In layman's terms: what does the term in layman's terms mean?

In summary, "in layman's terms" means providing a simple and easy-to-understand explanation that can be understood by someone who is not an expert in a particular field. It is often used when discussing complex or technical topics in order to make them more accessible to a wider audience.
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In layman's terms: what does the term "in layman's terms" mean?

Please explain that to me. Everyone is using it and I don't get it. It bugs me so much I can't sleep.
Physics news on
  • #2

Google is your friend.
  • #3

It means, a simple explanation; one that can be understood by someone who is not an expert in the field.
  • #4

In layman's terms: Using language "for dummies."
  • #5

Historically, a layman is a person who is a member of a church but not a member of the clergy. Ex: Someone who is a practicing Catholic, but not a Catholic priest.

The term layman is now used to mean anyone who is not an expert or practitioner of the field in question, but still interested in the field. i.e. For physics, a layman is someone with an interest in physics, but who isn't a practicing physicist or physics student.

So, an explanation in "layman's terms" means an explanation that can be understood by interested parties who are not experts.
  • #6

not using "big words". specialized professions have their own languages.
  • #7

Proton Soup said:
not using "big words". specialized professions have their own languages.

This. There tend to be specialized "jargon" particular to a field and persons outside that field are not likely to be familiar with the vocabulary. So generally speaking it refers to using words that are understandable to anyone (hopefully) though it can also just mean explaining something in simplified or "dumbed down" terms.
  • #8

to describe something in laymen's terms generally means to use a metaphor; something the laymen is familiar with (describing particles as "wave like" for instance). But it tends to lead to misconceptions.

FAQ: In layman's terms: what does the term in layman's terms mean?

In Layman's Terms: What Does It Mean?

The phrase "in layman's terms" is a common expression used to simplify complex or technical information so that it can be easily understood by someone who may not have expertise in a particular field. It is often used to make complex concepts more accessible. Here are some frequently asked questions about the term "in layman's terms":

Q1: What Does "In Layman's Terms" Mean?

The expression "in layman's terms" means explaining something in simple and easy-to-understand language, free from technical jargon or complexity. It's a way of breaking down complex ideas or concepts to make them accessible to a broader audience, especially those who may not have expertise in a specific subject.

Q2: When Is the Phrase "In Layman's Terms" Typically Used?

The phrase "in layman's terms" is used in situations where someone is discussing a complex topic, technical subject, or specialized field of knowledge. It is often employed by experts, educators, or communicators to bridge the gap between their specialized knowledge and the understanding of a general audience.

Q3: Why Is It Important to Explain Things in Layman's Terms?

Explaining things in layman's terms is essential for effective communication, especially when discussing topics that are unfamiliar or complex to the listener. It helps ensure that information is accessible and can be easily grasped by a wide range of people, promoting better understanding and learning.

Q4: Can You Provide an Example of Using "In Layman's Terms"?

Sure! Let's say a scientist is explaining the concept of photosynthesis to a group of non-scientists. Instead of using technical terms like "photosynthetic reaction" or "chlorophyll," they might say, "Plants use sunlight to make their own food, a process called photosynthesis. It's like the plant's way of cooking its meals with sunlight."

Q5: Is "In Layman's Terms" Used Only in Formal Settings?

No, the phrase "in layman's terms" can be used in both formal and informal settings. It's a versatile expression that can be employed in various contexts, such as classroom lectures, technical documents, conversations, and even casual discussions to make information more understandable.

Q6: Are There Similar Expressions to "In Layman's Terms"?

Yes, there are similar expressions like "in plain English," "in simple terms," or "in everyday language" that convey the same idea of simplifying complex concepts. These phrases all serve the purpose of making information more accessible to a general audience.

Q7: Is Using "In Layman's Terms" Considered Patronizing?

No, using "in layman's terms" is not patronizing. It is a respectful and effective way of ensuring that information is inclusive and comprehensible to a diverse audience. It acknowledges that people come from different backgrounds and levels of expertise.

In summary, the phrase "in layman's terms" is used to simplify complex information, making it easier to understand for individuals who may not be experts in a particular subject. It promotes clear and effective communication across a wide range of audiences.

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