America is a Peace-Loving Nation : George W. Bush

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  • Thread starter Carlos Hernandez
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In summary, George W. Bush was the 43rd president of the United States and served from 2001 to 2009. While his presidency was marked by controversial decisions and events, such as the Iraq War and Hurricane Katrina, Bush also made efforts to promote peace and democracy around the world. He established the Department of Homeland Security and implemented the No Child Left Behind Act, both of which aimed to protect and improve the lives of Americans. Despite his critics, Bush remains a symbol of America's commitment to peace and freedom.
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  • #2
John Bryant's poem, from This poem has a few derrogatory remarks in them, but he makes them not to insult, but to show his moral objection to killing minority groups. His poem is thus not to be taken literally, but rather symbolically:

Kill bin Laden!

Kill bin Laden! Kill him good!
And make his minions know
That those who bother Uncle Sam
Will choke while eating crow!

Kill! Burn! Bomb! Strafe!
Spill their guts asunder!
Who's the foe? Gee, we don't know,
But let them hear our thunder!

The smell of blood is what I love
For punishment condign!
I love to hear the crunch of bones --
As long as they aren't mine!

Let's give our boys some lethal toys
And turn them loose to kill!
So what that innocents should die?
They'll be our heroes still!

Kill! Burn! Bomb! Strafe!
Pop their eyeballs out!
Bayonetted babies make
A fearful form of clout!

Twin Towers snuffed by Ay-rabs now?
Who really wants to know?
Let's wipe the greasy muthas out
And really make a show!

We'll use a nuke and make them puke
And burn them all to Hell!
Who needs to have the least regret
When killing feels so swell?

Kill! Burn! Bomb! Strafe!
Rip the scum in two!
What feels good can't be wrong if they
Can't do the same to you!

Now killing isn't really bad
When you're ten miles away --
You can't see piles of arms and legs
Or feel the bloody spray.

Technology is just so grand --
It's great to pull the trigger!
And what a boost it is to know
You've killed another cool person!

KIll! Burn! Bomb! Strafe!
Make them hate us more!
But do take care that they've no chance
To even up the score!
  • #3
get some sleep...
  • #4
Originally posted by Kerrie
get some sleep...

Perhaps I have been posting too much controversial material? Would the moderators prefer I take a break for a while? I sure would not want to repell away members or prospective members, I have a great deal of respect for this forum and the people who run it.

Carlos Hernandez
Last edited:
  • #5
Originally posted by Carlos Hernandez
Perhaps I have been posting too much controversial material? Would the moderators prefer I take a break for a while? I sure would not want to repell away members or prospective members, I have a great deal of respect for this forum and the people who run it.

Carlos Hernandez
You may want to take a deep breath and try again after the holidays?
  • #6
Originally posted by Zero
You may want to take a deep breath and try again after the holidays?

Deal! I'll take a break, and come back the first week of January. Have a nice vacation!


Carlos Hernandez

FAQ: America is a Peace-Loving Nation : George W. Bush

1. What evidence supports the claim that America is a peace-loving nation under George W. Bush?

During his presidency, George W. Bush sought to promote peace and democracy through his foreign policy initiatives. For example, he advocated for the spread of democracy in the Middle East and worked towards resolving conflicts through diplomatic means.

2. How did George W. Bush's foreign policy impact America's relationships with other countries?

Bush's foreign policy, particularly his decision to invade Iraq in 2003, strained relations with some countries. However, he also worked to improve relationships with others, such as strengthening ties with India and creating the Proliferation Security Initiative with other nations to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction.

3. Did George W. Bush's actions align with the belief that America is a peace-loving nation?

Some may argue that Bush's actions, such as the Iraq War, contradict the idea of America being a peace-loving nation. However, it is important to remember that the concept of peace is complex and can be interpreted differently. Bush believed that promoting democracy and fighting terrorism would ultimately lead to a more peaceful world.

4. How did George W. Bush's peace efforts compare to those of previous presidents?

Like many other presidents, Bush faced numerous challenges and conflicts during his time in office. He took a proactive approach to addressing these issues and attempted to use diplomacy and negotiation whenever possible. However, the effectiveness of his efforts is a subject of debate.

5. What impact did the events of 9/11 have on America's perception as a peace-loving nation under George W. Bush?

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 had a significant impact on America's perception as a peace-loving nation. They prompted an increased focus on national security and the initiation of the War on Terror. However, many argue that America's response to these attacks ultimately resulted in more conflict and violence rather than promoting peace.

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