and think about it. The whole game here is to eliminate the integral so you just have an ODE in y(x) left. Can you think of a way to use those two equations to eliminate the integral? I'll bet you can.
  • #25
ya, I can :biggrin:

I get:
y'' + 1/x y'=0
solving gives:
y(x) = Aln(x)+B
is this right?
then i do the same as before to find A and B, right?
  • #26
sara_87 said:
ya, I can :biggrin:

I get:
y'' + 1/x y'=0
solving gives:
y(x) = Aln(x)+B
is this right?
then i do the same as before to find A and B, right?

I think you've got it.
  • #27
Thanks ;)
  • #28
sara_87 said:
when I solve y''=0 and then substitute it into the original equation I get:


how will this help to find A and B?

I'm just wondering how did get these combinations for the constants after you've plugged your solution into the integration equation.
  • #29
andylu224 said:
I'm just wondering how did get these combinations for the constants after you've plugged your solution into the integration equation.

You calculate the integral.
  • #30
i know you calculate the integral to obtain the constants, but I am just at a loss in doing what you both did.

the solution to the ODE would be y = Ax + B. when inserted into the original equation,

Ax + B = 1 + (int 0->1) (x-t)y(t)dt

(A - (int 0->1)y(t)dt)x + (B - 1 + (int 0->1) ty(t)dt) = 0

I'm just wondering how you evaluated those integral terms into the constant terms.
I had a similar query about the question done before as well.
  • #31
It's not Ax+B, it's f(x)=Aln(x)+B. You want to integrate ln(x/t)*f(t)=ln(x/t)*(Aln(t)+B)dt from t from 0 to 1. That breaks up into integrating ln(t)^2 and ln(t). Do them by integrating by parts. If you are having trouble with the individual integrations, it might be best to post a separate thread with your specific integration questions. This doesn't have much to do with integral equations.
  • #32
Have you tried the laplace transform ... it applies very nicely here .:)

This equation is the Volterra integral equations .
  • #33
How does the Laplace trandform apply here?

Which integral equaiton is Volterra?
The ones are posted are Fredholm.

FAQ: Solving Integral Equation: sin(x)+∫_0^π sin(x-t)y(t)dt

1. What is an integral equation?

An integral equation is an equation that involves an unknown function as well as an integral of that function. It is a type of mathematical equation that is commonly used in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields.

2. What is the purpose of solving integral equations?

The purpose of solving integral equations is to find the unknown function that satisfies the given equation. This can help us understand the behavior of the system or phenomenon represented by the equation and make predictions or calculations based on the solution.

3. How do you solve an integral equation?

Solving an integral equation involves using mathematical techniques such as substitution, integration, and manipulation of equations to find the unknown function. It requires a strong understanding of calculus and algebraic manipulation.

4. What is the significance of the integral in this equation?

The integral in this equation represents the area under the curve of the function y(t) from 0 to π. It is an essential part of the equation as it allows us to take into account the entire range of the function and not just a single point.

5. What are some applications of solving integral equations?

Solving integral equations has many practical applications, including in physics, engineering, economics, and biology. It can be used to model and analyze complex systems, predict the behavior of physical phenomena, and optimize processes in various fields.
