Exploring Small Modular Reactors: Advancements and Safety in Nuclear Physics

  • Thread starter Spinalcold
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In summary: The SMRs are smaller than the LWRs and have a number of advantages. They are cheaper to build and operate, and their fuel costs are low. A major advantage of SMRs is that they can be located close to the load, reducing the need for transmission lines. The downsides of SMRs are that they are not as efficient as LWRs, and they have a shorter lifetime. There are some concepts being explored that could extend the lifetime, but it is not clear if they will be feasible. In summary, SMRs are a new type of nuclear reactor that have some advantages and some disadvantages. Their cost and efficiency are lower than LWRs, but their lifespan
  • #1
I am in a concepts of nuclear physics course (going for a nuclear physics degree) and we need to do a paper and presentation on a topic. What I picked was small modular reactors.

I was wondering if people had links to papers on new technologies, engineering ond concepts in development or currently working. It's a VERY broad topic, so I am mostly brain storming for a good concept. I am most interested in ideas relating to safe use of them in public spaces but any and all information is welcome.

One last thing, I am NOT looking for my work to be done for me, so I would like primary sources and summary articles please. This is a 3rd year physics course that is open to anyone needing to work with radiation physics (engineering, and medical sciences in this) so the math isn't as important, it's more understanding of the concepts.

Thanks you in advance for any help provided!
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Spinalcold said:
I am in a concepts of nuclear physics course (going for a nuclear physics degree) and we need to do a paper and presentation on a topic. What I picked was small modular reactors.

I was wondering if people had links to papers on new technologies, engineering ond concepts in development or currently working. It's a VERY broad topic, so I am mostly brain storming for a good concept. I am most interested in ideas relating to safe use of them in public spaces but any and all information is welcome.

One last thing, I am NOT looking for my work to be done for me, so I would like primary sources and summary articles please. This is a 3rd year physics course that is open to anyone needing to work with radiation physics (engineering, and medical sciences in this) so the math isn't as important, it's more understanding of the concepts.

Thanks you in advance for any help provided!

The small modular reactors have a name, but it escapes me now. Do you know the name?
  • #3
A starting point might be this writeup of the players involved:

The appeal of the SMR is lower cost, because the product is produced in series rather than as a set of one offs,
as well as greater safety because the standardized design and smaller size makes training and accident management easier. Whether these benefits are actually achieved given regulatory and industrial constraints remains TBD.

Weinberg, who was keenly aware of the limitations of prevailing reactor designs, tried during his tenure to advance liquid fueled reactors. Those efforts died afaik with his dismissal, but would still be well worth a fresh look.
  • #4
The US NRC has pages on advanced and modular reactors, including small modular reactors.

The convention for small has been set at 300 MWe. They vary from ~45 MWe per unit to ~300 MWe. Note that those designs before the NRC are typically some type of PWR, and most likely 17x17 assembly lattice designs, as this is proven technology.

There are some more exotic concepts based on graphite-moderated gas-cooled and fast, liquid-metal-cooled technologies.

Basically, the safety issue is addressed with small cores. There are passive safety features to the extent possible, but assurance of coolability and reactivity control (shutdown capability) are still mandatory. Certain types of LWR accidents may be precluded by design.

One issue for multiple modules on one site will be the impact or affect of an accident in one modular on the 'safe' operation of the other moduels.

The idea of a modular system is that a single module can be built at less capital cost than a large single unit, and the modules can be staggered such that one can be online while the others are in various stages of completion, i.e., a utility does not have to complete all construction before generating revenue, part of which will offset the capital cost of subsequent units.

SMRs are based on the same principles as the larger commercial nuclear reactors. There is a core containing fissile material. The core sustains a controlled chain reaction in which fissile isotopes (U-235, and potentially, U-233, Pu-239,240,241, . . . TU) are fissioned over some period of time. In some designs, long irradiation periods are envisioned, with some strategies replacing the entire core in one refueling outage.

The nuclear thermal energy (heat) is tranferred from the fuel through the coolant to a thermal-to-mechanical conversion system, basically a steam turbine, which is coupled to an electrical generator.
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  • #5

I am excited to hear that you have chosen to explore the topic of small modular reactors (SMRs) for your paper and presentation. SMRs are a rapidly evolving technology in the field of nuclear physics, and there is a lot of potential for advancements and improvements in safety.

One key concept to consider when discussing SMRs is their size. These reactors are much smaller than traditional nuclear reactors, which allows for easier transportation and installation in various locations. This also means that they can be used in a wider range of applications, such as powering remote communities or providing energy for industrial processes.

In terms of safety, there are several advancements being made in the design and engineering of SMRs. For example, some companies are developing passive safety features, which rely on natural processes such as gravity and convection to cool the reactor in the event of a shutdown. This reduces the reliance on active systems, which can potentially fail or require human intervention.

Another important aspect of safety is the potential for accidents or incidents involving SMRs. It is crucial for these reactors to be designed and operated in a way that minimizes the risk of a nuclear event. This involves thorough safety assessments and regular inspections, as well as proper training for personnel.

In terms of resources for your paper and presentation, I would recommend looking at primary sources such as scientific journals and reports from reputable organizations like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). These sources will provide you with the most up-to-date and reliable information on advancements and safety measures in SMRs.

Some specific topics you may want to consider exploring are the different types of SMRs currently in development, the potential applications for SMRs, and the role of government regulations in ensuring the safe use of SMRs in public spaces.

I wish you the best of luck in your research and presentation. SMRs are an exciting and important area of study in nuclear physics, and I am confident that your work will contribute to our understanding of this technology.

FAQ: Exploring Small Modular Reactors: Advancements and Safety in Nuclear Physics

1. What is a Small Modular Reactor (SMR)?

A Small Modular Reactor (SMR) is a type of nuclear reactor that is smaller in size and power output compared to traditional large-scale nuclear reactors. It is designed to be easily transportable and scalable, allowing for multiple units to be linked together to meet varying energy demands.

2. How does an SMR differ from a traditional nuclear reactor?

SMRs are designed to be more compact, with power outputs ranging from 10-300 megawatts (MW) compared to large-scale reactors that can produce over 1000 MW. Additionally, SMRs use advanced designs and technologies that allow for increased safety, efficiency, and flexibility.

3. What are the advantages of using SMRs?

There are several advantages to using SMRs. They have a smaller physical footprint, making them suitable for areas with limited space. They are also cost-effective, as they can be mass-produced in a factory and transported to the site, reducing construction time and costs. Additionally, SMRs are designed with passive safety features that minimize the risk of accidents.

4. What are the potential applications of SMRs?

SMRs have the potential to be used for a variety of applications, including providing electricity to remote or isolated communities, powering desalination plants, and supporting industrial processes such as hydrogen production. They can also be used in combination with renewable energy sources to provide a more stable and reliable power supply.

5. What are the current challenges facing the deployment of SMRs?

One of the main challenges facing the deployment of SMRs is the high upfront costs of developing and licensing new reactor designs. There are also concerns about nuclear waste management and the potential for proliferation of nuclear materials. Additionally, there is a need for regulatory frameworks to be developed and implemented to ensure the safe operation of SMRs.

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