Coulomb's Law and Point Charges: Real World vs Theory

In summary, a point charge is an approximation often used in physics, but it is not exactly realized in nature. However, using Gauss' Law, it is possible to show that a charge on a spherical conducting surface creates an electric field that is equivalent to that of a point charge at the center of the sphere. When the spatial dimension of a charge is much smaller than the distance between charges, it can be treated as a point charge at large distances. This is an approximation and the exact field can still be calculated through integration, but at large distances, the details of the charge distribution become less important.
  • #1
1)What is the formal definition of a point charge? It is known, that coulomb's law , is valid for point charges? But the real world does not consist of point charges. And coulomb himself used two spheres in his experiments...

2)Another point, in many books I have found that they say, when spatial dimension of charge is much much less than the distance between the charges, they can be treated as point charges...Is this true? For eg. By this, can we say that an irregularly shaped boulder (with charge on it's surface) can be treated as point charge if the distance between it and a test charge is large (~ 500m.)? Won't we have to perform integration to find the exact field at the point of test charge?
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  • #2
A point charge is an approximation, like stretchless ropes, frictionless planes, etc. It's a useful concept, even if it is not exactly realized in nature.
  • #3
When you get to studying the multipole expansion of the electrostatic potential, you will see the details of the charge distribution become less important at large distances. The multipole expansion is essentially an expansion in 1/r for a given charge distribution, and what you find is the monopole term (total charge of the object) is decays as 1/r, the dipole term (sum of charges times positions) decays as 1/r^2 and so on, with higher order contributions decaying faster. For instance, if your charge distribution occupies a region with a characteristic length a, at r = 10a the total charge of the object will contribute 10 times the magnitude of the simplest contribution coming from the details of the charge distribution. You can do the integration to find the exact field, but at large enough r you will always find that the details of the charge distribution contribute very little compared to the amount of total charge in your source. Now, if you had a charge distribution which was neutral, then the monopole term disappears and the first contribution is the dipole term. Then you can't treat the object as a point charge with charge = 0. But still, at large enough r, only the leading term is important.
  • #4
manofphysics said:
1)What is the formal definition of a point charge? It is known, that coulomb's law , is valid for point charges? But the real world does not consist of point charges. And coulomb himself used two spheres in his experiments...

Using Gauss' Law it is easy to show that a charge on a spherical conducting surface (charge is uniformly distributed) creates an electric field that is zero inside the sphere, and outside it is equal to that of a point charge at the center of the sphere.

manofphysics said:
2)Another point, in many books I have found that they say, when spatial dimension of charge is much much less than the distance between the charges, they can be treated as point charges...Is this true? For eg. By this, can we say that an irregularly shaped boulder (with charge on it's surface) can be treated as point charge if the distance between it and a test charge is large (~ 500m.)? Won't we have to perform integration to find the exact field at the point of test charge?

True, but this is an approximation. I am sure that in your book(s) you have encountered examples/problems in which the author/you calculate the electric fields created by rods, loops, discs etc. with uniformly distributed charge. If you study the results, you will see that when you move far away (theoretically infinately far away) the equations approach that of a point charge.
  • #5
Thanks a lot, kanato & espen180 ! I have understood the concept now after reading your answers.

FAQ: Coulomb's Law and Point Charges: Real World vs Theory

1. What is Coulomb's Law and how does it relate to point charges in the real world?

Coulomb's Law is a fundamental principle in electromagnetism that describes the force between two point charges. It states that the force between two charges is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. In the real world, this law helps us understand how electric charges interact with each other and how they can be manipulated to create electric fields.

2. How does Coulomb's Law differ from the theory of gravity?

While both Coulomb's Law and the theory of gravity describe the force between two objects, they differ in several key ways. Coulomb's Law applies to electric charges, while the theory of gravity applies to masses. Additionally, the force described by Coulomb's Law can be either attractive or repulsive, while the force of gravity is always attractive. Finally, the magnitude of the force described by Coulomb's Law is much stronger than that of gravity.

3. Can Coulomb's Law be applied to non-point charges?

Yes, Coulomb's Law can be applied to non-point charges, but it becomes more complex. When dealing with non-point charges, the distance between the charges must be taken into account and the charges must be broken down into smaller segments to calculate the force between them. In some cases, the charge distribution of an object can also affect the force between two charges.

4. How does Coulomb's Law help us understand the behavior of electric fields?

Coulomb's Law is crucial in understanding electric fields. The force described by Coulomb's Law is the same force that acts on a charged particle in an electric field. This allows us to calculate the strength and direction of electric fields by using the principles of Coulomb's Law. Additionally, Coulomb's Law helps us understand how electric charges can be manipulated to create or influence electric fields.

5. Can Coulomb's Law be used to calculate the force between more than two point charges?

Yes, Coulomb's Law can be applied to calculate the force between more than two point charges. The principle remains the same, with the force between each pair of charges being calculated separately and then added vectorially to find the overall force. This method can be used to calculate the force between any number of point charges in a system.
