Existence is an Illusion – My Point of View

  • Thread starter mubashirmansoor
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In summary, the author believes that our existence is relative to nothing, and that anything is possible in this universe. They suggest that this is why we see heaven and hell, as well as the existence of other people, because we are being trained in a universe that just looks like the one after death.

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    Votes: 4 19.0%
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  • #1
I would be glad to know your point of view on the following idea of mine :smile: , I'll be happy to have links for or against this idea.
Thankyou for giving the time

Whenever I start thinking about the existence of the universe, I end up with the same answers… at first it was very puzzling for me but later I found no other way to explain the existence. The results tell me that the existence of the universe is relative to nothing, while we find everything being relative to something in math, physics... So what about existence, if existence is not relative to anything and that existence exists due to nothing, Life & in general existence is an illusion… The following is to explain how I came up with this;

Let’s say you were provided with a paper and all colors needed for drawing, now you were asked to draw the room you are in… but does the room really look like that? Simply no, we see our surrounding completely different from what it really is because of our brain, When the light is reflected back from something it’s energy level (spectra) changes and when the reflected light enters our eyes and converted to nerve impulses (electric impulse of a specific frequency) is transported to the brain, that specific frequency would have a specific meaning for OUR brains, which varies for different organisms, like we see the sky blue but a dog would see it as grey…
In other words we can’t draw the real room, we can’t even recognize the real distances between two objects, we can draw the room relative to our brain & not the room as it is... this is simply accepted by the laws of physics and math. Now when it comes to the laws of physics and math, they are relative to our universe, and on the other hand we don’t see the universe as it is, say for example gravity; Newtonian gravity and G.R of Einstein have absolutely different approaches to the universe, though they have a little bit difference in their results but still explain the gravitational effects but up to an extend & that these modules are not able to explain what the gravity really is, In a sense we can explain the gravity in many different ways because we make our modules for the answers we already have. Hence the laws of the physics & math are relative to our observations and not real…
So when it comes to existence being relative, I find it being relative to nothing, because whatever we think about is within the universal set of existence ( except the spiritual powers )... So existence is relative to nothing and accordingly I find it as an ILLUSION hence everything is possible in this universe.

We can explain the heaven & hell where man has an infinite life, the Day of Judgment and the reason for supernatural things which has happened on the Earth like all those mentioned in the holy books, by using this idea because life is an illusion so anything can happen…
Let’s take an example of a pilot, when he is being trained for the first time, he is never taken to a real plane but a simulator, when he passes and shows that he has the required skills, he is taken to a real plane. To me it seems like what the god (or whatever you might want to name, Logic, Nature, The ultimate power…) is doing to us. We are being trained in this universe which just looks like the one after death (but not absolutely the same)… It is mentioned that in heaven/hell everyone will be of the same age and will remain the same till eternity and beyond, No one will be in the hell for ever and so on… When a student has done something wrong he/she is given a punishment either standing for some minutes or writing something several times but the punishment is not forever…

To conclude I think we are waiting for the real existence and we are in this world to learn & that is the point of life in this universe.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
mubashirmansoor said:
To conclude I think we are waiting for the real existence and we are in this world to learn & that is the point of life in this universe.

That's a pretty optimistic conclusion.
  • #3
what do you mean -job- ? :)
  • #4
Our own existence

Let me interject a question: How do we know that other people exist around us? Are we alone in the test drive? Is the test drive real or deceptive?
  • #5
mubashirmansoor said:
We can explain the heaven & hell where man has an infinite life, the Day of Judgment and the reason for supernatural things which has happened on the Earth like all those mentioned in the holy books, by using this idea because life is an illusion so anything can happen…
Don't bother to create large philosophies upon silly religious dogmas.
The silliness of the whole thing prevails, however large the "philosophy" is.
  • #6
Well thinker, The answer is simple, The people around us are themselves part of this illusion but real just like a multiplayer computer game which is operated on the internet, The other person might be on the other side of the planet but plays with you through the network. Hence a network is playing the role, when it comes to the driving test, it's an illusion but within the area of the network...
  • #7
So in other words the mind is outside of the physical realm.

