MSME- smart move or total blunder?

  • Thread starter DErazorGuy
  • Start date
In summary, the person is struggling to find a job in Mechanical Engineering after graduating and has been working at Walmart for the past two years. They have been accepted into a Master's program but are unsure if it is worth the time and money. They are also considering related careers like a draftsman or CNC programmer. The expert suggests that Mechanical Engineering is still a viable profession in the US, but it is becoming more competitive. Pursuing an advanced degree in a program that focuses on current technologies could be beneficial for future job prospects. A Master's Degree can also demonstrate commitment and open doors for employment opportunities. Alternatively, gaining experience in related fields could be a good option as well.
  • #1
You've probably heard this sob story before, but please try to sympathize with my plight. I graduated over 3 years ago (May 2009) with a BSME from a lesser known but still ABET accredited university. After about a year of job searching, a half dozen interviews, and no job offers I decided that I had to find something so I began working at Walmart. Now after two years of it I'm at the end of my rope. I realized I've gotten way to complacent with my situation. I'm not happy. I'm wasting time, I want a change, etc. So I applied and have been accepted to the MSME program of a more well known university. But I am torn as to whether or not this is a smart move. The prospect of student loan debt scares me (I'm not in debt right now), and I don't know if there's any real value in a Master's Degree. I would rather just gain knowledge and experience from actually working in the industry. Too keep it short, I guess I have many questions and few answers. Is Mechanical Engineering a dead profession in this country (U.S.A.)? If not, is it worth the time and money to pursue an advanced degree. If it is, should I consider a related career like a draftsman/CNC programmer? I'm sorry to bombard you with these questions, but any feedback based on your experience would be helpful to me.
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  • #2
I can completely relate to your situation. It sounds like you are in a difficult spot and trying to decide what the best path forward is for you. From my experience, I think Mechanical Engineering is still a viable profession in the United States, but it is becoming increasingly competitive as other countries offer similar engineering degrees at lower costs. In addition, technology is rapidly changing the field and many employers are looking for engineers with up-to-date knowledge of the latest technologies. So, I think it could be a wise decision to pursue an advanced degree if you find a program that focuses on the topics that will help you to be successful in the field. In terms of the value of a Master's Degree, I think it depends on the program and the individual. Generally speaking, a Master's Degree can be a great way to gain knowledge and experience in a particular field, which can open doors to future employment opportunities. It can also be a way to demonstrate your commitment to the field and your ability to thrive in a demanding academic environment. Finally, if you're not sure if a Master's Degree is the right choice for you, it might be worth considering a related career such as a draftsman/CNC programmer. This could be a great way to gain experience and knowledge that will be beneficial in the longer term. I hope this helps. Good luck with your decision!

FAQ: MSME- smart move or total blunder?

1. What is MSME?

MSME stands for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. It is a classification of businesses based on their annual turnover and investment in plant and machinery. These enterprises play a crucial role in the economic growth of a country as they contribute to employment generation, innovation, and export.

2. Is MSME a smart move for the economy?

Yes, MSME can be considered a smart move for the economy as it promotes entrepreneurship, creates job opportunities, and contributes to the GDP growth of a country. It also helps in the development of rural and backward areas by encouraging small businesses to set up their operations there.

3. What are the benefits of MSME for small businesses?

MSME registration provides various benefits to small businesses, such as access to government schemes and subsidies, credit facilities, and easy loan approvals. It also helps in building the credibility of the business and gives them a competitive edge in the market.

4. What are the challenges faced by MSMEs?

MSMEs often face challenges like lack of access to finance, technological advancements, skilled labor, and marketing opportunities. They also face difficulties in complying with various regulations and competition from larger companies.

5. Can MSMEs contribute to sustainable development?

Yes, MSMEs can contribute to sustainable development by promoting inclusive and equitable economic growth, creating job opportunities, reducing poverty, and promoting innovation. They also have a lower carbon footprint and can adopt sustainable practices, making them environmentally friendly.

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