Why is rigid body rotational energy not exactly applicable to fluids?

In summary: with what you said about fluids not being rigid bodies, but i disagree with your idea that tangential velocity is not a good approximation for rotational kinetic energy. in fact, i think it is a very good approximation when the flow is fully established.
  • #1
I was thinking about the rotational kinetic energy of fluids the other day and I realized that I have a huge gap in my knowledge of physics. Why doesn't rigid body rotational kinetic energy (KE = 1/2*I*ω^2) not apply to fluids or deformable bodies (it should at least be proportional to that equation)? Is it only because the moment of inertia is not constant or is there another underlying physics involved?
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  • #2
In fluids, different parts can have different ω, and you can have radial flow.
  • #3
Yeah but radial and tangential motion are perpendicular to each other, so they should be able to be assessed separately (similar to translational and rotational motion).
  • #4
You are free to assign radial and tangential velocities, relative to some arbitrary point, to a fluid element, but the radial elements won't obey v = r*w because the fluid isn't a rigid rotor. I don't see any benefit in this. The total kinetic energy is the same, you're just calculating it in a more complicated and less generalised way.
  • #5
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Why would the radial elements contribute to the rotational energy? They should be completely independent of tangential (v*r) motion.
  • #6
The radial and tangential motions aren't independent. If some bits of fluid have a radial velocity, then that means their [itex]r[/itex] is changing and hence the total [itex]I[/itex] is changing. By the same token, a fluid parcel that is moving outward at constant (linear) velocity has decreasing [itex]\omega[/itex].
  • #7
Ah, I got you. So if we were to assume that a column of liquid that had no radial velocity and that all its parts were moving at the same tangential velocity (for example, a column of liquid jet exiting an infinitely long pipe where the flow has been fully established), then 0.5*I*ω^2 would give a good approximation to the bulk rotational kinetic energy. Am I correct in this assumption or am I missing something else?
  • #8
Compressible said:
Why would the radial elements contribute to the rotational energy?

I didn't say this.

Compressible said:
Ah, I got you. So if we were to assume that a column of liquid that had no radial velocity and that all its parts were moving at the same tangential velocity (for example, a column of liquid jet exiting an infinitely long pipe where the flow has been fully established), then 0.5*I*ω^2 would give a good approximation to the bulk rotational kinetic energy. Am I correct in this assumption or am I missing something else?

If tangential velocity is uniform then ω = v/r = ω(r), but your formula for rotational kinetic energy assumes ω is uniform.

The point of my first post was exactly this- you're applying a model to a scenario which does not satisfy the assumptions of the model. Rotational kinetic energy as 0.5*I*ω^2 is defined for a rigid body, because the formula implicitly assumes ω is a constant. Liquids are not rigid bodies because the relative distances between two elements in the liquid can change.

You can find a form of rotational kinetic energy from tangential velocity, but you're probably going to have to integrate over concentric ring elements to find it.
  • #9
The model isn't so far from actual physics though (in some scenarios). A forced vortex generally rotates at a constant angular velocity (assuming no turbulence).
  • #10
If the entire body of water is acting exactly like a solid body, then you can use the solid body formula.
  • #11
KE(total)=KE(translation)+KE(rotation) now here rotational KE is independent of translation KE, we can use KE(rot)=L_2/2w and as angular momentum(L) is constant then we can estimate KE(rot)
  • #12
i agree

FAQ: Why is rigid body rotational energy not exactly applicable to fluids?

1. Why is rotational energy not applicable to fluids?

Rotational energy, also known as angular kinetic energy, is defined as the energy an object possesses due to its rotation. However, this concept is not applicable to fluids because fluids do not have a fixed shape or axis of rotation. Unlike solid objects, which can rotate around a fixed point, fluids can change shape and flow freely, making the concept of rotational energy irrelevant.

2. How is the rotational energy of a rigid body different from that of a fluid?

The rotational energy of a rigid body is based on its moment of inertia, which is a measure of how difficult it is to change the rotational motion of an object. In contrast, the rotational energy of a fluid is determined by its angular velocity, density, and volume. Since fluids do not have a fixed shape, their moment of inertia cannot be defined, and therefore, their rotational energy is calculated differently.

3. Can fluids have rotational motion?

While fluids do not possess rotational energy, they can still have rotational motion. In fluid mechanics, this is known as vorticity, which is a measure of the local rotation of a fluid element. Vorticity can be induced by external forces or by the natural movement of the fluid itself. However, vorticity is not the same as rotational energy, and it cannot be used to calculate the energy of a fluid.

4. Why is rotational energy not conserved in fluids?

In a closed system, energy is conserved, meaning it cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. However, rotational energy is not conserved in fluids because it is not a relevant energy form for them. In fluid mechanics, the energy of a fluid is typically measured in terms of its pressure, kinetic energy, and potential energy, rather than rotational energy.

5. Is there a better concept to explain the energy of fluids?

Yes, the concept of fluid flow energy is more appropriate for understanding the behavior of fluids. Fluid flow energy takes into account the energy associated with the pressure, velocity, and elevation of a fluid, and it is conserved in closed systems. This concept is used in fluid mechanics to analyze the flow of fluids, such as in pipes or pumps, and is a more accurate representation of the energy of fluids compared to rotational energy.
