What Are Your Long-Term Goals and Aspirations?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, Gale17 wants to achieve many goals, some which she never will, and later in life wants to retire and have a large family. dduardo wants to achieve many goals, some which he never will, and later in life wants to retire and make a couple hundred million. FZ+ wants to achieve many goals, some which he never will, and later in life wants to retire and lecture at a university.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I have achieved many of my goals; others I never will.

I hope to solve a few more of the little mysteries of life. Also, before I get too old to surive the hours involved, I would like to take on at least one more big project; something that consumes 110% of my attention for a year or two...or three. I tend towards something related to the up and coming hydrogen economy.


I may also just stay focused on my business and having fun.

What do you plan do be doing in ten, twenty, or even 50 years.
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  • #2
I hope to be practicing medicine in about 10 yeares. God willing I will be.
  • #3
hmm... 5 minutes ago i decided to share my goals... two minutes later i decided they were all wrong, 30 second ago i decided i have bad luck when i try to make definite goals...
  • #4
At the rate I'm going I'd say to collect as much debt as possible before I hit 30.

But I'm horrible at keeping plans. I have trouble making plans for this weekend, much less 10 years from now. Things happen to spontaneously in my life to try to plan it.

But me and a few friends do actually have a master plan. We figure that good entertainment in america is hard to find. We had plans such as building a paintball field, motorcross track. Perhaps someday expanding to build a 24/7 resturaunt and arcade.

And then I've got a few crazy ideas up my sleeve for some vehicles. Problem is finding the money to build them.

So my main priority would be to get money.
  • #5
Be tenured in a major philosophy department.
  • #6
I wish I knew.. as a female you have to wonder about future kids.. for now I just focus on contributing to medical sciences and working my way up the ladder, who knows who come along my path in the future I'll worry about that later.

I knew someone who planned everything to the second, an appropriate meeting time would be 13:27 for instance it makes me a little nervous, life can play tricks on you.
  • #7
Wow, I wish my life was predictable enough to know what I was doing each minute.

Then again, no I don't. I like being random. Get into more stuff that way.
  • #8
1) World Domination
2) World Domination
3) World Domination
9999) World Domination

Ok, so I might not get to conqueror the universe in my life span so here is my alternate list:

1) Get PhD in Electrical/Computer Engineering
2) Startup a company
3) Invent really cool technologies
4) Make a couple hundred million
5) Retire
6) Lecture at a university

Of course, if the right women comes along the way, start a family.
  • #9
dduardo- are you implying that conquering the world is equivalent to conquering the whole universe?? hmm

And yeah monique... the kid thing is kinda troubling... Just a really difficult thing to think about... especially now that a friend of mine is having one!

but I'm with you shawn, I'm all about sponteneity. i guess that why i have trouble setting goals or anything like that... I used to just want to be happy... but maybe that shouldn't be a goal...
  • #10
Originally posted by Gale17
I used to just want to be happy... but maybe that shouldn't be a goal...

Always; but future happiness often requires planning. :wink:
  • #11
Originally posted by dduardo
Of course, if the right women comes along the way, start a family.
Great, a large family !
  • #12
Originally posted by Gale17
I used to just want to be happy... but maybe that shouldn't be a goal...
Of course it must be. The ultimate one.
But, it requires quite a few special pieces of paper
to achieve... :wink:
  • #13
Well I have a few definite goals that I am hoping and trying to achieve.

Well, here are my goals. Hopefully you will all be more understanding, as most people look at me like I'm crazy when I talk about my goals:

1) Get a PhD in Genetics
2) Get a PhD in Computer Science (currently working on my associates)
3) Get a PhD in Mathematics/Statistics
4) Get a PhD in Physics

and later in life...

5) Start my own research company

And i'll toss this out there for fun...its not really a goal, but more of a hope:

6) Get the Nobel Prize (hopefully in either physics or medicine, but any will do)
  • #14
Eventually you too want to achieve these things because
it's fun for you - that's the most basic goal. :wink:
  • #15
To my life in a way that I can feel is worthwhile.

Ruling the world would also be nice...
  • #16
Originally posted by FZ+
Ruling the world would also be nice...

Wait a sec, I said I wanted to rule the world first.

There isn't enough room in this world for two conqueroring dictators.
  • #17
Don't worry Dduardo, I thought you were after the entire universe. You and FZ can work together, kinda like Pinky and The Brain.

Of course, I'm sure it will be a fight over who gets to be pinky.

And I will leave you all with some wisdom found on one of my many car stickers:

"Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes dealing with misery a lot easier."
  • #18
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
but future happiness often requires planning.
I totally agree with you.

Here are my goals.

