Difference between flame and light

In summary, a flame is a visible, luminous gas created by a chemical reaction between oxygen and a fuel source, while light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by the human eye. A flame is created when a fuel source is heated and produces a visible reaction with oxygen. While a flame is considered a form of light, not all forms of light are flames. The color of a flame depends on the temperature and type of fuel being burned. A flame cannot exist without producing light, but the amount of light emitted can vary.
  • #1
What's the difference between flame (due to fire) and photons?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
A flame is a collection of very excited gases that give off light and heat. Photons are what light is comprised of. They are small packets of light waves with a definite energy that is dependent on its frequency. Therefore a flame emits photons but isn't made from them, it consists of excited gas.
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Flame and light are two different forms of energy that can be observed in the natural world. Flame is the visible part of fire, which is the result of a chemical reaction between a fuel source and oxygen. It produces heat, light, and various gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapor.

On the other hand, photons are the fundamental particles that make up light. Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by the human eye. Photons are emitted or absorbed by atoms and molecules, causing them to release or gain energy, resulting in the production of light.

The main difference between flame and photons is their source. Flame is produced by a chemical reaction, while photons are emitted by atoms and molecules. Additionally, flame is a physical phenomenon that can be seen and felt, while photons are particles that cannot be seen or felt directly.

Furthermore, flame and photons have different properties. Flame has a color and a temperature, which can vary depending on the type of fuel and the amount of oxygen present. On the other hand, photons have a wavelength and frequency, which determine the color and energy of the light they produce.

In summary, while flame and light may seem similar, they are fundamentally different in their source, properties, and behavior. Understanding the difference between these two forms of energy is crucial in various fields, such as chemistry, physics, and fire science.

FAQ: Difference between flame and light

What is the difference between a flame and light?

A flame is a visible, luminous gas that is the result of a chemical reaction, typically between oxygen and a fuel source. Light, on the other hand, is a form of electromagnetic radiation that can be seen by the human eye.

How is a flame created?

A flame is created when a fuel source (such as wood or gas) is heated to a high enough temperature, causing it to release gases that react with oxygen in the air. This reaction creates a visible flame.

Is a flame considered a form of light?

Yes, a flame emits light in the form of visible electromagnetic radiation. However, not all forms of light are flames, as light can also be produced by other sources such as electricity or the sun.

What is the color of a flame?

The color of a flame depends on the temperature of the fuel source and the type of fuel being burned. For example, a blue flame typically indicates a hotter temperature, while a yellow flame is usually cooler. Different chemicals can also produce different colored flames, such as the green flame produced by burning copper sulfate.

Can a flame exist without light?

No, a flame cannot exist without producing light. However, the amount of light emitted by a flame can vary depending on the fuel source and other factors such as oxygen levels and temperature.
