High voltage electric field does not stop electric motor

In summary, the conversation discusses an experiment conducted to understand the effects of electric fields on electrons. The experiment involved using a 12 volt battery and a cascade voltage multiplier, with the goal of stopping the flow of electrons by introducing a strong negative electric field. However, the fan connected to the circuit continued to turn, leading to the question of how current can still flow despite the presence of an electric field. The conversation also touches on the concept of electric fields inside a conductor and the importance of having two electrodes or a common ground for an electric field to exist. The expert cautions against handling high voltage without proper knowledge and equipment.
  • #1
I have made an attempt at understanding electric field and the effect they have on electrons by making the following test (see attached picture).

What I did was take a 12 volt battery and connect a fan of a psu with it so the fan starts to turn by the flow of electricity, of course. I then wondered what would happen if I introduced a strong negative electric field to the wire. In theory if the electric field of the high voltage source was large enough it would stop the electrons from flowing from the negative source of the battery to the positive battery because the negative high voltage (electric field) would repel the electrons and so stop the current flowing.

I build a simple cascade voltage multiplier and used a piece of wire from a neon sign supplier to protect the battery and wire from -10 kilovolts. The neon sign wire itself can hold 20 kV.

I placed the wire of the cascade voltage multiplier next to the thick insulation of the neon sign wire and so create an electric field between the high voltage source and the 12 volt wire without there being a current flow.

My assumption was the high voltage electric field would stop the current in the wire to the fan and so would stop the fan from turning. But instead the fan kept turning if nothing was wrong.

Could someone explain to me how it is possible to have current in a wire when the current would have to be repelled by the high voltage electric field.



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  • #2
There is something in electrostatics about fields inside a conductor. Remember Faraday´s cage?
btw. - You need two electrodes or a common ground to have an electric field.
- Voltage and field strength are not the same.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply

Ok so correct me if I am wrong but since the high voltage electric field stops at the outermost surface of the wire (carrying the 12 volts) and the electrons continue to flow on the inside of the wire because there is no electric field inside the 12 volt wire and so the fan is still able to turn.

In my tests I powered the cascade voltage multiplier with a variac, the cascade voltage multiplier itself has only 1 output wire or electrode (in my case negative high voltage, to repel electrons) and the other wire to complete a circuit would be ground. But in this case the second electrode is the 12 volt wire. So I assumed all voltages were relative to ground. Would it be correct to do this in this test or not.
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  • #4
You´re correct enough with your explanation.
Let me be very technical: Of course there is a (very small) electric field along the wire, otherwise there would be no current. (Electrostatics does not consider currents). An external field induces surface charges (a distribution of the existing charges) on a conductor, which cancel the field inside.
As far as I see from your sketch, your 12V battery circuit is isolated from the HV supply, and you better leave it so. I don´t want to be impolite: the questions you ask make me doubt if you can handle high voltage safely. Maybe you continue your experiments with batteries and low voltage DC supplies; this way, if you make a mistake, the damage will be to (hopefully cheap) components, but not to yourself.
  • #5
thank you that explains it

FAQ: High voltage electric field does not stop electric motor

1. Why doesn't a high voltage electric field stop an electric motor?

Electric motors operate on the principle of electromagnetic induction, where a changing magnetic field induces a current in a wire. The high voltage electric field may interfere with the magnetic field, but it does not directly affect the flow of current in the wire. Therefore, the motor continues to operate despite the presence of a high voltage electric field.

2. Can a high voltage electric field damage an electric motor?

In some cases, a high voltage electric field can cause damage to an electric motor. This can happen if the electric field is strong enough to induce a current that exceeds the motor's design limits. This can result in overheating and damage to the motor's components.

3. How does a high voltage electric field affect the efficiency of an electric motor?

A high voltage electric field can affect the efficiency of an electric motor in two ways. First, it can cause interference with the motor's magnetic field, leading to decreased power output. Second, it can induce higher currents in the motor, which can increase energy losses and decrease efficiency.

4. Are there any safety concerns when operating an electric motor near a high voltage electric field?

Yes, there are safety concerns when operating an electric motor near a high voltage electric field. The high voltage can pose a shock hazard to anyone who comes into contact with it. Additionally, the electric motor may not function properly if there is interference from the high voltage electric field.

5. Can shielding protect an electric motor from a high voltage electric field?

Yes, shielding can help protect an electric motor from a high voltage electric field. Shielding is a process of surrounding the motor with conductive materials that can redirect the electric field away from the motor. However, the effectiveness of shielding depends on the strength of the electric field and the quality of the shielding material.

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