Maximizing Volleyball Projectile Motion: Calculating Speed and Height

In summary: Then use the equation of motion to solve for the time it takes the ball to travel that distance. In summary, to hit the ball directly on the opponent's back line, the ball must be hit with an initial velocity of .93 m/s.
  • #1
A regulation volleyball court is L = 18.0 m long and a regulation volleyball net is d = 2.43 m high. A volleyball player strikes the ball a height h = 1.52 m directly above the back line, and the ball's initial velocity makes an angle q = 55° with respect to the ground. At what initial speed must the ball be hit so that it lands directly on the opponent's back line? and What is the maximum height reached by the ball in this case?

I'm really stumped, if anyone can give me some help it would be greatly appreciated. thanks
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  • #2
What can you tell us about the equations of motion that apply to this problem? Assuming no air resistance, what are the vertical and horizontal components of motion? You need to show us your work in order for us to help you.
  • #3
well, I know that the height the ball has to travel in order to clear the top of the net is .91 m. I'm not sure if this even matters in this problem.
the Vxo=cos55 v
Vyo=sin55 v
the total distance the ball has to travel is 18m. Where my problem lies is with the initial height difference of 1.52 m. I don't know how to compensate for that. I've tried solving for t, but i don't know how to go about since the ball drops below its starting point. I've spent hours on this problem and still no luck. Anything you could tell me to get me started on the right path?
  • #4
Are you familiar with these equations of motion?

[tex]d = d_0 + v_0 t + \frac{a t^2}{2}[/tex]

[tex]v = v_0 + a t [/tex]

One way to solve the problem is to figure out how long it takes the v-ball to travel the court distance horizontally, and how long it takes it to travel vertcially up and then back down to hit the ground. Those two times have to be equal in this problem. Use the sin and cos components for the initial velocity.

FAQ: Maximizing Volleyball Projectile Motion: Calculating Speed and Height

1. What is projectile motion in volleyball?

Projectile motion in volleyball refers to the motion of the ball as it is hit or thrown into the air and travels towards the opposing team's side of the court. It follows a curved path due to the forces of gravity and air resistance.

2. How does the angle of release affect the projectile motion in volleyball?

The angle of release, also known as the trajectory, can greatly impact the projectile motion in volleyball. A higher angle of release will result in a shorter and more arced trajectory, while a lower angle of release will result in a longer and flatter trajectory. The angle of release also affects the speed and spin of the ball.

3. What factors can affect the speed of the ball in volleyball projectile motion?

The speed of the ball in volleyball projectile motion can be affected by various factors such as the initial velocity, angle of release, air resistance, and gravity. The height at which the ball is released and the type of surface it travels on can also impact its speed.

4. How does air resistance affect the trajectory of the ball in volleyball projectile motion?

Air resistance, also known as drag, can cause the ball to slow down and deviate from its intended trajectory in volleyball projectile motion. It is affected by the shape and surface of the ball, as well as the density and humidity of the air. A smoother and more streamlined ball will experience less air resistance and maintain its trajectory better.

5. What is the role of gravity in volleyball projectile motion?

Gravity plays a significant role in volleyball projectile motion as it pulls the ball towards the ground. As the ball travels through the air, it is constantly being pulled down by gravity, causing it to follow a curved path. The height and speed of the ball will also be affected by gravity, as it determines how long the ball stays in the air and how quickly it falls to the ground.

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