First order differential equation transforms

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the general solution of a system of problems involving x(t) and y(t). The solution for x(t) is found to be A cos(t) + B sin(t), but there is uncertainty in finding the solution for y(t). It is mentioned that the book shows y(t)=B cos(t)+Asin(t), but the conversation leads to finding y(t) as -A sin(t)+ B cos(t). The possibility of a mistake in the book's solution is also mentioned.
  • #1
I am to find a general solution of the system of problems below. I have done so for x(t) but am unsure how to find it for y(t)...
x'=y, y'=-x
Characteristic eq: r^2 + 1= 0, r = +/- i
x(t) = A cos(t) + B sin(t)
How do I go about calculating y(t), which th book shows as being y(t)=B cos(t)+Asin(t)

Similarly, I calculated x(t)=A cos (2t) + B sin(2t), but am unsure how to get the book's version of y(t)=4B cos 2t - 4A sin(2t)
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  • #2
you have x'=y, don't you? Could that help?
  • #3
I apologize, I looked at y(t) wrong; y(t) is actually B cos(t)-A sin(t).
  • #4
Yes, x(t)= Acos(t)+ Bsin(t). Since the first equation is x'= y, as Char. Limit said, that leads to y= x'= -A sin(t)+ B cos(t) which is what you give in your second post.

As for showing it is the same as y(t)=4B cos 2t - 4A sin(2t), you can't- it simply is not true. Are you sure you are not looking at the wrong problem?

FAQ: First order differential equation transforms

1. What is a first order differential equation?

A first order differential equation is an equation that relates an unknown function to its derivative. It is expressed in the form dy/dx = f(x,y), where y is the unknown function and f(x,y) is a given function.

2. What does it mean to "transform" a first order differential equation?

Transforming a first order differential equation means to manipulate it algebraically in order to solve for the unknown function y. This often involves using certain mathematical techniques, such as separation of variables or substitution.

3. Why are first order differential equations important in science?

First order differential equations are important in science because they are used to describe and model many natural phenomena, such as growth, decay, and motion. They can also be used to solve complex problems in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics.

4. What are some common techniques for solving first order differential equations?

Some common techniques for solving first order differential equations include separation of variables, substitution, and integrating factors. Other methods, such as the Euler method and the Runge-Kutta method, are used for solving more complex equations.

5. What real-world applications use first order differential equation transforms?

First order differential equation transforms have a wide range of real-world applications, including modeling population growth, predicting stock market trends, and analyzing chemical reactions. They are also used in fields such as medicine, biology, and environmental science to understand and predict changes in natural systems.
