Is a Ramjet-Rocket Hybrid Engine a Feasible Engineering Project?

In summary, the student is trying to find out an approximate pressure in their rocket combustion chamber given that they are using a O2 H2 mix for propellent/oxidizer combo.
  • #1
I wanted to get some opinions on this, I am serious considering designing a ramjet rocket hybrid engine for my 3rd year mechanical engineering degree project and have started doing the research to see exactly how much work it entails I still can't quite decide... is this a realistic project? (my heart says yeh! but my mind says I am biting of more than I can chew to do it in much detail which is needed for a good grade). Any advice?
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  • #2
Is probably better for you to try to discuss this subject with your professor and findout what he thinks. You can make any design as hard as you want, no matter how simple it might look, but whether you are going to satisfy the demands and requirements of your professor is another story.
  • #3
Sounds like a fun, but definitely expansive project. In addition to checking with your instructor, consider reviewing previous papers, probably either at your library, or possibly within the department, as a way to get a better feel for the typical nature and scope of projects.
  • #4
Yeh i went ahead and did it now, and really wish i had not but its a great learning experience though a very steep learning curve with a lot of work even though i am trying to keep it as simple as possible.

I have one question, i never took chemistry (and for some reason we missed the thermodynamics section at my uni, shocking i know, had to learn it myself) I am trying to find out a very approximate pressure in my rocket combustion chamber given that I am using a O2 H2 mix for propellent/oxidizer combo. I have been trying to find the equations to use, would this one work for a rought estimate (I found it in a old book V was not defined but I assume volume):

P = (C/V) (R T/M)

P is max pressure, C is mass of propellent, V is volume (or rather my combustion chamber area I assume) R is universal gas constant, T is max temperature, M is average molecular weight.

or could i just use P = nRT/V where n is moles in this case? In equations like this is volume just the area that the gas can expand to, or for my purposes the combustion chamber).
  • #5

I believe that the idea of a ramjet rocket hybrid engine is definitely an interesting and innovative concept. It combines the advantages of both types of engines, such as the high speed and efficiency of a ramjet engine and the ability to operate in a vacuum of a rocket engine. However, it is important to carefully consider the feasibility and practicality of such an engine before proceeding with the project.

Firstly, it is important to thoroughly research and understand the principles and mechanics behind both ramjet and rocket engines. This will help in identifying any potential challenges or limitations in designing and building a hybrid engine. It is also important to consult with experts in the field and seek their advice and guidance.

Additionally, it is crucial to have a clear and well-defined plan for the project, including a timeline and a detailed budget. This will help in managing expectations and ensuring that the project is feasible within the given timeframe and resources.

In terms of the project's potential for success, it ultimately depends on the level of detail and complexity that is required for a good grade. It may be helpful to discuss this with your project supervisor and get their input on whether the project is realistic and achievable within the given constraints.

In conclusion, while a ramjet rocket hybrid engine sounds like an exciting and challenging project, it is important to carefully consider all aspects and seek guidance before committing to it. With proper planning, research, and support, I believe it is possible to successfully design and build such an engine for your project. Good luck!

FAQ: Is a Ramjet-Rocket Hybrid Engine a Feasible Engineering Project?

1. What is a Ramjet Rocket engine hybrid?

A Ramjet Rocket engine hybrid is a type of engine that combines the features of a ramjet engine and a rocket engine. It uses the forward motion of the vehicle to compress air, which is then mixed with fuel and ignited in the combustion chamber to produce thrust.

2. How does a Ramjet Rocket engine hybrid work?

The engine works by using the vehicle's forward speed to compress air, which is then mixed with fuel and ignited in the combustion chamber. This produces hot gases that are expelled out of the back of the engine, providing thrust and propelling the vehicle forward.

3. What are the advantages of a Ramjet Rocket engine hybrid?

One advantage of this type of engine is that it can operate at high speeds, making it ideal for supersonic and hypersonic flight. It is also more fuel-efficient compared to traditional rocket engines, as it uses the surrounding air for combustion instead of carrying its own oxidizer.

4. What are the limitations of a Ramjet Rocket engine hybrid?

One limitation is that it requires a minimum speed to operate, usually around Mach 3-4. This makes it unsuitable for take-off and requires another type of engine to be used for initial acceleration. It also has a lower maximum speed compared to pure rocket engines.

5. What are the potential applications of a Ramjet Rocket engine hybrid?

This type of engine has potential applications in high-speed aircraft and missiles, as well as future space transportation vehicles. It could also be used for supersonic and hypersonic flight in the Earth's atmosphere, as well as for entry and descent into other planets.
