Edmund Burke's Quote: "Good Men Doing Nothing

  • Thread starter FZ+
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In summary: I'm not sure but I have a feeling that this may have been a favorite of many others, and perhaps it was a favorite quote of some of the people who fought against the evil of the axis powers in WW2.In summary, the quote "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" by Edmund Burke is a thought-provoking statement that emphasizes the importance of taking action against evil. It addresses the idea that good and evil are relative concepts and that in order to prevent evil from prevailing, it is necessary for good individuals to take action. This quote has been used by many prominent figures and has been interpreted in various ways throughout history.
  • #1
Also known as enigma's signature...

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke

Now, what do people think about this? I disagree with it, of course, but that could be just me.

The problem I see is that everybody judges themselves as good, and there is in reality no such thing as an absolute sense of good and evil. How can we tell who are the good men who should do something? Did Hitler consider himself good?

IMHO, this statement reduces to the sense that doing things that are wrong are better than doing nothing. And I think this is a philosophy that has disproved itself throughout history. Good intentions prove the impetus for killing and death far more than otherwise.

Anybody agree/disagree?
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  • #2
It's the western antithesis of the classic Taoist concept of wu wei wu or "do without doing". Many have criticized wu wei wu as being lame and encouraging people to sit on rocks and do nothing. The simple fact is when either statement is taken out of context they are as meaningless as say run in circles scream and shout. As philosophical principles they can be wonderful or terrible.
  • #3
Good is a relative concept. Everyone has his own idea of what's good and what's evil, and the statement "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" makes sense in this context. If one is doing something you consider evil and you do nothing, the evil will prevail. However, from the evildoer's point of view his actions will be good and you trying to stop him will be evil (as was the case with Hitler), so naturaly he will try to prevent you from stopping him and will be following the same principle as you would be.
  • #4
Originally posted by FZ+
Also known as enigma's signature...

"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke

Now, what do people think about this? I disagree with it, of course, but that could be just me.

The problem I see is that everybody judges themselves as good, and there is in reality no such thing as an absolute sense of good and evil. How can we tell who are the good men who should do something? Did Hitler consider himself good?

Since I've participated in this debate with you before I will try to come up with new arguments.

It seems like you are saying that when people act, they do things motivated only by thoughts of good or bad. But I do not believe most people are thinking about good and bad when they act, except for the rare few who actually isolate good (or "bad" in the case of satanists and such because bad is good to them) and then consciously pursue it.

Most people act to serve themselves and those they love or are committed to; because it is important to them makes it "good." This is a completely different issue that any universal concept of good or bad.

To come up with a universal "good" is much more difficult (i.e., than self-serving good). You say there is no such thing, but I am certain you are wrong.

Forget about morality and religion and all that. Just think of it as what enhances situations. That is what we all want . . . for our situations to be enhanced. If it enhances, it is good; if it diminishes, it is bad.

It just so happens that much of morality has developed from wisdom about what improves life and what hurts it. Screw your neighbor's mate . . . well, spouses have a tendency to sense all that lust and excitement not normally present, and so start looking around for who's intruded. While it might be exciting for the clandestine two, it also may overall destroy families and neighborhood harmony, and so create lots of misery for a little pleasure.

So, I am saying "good" is what improves life and "bad" is what detracts from it.

Originally posted by FZ+
IMHO, this statement ["The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"] reduces to the sense that doing things that are wrong are better than doing nothing. And I think this is a philosophy that has disproved itself throughout history. Good intentions prove the impetus for killing and death far more than otherwise.

I don't think Burke meant that at all. You have to remember he lived to see the American and (first years of) the French revolutions, England's colonization policies, and the beginning of the Naploeonic era. As a Paliamentary member, and recognizing the excesses of power, Burke preached justice and fairness toward colonial populations (India in particular) even though he seemed to fully support the monarchy. So I believe in your quote he was saying that when evil is unchecked, it is emboldened. A large part of the character of evil is to exploit any absence of strength. So, say nothing, be afraid of confronting someone like McCarthy or racist propagandists and guess what will happen?
  • #5
Originally posted by FZ+
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
-Edmund Burke

Personally I love this quote, but I'm not really up to debating about whether its correct becuase good is relative or whatever, I just think its quite an inspiring quote on a personal level. I'm told also that JFK was also rather fond of quoting this.

FAQ: Edmund Burke's Quote: "Good Men Doing Nothing

What does Edmund Burke's quote "Good Men Doing Nothing" mean?

In this quote, Burke is emphasizing the importance of taking action against injustice and evil. He is suggesting that simply being a good person is not enough, and that one must actively work towards promoting good and standing up against wrongdoing.

Who was Edmund Burke and why is he known for this quote?

Edmund Burke (1729-1797) was an Irish statesman, philosopher, and political theorist. He is known for this quote as it reflects his beliefs about the responsibility of individuals to actively contribute to the betterment of society.

How does this quote relate to contemporary society?

This quote is still relevant today as it speaks to the idea that complacency and indifference can lead to the perpetuation of injustice. It serves as a reminder for individuals to take action and use their voice to stand up for what is right.

What are some examples of "Good Men Doing Nothing" in history?

One example is the Holocaust during World War II, where many people stood by and did nothing while millions of Jews and other marginalized groups were systematically killed. Another example is the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, where many individuals chose to remain silent and not take action against racial segregation and discrimination.

How can individuals apply this quote to their daily lives?

Individuals can apply this quote by being proactive in their communities and standing up against injustice and wrongdoing. This can be through volunteering, speaking out against discrimination, or supporting causes that promote equality and social justice.

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