If we equate the internet to the physical world.
  • #8
Interesting idea. I, too, have had similar ideas to this. Be this an illusion, an alternate world or a test, I believe this is not the world we will be living in after death.
  • #9
Count Tolstoy spent much of the latter part of his life searching for the meaning of existence. For someone who had everything in life - fame, fortune, family, freedom - he wanted more; he wanted to know why. He studied all the sciences and philosophy, as well as the great religions of the world. He consulted the greatest teachers, scientists, philosophers and theologians, but he could not find none to give any answer to the simple question of existence. All that anyone could tell him was that man and the universe exists, but that there was no explanation for it. For many years he searched for an answer, but no matter how he posed the question, it all came back to the point that life was meaningless; and he knew no more than he knew before. Then, in the end, he found faith, and in faith the hope that life was not meaningless. See Leo Tolstoy, A Confession and Other Religious Writings (1879-82).

In 1901, Tolstoy was excommunicated from the church by the Russian Synod and placed on a watch list of subversives by the Czar’s government.
  • #10
Very interesting o.lismahago, Yes octelcogopod that's what i meant...

Actually I'm new in philosophy and as I'm a high school student I have no idea of philosophy... so I'll be thankfull if you can provide me with a background about the reality (based on what I think)... Is such idea used in philosophy?
  • #11
I kinda see where you are coming from but I think the real illusion in reality rest in the fact that reality APPEARS fragmented to us when the whole universe is actually an unbroken whole
  • #12
I think someone saw the Martix.
  • #13
RAD4921 can you please explain it much more clear, :)
  • #14
Existence is a word (noun)

existence |ig?zist?ns| noun the fact or state of living or having objective reality : the plane was the oldest Boeing remaining in existence | the need to acknowledge the existence of a problem. • continued survival : she helped to keep the company alive when its very existence was threatened. • a way of living : living in a city was more expensive than a rural existence. • any of a person's supposed current, future, or past lives on this Earth : reaping the consequences of evil deeds sown in previous existences. • archaic a being or entity. • all that exists. ORIGIN late Middle English : from Old French, or from late Latin existentia, from Latin exsistere ‘come into being,’ from ex- ‘out’ + sistere ‘take a stand.’

Illusion is a word (noun)

illusion |i?lo? zh ?n| noun a false idea or belief : he had no illusions about the trouble she was in. • a deceptive appearance or impression : the illusion of family togetherness | the tension between illusion and reality. • a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived or interpreted by the senses : Zollner's illusion makes parallel lines seem to diverge by placing them on a zigzag-striped background. PHRASES be under the illusion that believe mistakenly that : the world is under the illusion that the original painting still hangs in the Winter Palace. be under no illusion (or illusions) be fully aware of the true state of affairs.

"Illusion" suggests experiencing a deception.

"Existence" suggests experiencing truth.
  • #15
Well i think existence is useless and we're all just wasting our time...

FAQ: Existence is an Illusion – My Point of View

1. What is the concept of "existence is an illusion"?

The concept of "existence is an illusion" is a philosophical idea that suggests that our perception of reality is not actually real. It proposes that what we perceive as our physical world is actually a construct of our minds and that the true nature of reality is beyond our comprehension.

2. How is this concept supported by science?

While there is no scientific evidence to directly support the idea that existence is an illusion, there are certain theories and concepts in physics and neuroscience that offer insights into this concept. For example, the theory of relativity suggests that our perception of time and space is relative and can be altered, while studies on the brain have shown that our perception of reality is influenced by our senses and can be altered by certain stimuli.

3. What are the implications of this concept?

If existence is an illusion, it raises questions about the nature of consciousness and the purpose of our existence. It also challenges our understanding of reality and how we interact with it. Additionally, it raises the question of whether there is a deeper, underlying reality beyond our perception.

4. Can we ever truly know if existence is an illusion?

Since our perception of reality is limited by our senses and cognitive abilities, it is impossible to definitively prove or disprove the concept of existence as an illusion. It is ultimately a matter of personal belief and interpretation.

5. How does this concept relate to other philosophical ideas?

The concept of existence as an illusion overlaps with other philosophical ideas, such as solipsism (the belief that only one's own mind is certain to exist) and the simulation hypothesis (the idea that we are living in a computer-generated simulation). It also raises questions about the nature of reality and the role of perception in shaping our understanding of it.