From now on until 28 April 2004:
- Study hard for the A-level exam
- Read Oxford Dictionary (1428 pages)

If I choose to study medicine:
- Be a brain surgeon and a neurologist and do researches on this field
- Join Medecins Sans Frontieres and do volunteer work in war zones at least 4 weeks per year
- Learn to fly a plane or helicopter and be a pilot in Government Flying Service
- Be a medical professor and work in WHO
- Travel around the world
- Get a Nobel prize
- Retire at the age of 55, go back to school and study physics and mathematics
- Get PhD in Mathematics or Physics before 65
- Write a few books

If I choose to study math or physics in university
- Get PhD in both maths and physics
- Join exchange programs in Year 2 and study in universities in USA or UK for one or two semester(s)
- Enter USA's top grad school and do research
- Own research labs in top universities in USA
- Get Nobel prize or Field's medal
- Be a professor
- Learn to fly a plane or helicopter and be a pilot in Government Flying Service
- Travel around the world
- Write a few books
  • #19
I wish I could see life that glorifull (sp?) doing your own research is not easy, it takes all your time. I have seen people work from early morning till late nights, weekdays, weekends, holidays, newyearseve.. That certainly is not a goal for me. That is also one of the reasons I didn't enter a PhD program yet.
  • #20
I feel so insignificant now with my little goal of becoming a doctor. I'm so depressed I'm just going to drive right home in my ferrari, run into my mansion, and console myself by drowning my sorrows in a glass of chateu lafite next to my swimming pool.

hmm.. I guess money can rent happiness.:wink:
  • #21
Originally posted by RageSk8
Be tenured in a major philosophy department.

Getting there should be a walk in the park for you. I had assumed your goal would be to re-write all of known philosophy or something like that. :smile:
  • #22
1) Gravity machine.
2) Travel the world.
3) Wife and kids, preferably first born son.
4) Enter political arena, become leader of the world.
5) If light speed is neared, reached, or exceeded, travel to distant planets and stars.
6) Create the perfect philosophy for living.
  • #23
1) Gravity machine.
2) Travel the world.
3) Wife and kids, preferably first born son.
4) Enter political arena, become leader of the world.
5) If light speed is neared, reached, or exceeded, travel to distant planets and stars.
6) Create the perfect philosophy for living.

Ok for me, goals for the near future would be:
-finish getting my pilots license.
-get some kind of physics degree
-travel travel travel.
-not end up getting stuck in the job rut.

Thats all I've got so far. I guess I don't have all the details worked out yet...much of them I'll probably end up improvising as I go along. It should make for a wild ride anyway.

I do know how I want to end the life though...in space! When I'm an old fart and feeling it's about that time, I wana hop on a homemade rocket and go out with a bang. I realize the probability of not making it to space, and instead just liquifying my body on launch are very high, but atleast it can be said I died trying. I'll probably get one of them Darwin Awards for it too
  • #24
Consume even more amounts of alcohol than i already have! Become a qualified mercedes benz technician, and then move on to be the best MB technician, that is something i definitely look forward too. I have also thought about going abroad and working there for a few years.
  • #25
Hey! I just realized I have already fulfilled one of my goals!

*happy dance*

which was to live a couple of years abroad, thanks for reminding me Andy

and almost one of my other goals, to publish an article in a major journal.. almost there! I'll let you guys know when I succeed
  • #26
Your welcome.
  • #27
My goal in life is to discover my true goal in life!
  • #28
My first goal is to become a whiney, parasitic alcoholic that sucks the life blood out of others. My second goal is to run for President of the France.
  • #29
Mr Zaleski, I hope you are up to the competition...
  • #30
Originally posted by Robert Zaleski
My first goal is to become a whiney, parasitic alcoholic that sucks the life blood out of others. My second goal is to run for President of the France.
It's funny you should mention this as a life goal because, once, when I was crawling on all fours toward one of the many gutters I used to frequent, a polish aviator of my acquaintance stumbled over me and began ranting, pretty much incoherently, about how then president of France, Charles DeGalle, was personally bent on his complete destruction, in conjunction with a renegade branch of the CIA and several Hell's Angels. I explained to him that he was drunk and that if he was going to proceed in bothering me with this delerious rambling I could actually arrange for Charles DeGalle to be there to effect his complete destruction. I was planning on punching myself in the nose to swell it to DeGallian proportions and frighten him with it but this turned out not to be necessary: he looked whimperingly (?) at me, as if to say "Et tu, Zooby?" and stumbled back toward the airport.
  • #31
This is like a self-help group

I've got a new goal!: read someones PhD dissertation booklet (250 pages) tomorrow and finish it while actually understanding it too :P

Please kick my @ss when I procrastinate! :wink:
  • #32
To own a car that both starts consistantly and is big enough so that my head doesn't touch the roof when I drive it.


FAQ: What Are Your Long-Term Goals and Aspirations?

What is your goal in life?

1. What inspired you to become a scientist?

As a child, I was always curious about how the world worked and loved conducting experiments. This curiosity and passion for discovery led me to pursue a career in science.

2. How do you define success in your career as a scientist?

For me, success in my career as a scientist means making meaningful contributions to the scientific community and society as a whole. It also involves constantly learning and growing as a researcher.

3. What motivates you to continue pursuing your goals in the face of challenges?

I am motivated by my passion for science and the desire to make a positive impact in the world. I also find inspiration in the work of other scientists and the potential for groundbreaking discoveries.

4. How do you balance your personal and professional goals as a scientist?

Balancing personal and professional goals can be challenging, but I prioritize my time and set realistic expectations for myself. I also make sure to take breaks and engage in activities outside of work to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

5. What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue a career in science?

I would advise them to follow their passion and never give up, even in the face of challenges. It's also important to constantly seek new knowledge, collaborate with others, and stay curious and open-minded.

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