Solve Physics Q1 from 2007 Paper61. Cambridge Maths Postgrad

  • Thread starter latentcorpse
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In summary: Yes, you should write V_a \nabla_b ( V_c X^c). In summary, he is trying to solve for n_{[a;b]n_{c}} using the normal equation and is stuck on the very first part. He has found a related homework exercise that provides a proof. He has used the file kindly provided by jambaugh to make the proof. He is not sure if he is allowed to move the X^c past the covariant derivatives and does not know how to prove number 3 in the file provided.
  • #36

bigubau said:
Yes. Finally :)

Now for the final part, it is asking us to show that [itex]u_a[/itex] is parallel to [itex]k_a[/itex]. But we have a static spacetime and so [itex]k_a[/itex] will be hypersurface orthogonal. This means we are asked to show that [itex]u_a[/itex] is also hypersurface orthogonal.

So the question is asking us to show that [itex]u_{[a;b}u_{c]}=0[/itex], correct?

Well we know that this spacetime will have energy momentum tensor [itex]T_{ab}=(\rho+p)u_au_b+pg_{ab}[/itex]

So we have [itex]T_{ac;b}=(\rho+p) u_{a;b}u_c+u_au_{c;b}[/itex] since [itex]g_{ac;b}=0[/itex]

Then I tried writing [itex]u_{[a;b}u_{c]}[/itex] in terms of [itex]T[/itex]'s but it didn't get me anywhere. Can you give me a hint please?
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  • #37

latentcorpse said:
So we have

[itex]T_{ac;b}=(\rho+p) u_{a;b}u_c+u_au_{c;b}[/itex] (1)



If [itex] p [/itex] and [itex] \rho [/itex] are totally unrelated, then (1) is more that enough to prove your statement.

The hint is to consider a full antisymmetrization on all 3 terms of (1).
  • #38

bigubau said:
If [itex] p [/itex] and [itex] \rho [/itex] are totally unrelated, then (1) is more that enough to prove your statement.

The hint is to consider a full antisymmetrization on all 3 terms of (1).

I misstyped - it should be:


Anyway, I get a ridiculously long expression:

But all the terms on the RHS cancel and so
[itex]\Rightarrow T_{[ac;b]}=0[/itex]

But if [itex]T_{ac;b}=(\rho+p)(u_{a;b}u_c+u_au_{c;b})[/itex]

then we can conclude


which isn't quite what we want is it? We want to show [itex]u_{[a;b}u_{c]}=0[/itex], no?
  • #39

The energy momentum tensor is the RHS of the Einstein field equations, so it must be a symmetric second order tensor. Antisymmetrizing over the 2 free indices it would give 0. It's no need to give a proof for it. It's a trivial thing.
  • #40

bigubau said:
The energy momentum tensor is the RHS of the Einstein field equations, so it must be a symmetric second order tensor. Antisymmetrizing over the 2 free indices it would give 0. It's no need to give a proof for it. It's a trivial thing.

Ok. Yes, I should have spotted that. Althoughw e still arrive at the wrong conclusion do we not?
  • #41

The last point of this problem is really nice. I'll give you a hint: What does it mean for the 4-velocity u_a to be parallel to a covariant Killing vector k_a ? After that, I tell you that the solution of the problem involves the Einstein equations.
  • #42

bigubau said:
The last point of this problem is really nice. I'll give you a hint: What does it mean for the 4-velocity u_a to be parallel to a covariant Killing vector k_a ? After that, I tell you that the solution of the problem involves the Einstein equations.

Well if [itex]u_a[/itex] is parallel to [itex]k_a[/itex] then it will also be hypersurface orthogonal and hence it will also satisfy [itex]u_{[a;b}u_{c]}=0[/itex]. Am I correct that this is what we are ultimately trying to prove?

Now the Einstein equations read:

[itex]8 \pi ( \rho + p) u_a u_b + 8 \pi p g_{ab} = R_{ab} - \frac{1}{2} R g_{ab}[/itex]

The only constructive thing I can think to do with this is to antisymmetrise it. This tells us [itex]u_au_b=0[/itex] i.e. the product [itex]u_au_b[/itex] is symmetric but I'm not sure that really helps, does it?
  • #43

If they're parallel, then they must have the same direction, which mean that they (up to the modulus) should coincide when subject to a parallel transport.

