'Relation between the psychological and thermodynamic arrows of time'

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the block universe and its relationship to the psychological and thermodynamic arrows of time. While the argument makes sense, the concept does not fully address the experience of 'now'. Questions are raised about the existence of multiple versions of oneself in different points in time and the role of memory in creating the illusion of time. The block universe is seen as an unhelpful concept in understanding this phenomenon.
  • #1
The thinker
I recently came across the paper 'Relation between the psychological and thermodynamic arrows of time' (arXiv).

Their argument makes sense to me, however their concept doesn't seem to address what 'now' is.

If each person exists in an unchanging state in the block universe, and the flow of time is an illusion caused by the way memory functions, then how exactly does this sensation of 'now' work? Are there an infinite number of me's at every point in time, all experiencing their own now? Or is there one me that 'travels' though the block universe, experiencing the illusion of time? And what is it that is experiencing this illusion of movement?
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Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
The block universe is not a very helpful concept in my opinion.

FAQ: 'Relation between the psychological and thermodynamic arrows of time'

1. What is the psychological arrow of time?

The psychological arrow of time refers to the subjective experience of time passing in a linear and irreversible manner. It is the perception that events occur in a particular sequence, with the past behind us and the future ahead.

2. What is the thermodynamic arrow of time?

The thermodynamic arrow of time is a concept in physics that describes the direction in which time moves in a closed system. It states that the entropy, or disorder, of a system tends to increase over time, leading to a unidirectional flow of time from the past to the future.

3. What is the relation between the psychological and thermodynamic arrows of time?

The relation between the psychological and thermodynamic arrows of time is a topic of ongoing debate and research. Some theories suggest that the psychological arrow of time is a result of our perception of the thermodynamic arrow of time. Others propose that the psychological arrow of time is a separate and independent aspect of time.

4. How do the psychological and thermodynamic arrows of time influence each other?

It is believed that the psychological arrow of time may be influenced by the thermodynamic arrow of time. Our perception of time may be shaped by the irreversible nature of physical processes, such as aging and decay, and the tendency towards disorder in the universe.

5. Can the psychological and thermodynamic arrows of time ever be fully understood and explained?

As time is a complex and multifaceted concept, it is unlikely that we will ever have a complete understanding of the relation between the psychological and thermodynamic arrows of time. However, continued research and advancements in our understanding of physics and human psychology may provide further insights into this intriguing topic.
