Can the group of rational numbers be generated by a finite set of elements?

  • Thread starter Jupiter
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In summary, the proof shows that any finitely generated subgroup of the rational numbers is contained in a cyclic subgroup, but Q itself is not cyclic and therefore not finitely generated. This is proven by considering an arbitrary generating set X and showing that any element x in that set can be written as a linear combination of elements in a cyclic subgroup. Additionally, an alternative proof is presented that shows the impossibility of Q being finitely generated.
  • #1
Can someone guide me through the proof (or point me to where I can find the proof) that the group of rational numbers is not finitely generated?
I know that it helps to break it into steps, the first of which you show that any finitely generated subgroup of Q is contained in a cyclic subgroup (and hence is cyclic), and in the second step you show that Q itself is not cyclic.
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  • #2
I think I've got a proof.

Let [tex]X=\{\frac{a_1}{b_1},\frac{a_2}{b_2},...,\frac{a_n}{b_n}\}\subset \mathbb{Q}[/tex]. Consider [tex]\langle \frac{1}{b_1b_2...b_n}\rangle[/tex]. Then if [tex]x\in \langle X\rangle [/tex], we know [tex]x=\frac{c_1a_1}{b_1}+\frac{c_2a_2}{b_2}+...+\frac{c_na_n}{b_n}[/tex] for some [tex]c_i\in \mathbb{Z}[/tex]. It follows that [tex]x=\frac{c_1b_2b_3...b_na_1+...+b_1b_2...b_{i-1}c_ib_{i+1}...b_na_i+...+b_1b_2...b_{n-1}c_na_n}{b_1...b_n} \in \langle \frac{1}{b_1b_2...b_n}\rangle[/tex].
(tex not showing up - meant to show containment of x in the cyclic subgroup we're considering)
Thus any finitely generated subgroup of Q is cyclic.
Now if Q were cyclic then Q would be isomporphic to Z. If f were such an isomorphism, then certainly f(1) is not 0, so f(n)=nf(1) for all n means that f(1)/2 has no preimage so f certainly cannot be onto. Hence Q is not cyclic and Q is not finitely generated.

I'd still be interested in alternative proofs, if anyone knows any.
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  • #3
Is Q a finitely generated what?
  • #4
Jupiter said:
the group of rational numbers is not finitely generated
finitely generated group
To be honest, I don't know of any other kind of "finitely generated" so I took it for granted that I meant groups.
  • #5
It is context dependent. Q is a finitely generated field oveer Q, it is finitely generated as a module over its centre for instance. One presumes you mean as an additive group.
  • #6
matt grime said:
One presumes you mean as an additive group.
Isn't this the only kind of group I could possibly mean?
  • #7
Yes. But best to check. I think your proof is correct, but you don't need to consider Z explicitly
  • #8
Here's an alternative proof:

Let's assume that there is some generating set [tex]\{q_1,q_2...q_n\}[/tex].
Since the group is non-trivial, we can freely eliminate the identity element from any generating set.
Now each of the elments in that set can be uniquily represented:
[tex]q_j=(-1)^{e_0}\prod_{i=1}^\infty \pi(i)^{e_ij}[/tex]
where [tex]\pi[/tex] is the prime function (i.e. [tex]\pi(1)=2, \pi(2)=3, \pi(3)=5...[/tex]),
[tex]e_i \in \mathbb{Z}[/tex], [tex]e_0 \in {0,1}[/tex] and only a finite number of the exponents are zero.

Then let [tex]E_j[/tex] be the set of all [tex]i[/tex] such that [tex]e_{ij} \neq 0[/tex]. And let
[tex]E=E_1 \cup E_2 ... \cup E_n[/tex]. Clearly [tex]E[/tex] is finite since it is a finite union of finite sets. Therefore it has some maximum element [tex]i_{max}[/tex].

Now, if we're consdiering [tex]Q[/tex] as an additive group, then the allegedly generating set cannot generate [tex]\frac{1}{\pi(i_{max}+1)}[/tex] since addition never contributes new negative powers.

If we're considering [tex]Q-\{0\}[/tex] as a multiplicative group, it's easy to see that [tex]\frac{1}{\pi(i_{max}+1)}[/tex] cannot be generated by the set because multiplication, or inversion of two numbers with zero exponents for a prime will never generate non-zero exponents
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FAQ: Can the group of rational numbers be generated by a finite set of elements?

1. What is Q not finitely generated?

Q not finitely generated refers to the rational numbers, which are the set of all numbers that can be represented as a ratio of two integers. This set is not finitely generated, meaning it cannot be generated by a finite number of elements. In other words, there is no finite list of numbers that can be combined to create all rational numbers.

2. How is Q not finitely generated different from other sets of numbers?

Unlike other sets of numbers, such as the natural numbers or integers, the rational numbers cannot be generated by a finite list of elements. This is because the rational numbers are infinitely dense, meaning that between any two rational numbers, there are infinitely many other rational numbers. This property makes it impossible to generate the entire set with a finite list.

3. Is Q not finitely generated related to the concept of infinity?

Yes, Q not finitely generated is closely related to the concept of infinity. The fact that the rational numbers are infinitely dense means that they have an infinite number of elements and cannot be generated by a finite list. This is just one example of how the concept of infinity is present in mathematics.

4. What are some real-world applications of Q not finitely generated?

One real-world application of Q not finitely generated is in computer science and cryptography. The fact that the rational numbers cannot be generated by a finite list makes them useful for creating random numbers for encryption and other security purposes. Additionally, the concept of Q not finitely generated is important in understanding the infinite nature of mathematics and the universe as a whole.

5. Can Q not finitely generated be proven or disproven?

No, Q not finitely generated cannot be proven or disproven. It is a concept that is accepted in mathematics and has been shown to be true through various mathematical proofs and examples. However, as with any mathematical concept, it is always subject to further exploration and potential revisions in the future.

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