This means that there exists a constant 'p' such that

[tex] k_a = p u_a [/tex]

This means that everything you have proven for [itex]k_a[/itex] applies for [itex]u_a [/itex].
  • #44

bigubau said:
If they're parallel, then they must have the same direction, which mean that they (up to the modulus) should coincide when subject to a parallel transport.

This means that there exists a constant 'p' such that

[tex] k_a = p u_a [/tex]

This means that everything you have proven for [itex]k_a[/itex] applies for [itex]u_a [/itex].

I understand that argument but I'm not sure that we have actually answered what the question is asking us, have we?

How do we go from the fact that [itex]T_{ab}=(\rho + p) u_au_b + pg_{ab}[/itex] to deducing that [itex]u_a[/itex] and [itex]k_a[/itex] are parallel?

Thanks and sorry for dragging this out!
  • #45

The hint I'm giving you is to use Einstein's equation, one of the points already proved in the problem and one more fact: you know that in R^3 euclidean geometry, 2 vectors are parallel iff their cross product is 0.

This last fact can be extended to the space-time geometry determined by the existence of that particular T_ab.
  • #46

bigubau said:
The hint I'm giving you is to use Einstein's equation, one of the points already proved in the problem and one more fact: you know that in R^3 euclidean geometry, 2 vectors are parallel iff their cross product is 0.

This last fact can be extended to the space-time geometry determined by the existence of that particular T_ab.

Sorry. I'm just not seeing it. Please don't give me the answer, but could you offer a bit of extra help?
  • #47

You need to use the following things

1. [tex] E_{ab} = kT_{ab} [/tex]

2. [tex] k_{a} R^{a}_{~[b} k_{c]} = 0 [/tex]

3. [tex] \mbox{a ext b} = 0 \Leftrightarrow \mbox{a} = \lambda \mbox{b} [/tex]

3. contains the 1-forms a and b, lambda is a 0-form.
  • #48

bigubau said:
You need to use the following things

1. [tex] E_{ab} = kT_{ab} [/tex]

2. [tex] k_{a} R^{a}_{~[b} k_{c]} = 0 [/tex]

3. [tex] \mbox{a ext b} = 0 \Leftrightarrow \mbox{a} = \lambda \mbox{b} [/tex]

3. contains the 1-forms a and b, lambda is a 0-form.

Sorry again!

Starting from [itex]R_{ab}-\frac{1}{2}Rg_{ab}=8 \pi \rho u_au_b + 8 \pi p u_au_b + 8 \pi pg_{ab}[/itex], what should I do next?
Antisymmetrise? Or Raise an index with a metric and then contract with [itex]k_a[/itex]? Or something else entirely?

  • #49

To use 2. you have to enter the Ricci curvature in terms of the 4-velocity. Can you do that ?
  • #50

bigubau said:
To use 2. you have to enter the Ricci curvature in terms of the 4-velocity. Can you do that ?

Is it as follows?

[itex]R_{ab}=8 \pi ( \rho + p) u_au_b + ( 8 \pi p + \frac{1}{2} R) g_{ab}[/itex]
[itex]R^a{}_b=8 \pi ( \rho + p) u^a u_b + (8 \pi p + \frac{1}{2} R) \delta^a{}_b[/itex]
  • #51

The separation is not fully done (there's some explicit and some implicit dependence of the Ricci tensor of u), however the second equation will lead you to a successful use of 1. and 2. in what I wrote above.

So post your final equation.
  • #52

bigubau said:
The separation is not fully done (there's some explicit and some implicit dependence of the Ricci tensor of u), however the second equation will lead you to a successful use of 1. and 2. in what I wrote above.

So post your final equation.

Well, I don't knkow how to use that in 1.

However, for 2. I get:

[itex]\Rightarrow 4 \pi ( \rho + p) k_a u^a ( u_b k_c - u_c k_b) + ( 4 \pi p + \frac{1}{4} R)(k_bk_c-k_ck_b)=0[/itex]

I'm getting pretty confused as to where this is going though!
  • #53

What can you derive of what you've written ? The second term of the sum vanishes, right ? So ?
  • #54

bigubau said:
What can you derive of what you've written ? The second term of the sum vanishes, right ? So ?

[itex]u_b k_c=u_ck_b[/itex]?

Is it then just a case of contracting with [itex]k^c[/itex] since that gives

[itex]u_b k_c k^c=u_c k^c k_b \Rightarrow u_b = \lambda k_b[/itex] since [itex]k_ck^c, u_c k^c[/itex] are both scalars, right?
  • #55

Yes, finally. :)

Did you solve the rest of the exercises, in case you needed it ?

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