Limit Of A Function From Definition

In summary, in order to prove the limit of f(x) as x tends to 2 equals 3, given that f(x)=(2x-1), we need to find an epsilon such that |f(x)-l| is less than or equal to epsilon and a delta such that 0 is less than or equal to |x-2| which is less than or equal to delta. By setting |f(x)-l| as a function of |x-a|, we can show that it is less than or equal to 2 delta. Therefore, by taking delta to be less than or equal to epsilon/2, we can satisfy the given conditions and prove the limit.
  • #1
I have to prove from the definiton of the limit of a function that the limit of f(x) as x tends to 2 equlas 3, given that;


I know that I have to find an epsilon such that |f(x)-l| [tex]\leq[/tex] [tex]\epsilon[/tex] and delta such that 0 [tex]\leq[/tex] |x-a| [tex]\leq[/tex] [tex]\delta[/tex]

Nowing putting in the conditions for this f(x);

|2x-4| [tex]\leq[/tex] [tex]\epsilon[/tex] and 0 [tex]\leq[/tex] |x-2| [tex]\leq[/tex] [tex]\delta[/tex]

But I don't where to go from here. Any help would be great!
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  • #2
Well, you have:


Can this be made arbitrarily small (i.e, below some fixed "epsilon"), as long as we pick a small enough "delta"?

In particular, IF we want [itex]2|x-2|\leq\epsilon[/itex], what is the largest value we can pick for "delta" in order to ENSURE the validity of the above inequality?
  • #3
Often, we need to find [tex]\delta = \delta(\epsilon)[/tex] as a function of the [tex]\epsilon[/tex] we were given.
That is, write [tex]|f(x)-l|[/tex] as a function [tex]|x-a|[/tex] and use your delta to show that it is less than epsilon
  • #4
So I know that |f(x)-l|=2|(x-2)|=2|x-a|

Would it then be right to say that since

|x-a|=|x-2| [tex]\leq[/tex] [tex]\delta[/tex]

then |f(x)-l|=2|x-2| [tex]\leq[/tex] 2[tex]\delta[/tex]

hence taking 2[tex]\delta[/tex] [tex]\leq[/tex] [tex]\frac{\epsilon}{2}[/tex] would satisfy the problem??
  • #5
Juggler123 said:
So I know that |f(x)-l|=2|(x-2)|=2|x-a|

Would it then be right to say that since

|x-a|=|x-2| [tex]\leq[/tex] [tex]\delta[/tex]

then |f(x)-l|=2|x-2| [tex]\leq[/tex] 2[tex]\delta[/tex]

hence taking 2[tex]\delta[/tex] [tex]\leq[/tex] [tex]\frac{\epsilon}{2}[/tex] would satisfy the problem??

EXACTLY! :smile:

(you meant, I think delta<=epsilon/2, I think..)
  • #6
Yeah that is what I meant! Woops. So is the following proof correct then;

Definition of the Limit of a Function at a Point.
Suppose that f(x) is defined on (a-R,a)U(a,a+R), for some R [tex]\succ[/tex] 0. Then f(x) tends to l as x tends to a if, given any [tex]\epsilon[/tex] in R[tex]^{+}[/tex] , there exists [tex]\delta[/tex] in R[tex]^{+}[/tex] such that,

|f(x)-l| [tex]\prec[/tex] [tex]\epsilon[/tex] whenever 0 [tex]\prec[/tex] |x-a| [tex]\prec[/tex] [tex]\delta[/tex]

Now in this case f(x)=2x-1, l=3 and a=2

Hence |2x-4| [tex]\prec[/tex] [tex]\epsilon[/tex]

Now 2|x-2| [tex]\prec[/tex] [tex]\epsilon[/tex] = |x-a|[tex]\prec[/tex] [tex]\delta[/tex]

Hence taking [tex]\delta[/tex] [tex]\leq[/tex] [tex]\frac{\epsilon}{2}[/tex]

Then |f(x)-l| [tex]\prec[/tex] [tex]\epsilon[/tex] whenever 0 [tex]\prec[/tex] |x-a| [tex]\prec[/tex] [tex]\delta[/tex]

As required
  • #7
Slightly scruffy-looking proof, but okay nonetheless! :smile:
  • #8
Thanks for the help!

FAQ: Limit Of A Function From Definition

1. What is the definition of a limit of a function?

The limit of a function at a particular point is the value that the function approaches as the independent variable (usually denoted as x) gets closer and closer to that point. It is a way to describe the behavior of a function near a specific point.

2. How is the limit of a function calculated?

The limit of a function can be calculated using the following steps:

  1. Substitute the value of the independent variable (x) into the function to get the y-value at that point.
  2. Choose a set of x-values that approach the given point from both sides (left and right).
  3. Calculate the corresponding y-values for each of these x-values.
  4. If the values from step 3 are getting closer and closer to the y-value from step 1, then that y-value is the limit of the function at the given point.

3. What does it mean if the limit of a function does not exist?

If the limit of a function does not exist, it means that the function does not approach a specific value as the independent variable gets closer to the given point. This could occur if the function has a vertical asymptote, a jump or discontinuity, or if the function oscillates between different values near the given point.

4. Can the limit of a function be calculated at a discontinuity?

No, the limit of a function cannot be calculated at a discontinuity because the function does not approach a specific value at that point. This is because a discontinuity represents a break in the function where the value of the function jumps or is undefined.

5. How is the concept of a limit of a function important in calculus?

The concept of a limit of a function is essential in calculus because it allows us to define and analyze the behavior of a function at a particular point. It is used in various calculus concepts, such as derivatives and integrals, to understand the rate of change and accumulation of a function. Additionally, limits are used to prove the convergence or divergence of series and to evaluate improper integrals.
