Finding the Constant for Solving a 2nd Order Differential Equation

  • Thread starter zeithief
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    2nd order
In summary, the conversation discusses methods for solving the differential equation d2x/dt2 = -(k/m)*x -g, with given initial conditions. The first suggested method is direct integration, while the second involves using the characteristic equation and finding a specific solution. The conversation also mentions the importance of showing what has already been done in order to provide more helpful suggestions.
  • #1
can any1 help me solve this? d2x/dt2 = -(k/m)*x -g
at x= 0, t=0, v=sqrt(u^2-2gh)

what is x?? can show the steps?
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  • #2
This DE can be solved by direct integration. After calculating [tex]\frac{dx}{dt} = v(t)[/tex] and x(t), use the initial conditions to get the constants of integration.

P.S. x(t) is a function of position in time.
  • #3
One of the reasons we ask that people show what they have already done is so we will have a better idea of what kind of help you need and what kinds of suggestions you would understand. I can think of several ways of solving this but I'm not sure what "tools" you have to use.

The method radou is suggesting is called "quadrature". Since t does not explicitely appear in the equation, you can eliminate it. Let v= dx/dt. The d2x/dt2= dv/dt= (dv/dx)(dx/dt)= vdv/dx. That is, the original equation can be written as a first order equation.
Now we have vdv/dx= -(k/m)x- g. In fact, that is separable and, so, easily integrable: vdv= (-(k/m)x- g)dx so (1/2)v2= -(k/2m)x2- 2x+ C (the v2 is the reason for the name "quadrature"). Once you have found v as a function of t, integrate dx/dt= v to find x.

But that is not the method I would use. This is a linear d.e. with constant coefficients. I has "characteristic equation" r2= -(k/m) which has roots [itex]r= \pm i\sqrt{k/m}[/itex]. The general solution to the associated homogeneous equation is
[tex]x(t)= C_1cos(\sqrt{k/m}t)+ C_2sin(\sqrt{k/m}t)[/tex]
Now you need to find a "specific" solution to the entire equation. Since the "non-homogeneous part" is the constant, -g, I would suggest assuming y is a constant: y(t)= A, and seeing if you can pick A to make the equation true. Does any of that make sense? That was what I meant by "not sure what "tools" you have to use".
By the way, is "sqrt(u^2-2gh)" simply a constant?
  • #4
ya sqrt(u^2- 2gh) is a constant how should i go about solving it to satisfy this condition?
  • #5
Do what I suggested before. Assume y= A, a constant, and plug that into the equation. What does A have to be in order for the equation to be true?

FAQ: Finding the Constant for Solving a 2nd Order Differential Equation

What is a second order differential equation?

A second order differential equation is a mathematical equation that involves the second derivative of a function. It is commonly used to describe physical phenomena in areas such as mechanics, electricity, and heat transfer.

How do you solve a second order differential equation?

To solve a second order differential equation, you can use various methods such as separation of variables, variation of parameters, or the method of undetermined coefficients. These methods involve finding a general solution that satisfies the equation, and then using initial conditions to find a particular solution.

What are initial conditions in solving a second order differential equation?

Initial conditions refer to the specific values of the function and its derivatives at a given point. These values are used to determine the particular solution of a differential equation, as they help to narrow down the possible solutions to a specific one.

What is the difference between a homogeneous and non-homogeneous second order differential equation?

A homogeneous second order differential equation has a zero on the right-hand side of the equation, meaning it can be written in the form of y'' + p(x)y' + q(x)y = 0. On the other hand, a non-homogeneous second order differential equation has a non-zero term on the right-hand side and can be written as y'' + p(x)y' + q(x)y = f(x).

What are some real-life applications of second order differential equations?

Second order differential equations are commonly used to model various physical phenomena such as the motion of a pendulum, the motion of a spring, and electrical circuits. They are also used in fields like economics, population dynamics, and engineering to make predictions and solve problems.
