Are you a nuclear enthusiast too?

In summary, Brittany is an enthusiast for nuclear power and radiation. She is also interested in reactor accidents and would like to collect nuclear weapons if they weren't so difficult to obtain.
  • #1
shout out it you are a nuke like me! unfortunately, i am not sure if i can post in the nuke threads, because the Navy doesn't let us talk about that stuff.
Engineering news on
  • #2
I don't know the rules you are required to follow. However, when I was in this business (civilian contractor), anything unclassified could be discussed openly.
  • #3
right now, I'm not quite sure what i will or will not be able to talk about.
  • #4
I suppose this is as good a place as any to ask, where did the term 'nuke' come from?
  • #5
  • #6
Yes, but how did anyone get a 'k' in there? This is probably why some people say 'nukulear'.
  • #7
  • #8
hah, it'd be pretty awkward to try to spell nuke with a c instead of a k. Nooc may work, but nuc sure doesn't seem to do the job, and nuce certainly isn't right.
  • #9
Most english-speaking people would pronounce 'nuce' as 'noose'. The 'nuc' in Astronuc is pronounced 'nuke', although my wife first pronounced it 'nuck'.

As for what to discuss in the Nuclear Engineering forum - anything in the public domain, from a textbook or journal article is fine. Under no circumstances should anyone, who is involved in the Naval nuclear program, mention anything related to the Naval program. When in doubt, don't say anything.
  • #10
I'm on my way to be one..
  • #11
... qualify by a small margin ... in the field, although most stuff I do is related to nuke and not 'it' directly.
  • #12
yourdadonapogostick said:
shout out it you are a nuke like me! unfortunately, i am not sure if i can post in the nuke threads, because the Navy doesn't let us talk about that stuff.

The Navy should tell you what is and isn't classified.

The details of the design of a Navy reactor are classified, as is the
power level because one could use that to find out the maximum speed
of a warship - which is what the Navy wants to keep secret.

However, general principles about how reactors work were declassified
a half a century ago.

Dr. Gregory Greenman
  • #13
Astronuc said:
Most english-speaking people would pronounce 'nuce' as 'noose'. The 'nuc' in Astronuc is pronounced 'nuke', although my wife first pronounced it 'nuck'.

nuc is definitely prononced nuck, it is an expression of cackling popularized, with that spelling, in the Three Strooges films.

As for what to discuss in the Nuclear Engineering forum - anything in the public domain, from a textbook or journal article is fine. Under no circumstances should anyone, who is involved in the Naval nuclear program, mention anything related to the Naval program. When in doubt, don't say anything.

Probably right, although I can see concern when one leaves enough public domain hints to put two and two together.
  • #14
ohwilleke said:
nuc is definitely prononced nuck, it is an expression of cackling popularized, with that spelling, in the Three Strooges films.
Are you deaf, lad? The Three Stooges spelling is, and always has been, 'nyuck'. :-p
  • #15
Old thread, yes, I know. I guess it's time I stopped being nervous and started actually saying something.

NucE at Penn State University is the plan after I transfer from a community college (let's just say my high school transcript wasn't the best, I pay a price for being lazy I suppose).

I have an absurd love for anything involving nuclear power or radiation. Perhaps in a morbid fashion, I also have a fascination with reactor accidents (SL-1 and Fermi 1 intruige me the most, however. The oddities in impalement and the irony in the Fermi 1 incident).

Right now I'm preparing to be a college freshman, however... So I only know what I read outside of school and in my spare time. Either way, I'll try to contribute what I can and if I say something stupid, correct me, please.

- Brittany Pezzillo
  • #16
Diencephalon said:
I have an absurd love for anything involving nuclear power or radiation. Perhaps in a morbid fashion, I also have a fascination with reactor accidents (SL-1 and Fermi 1 intruige me the most, however. The oddities in impalement and the irony in the Fermi 1 incident).

Mee too! Though I am an Electrical Engineer rather than a "Neuk", I never
tire of documentaries and details about anything even remotely nuclear.

I'd collect nuclear weapons the way others collect motorcycles and guitars
if not for the obvious difficulties involved.

FAQ: Are you a nuclear enthusiast too?

1. What is the role of a nuclear engineer?

A nuclear engineer is responsible for designing, building, and maintaining nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities. They also develop and implement safety protocols, monitor and control nuclear reactions, and manage nuclear waste disposal.

2. How do nuclear engineers ensure the safety of nuclear power plants?

Nuclear engineers use multiple layers of safety measures to ensure the safety of nuclear power plants. These include redundant systems, safety protocols, and regular maintenance and inspections. They also constantly monitor the plant for any abnormalities and have emergency response plans in place.

3. What education and training is required to become a nuclear engineer?

Nuclear engineers typically need a bachelor's degree in nuclear engineering or a related field, such as mechanical or electrical engineering. Many also pursue a master's degree or Ph.D. in nuclear engineering. On-the-job training and certifications may also be required, depending on the specific role.

4. What are the potential risks associated with nuclear engineering?

The main risks associated with nuclear engineering are related to the potential for accidents or incidents at nuclear power plants, which could lead to radiation leaks or other hazardous situations. However, strict safety measures and regulations are in place to mitigate these risks.

5. What advancements are being made in the field of nuclear engineering?

Nuclear engineering is a constantly evolving field, and there are always advancements being made. Some current areas of research and development include improving reactor designs to make them more efficient and safe, finding new ways to dispose of nuclear waste, and exploring alternative uses for nuclear energy, such as in space exploration.

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