Couple questions involving monoids/isomorphisms

  • Thread starter calvino
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In summary: Generally, if you are writing for a beginner, you only need to provide the high level overview. if you are writing for an expert, you may want to provide more detail. In summary, Problem 1 asks if the multiplicative monoid N of natural numbers 1, 2,... is a free commutative monoid. Problem 2 asks if the multiplicative monoid N isomorphic to the additive monoid N_0 x N_0 x ...x N_0 (n times). Prove your claim.
  • #1
I'm having trouble with these two questions.

Problem 1: Prove that the multiplicative monoid N of natural numbers 1, 2,... is a free commutative monoid.

Problem 2: Is the multiplicative monoid N isomorphic to the additive monoid N_0 x N_0 x ...x N_0 (n times), for any n = 1, 2,...? Prove your claim.

If i can get any tips on where to begin with them, that would be great. from there i will work on an show where i have progressed. right now, all i can think of is using induction in 2 to prove that there is an isomorphism for all n. i do this, by looking at neutral elements in each monoid, and constructing the isomorphism for n=1. that's all i can think up.
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  • #2
i actually figured out 1. it was fairly simple. 2 is a little trickier though. haven't made any progress on it, I am afraid.
  • #3
heres what I've been thinking:
every value in N can be written as a product of primes, which can be directly related to N_0 x N_0 x ...x N_0. for instance 45= 9 * 5= (3^2)*5. this can be written as (2,1,0,0,...). where the values in that "vector" are the powers of increasing powers of primes. my problem comes when i start thinking of when n=1. what occurs then? i know the concept is there, and that i might end up using properties of commutative free monoids, but what?
  • #4
Can something that is not finitely generated be isomorphic to something that is?
  • #5
no, which is exactly the case with n an integer. so is that already my solution? that i should prove there is no isomorphism? if so, then does it suffice to use that as a proof? that (N_0,+) which itself has rank 1 (and further more any monoid with rank n) cannot be isomorphic to a monoid with countably infinite generators? i believe that's a theorem in itself - two monoids are isomorphic if their ranks are equal
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  • #6
one thing that troubles me, however, is that i have the following equivalent statements in my notes. perhaps i haven't full understood its meaning?

"the following are equivalent for a monoid S:

i) S =~ F_Abmon (X) for some X

ii) there exists an X, submonoid of S such that for all a in S, a not equal to e_S (netural in S), there exist a unique representation a= * x_i ^k_i for i=1 to r (r,k_i are greater or equal to 1, and no x_i are similar."

here, * is the concatination of elements. ii) resembles problem 2 in the sense that every element in N can be written as a product of primes, the generators in N. this would mean that the isomorphism would exist between (N_O,+) and (N,x)...according to ii), anyway. this is exactly the opposite of what you just said, i believe, since their ranks are totally different.

edit: i should note, just in case, that F-Abmon (X) is just the free commutative monoid of X, and =~ means isomorphic.
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  • #7
Why would you think that ii) implies an isomorphism of monoids between N_0 underr addition and N under multiplication? Since * in the former is addition and * in the latter is multiplication there is no isomorphism: there is no uniqueness about writing an integer as the *sum* of primes (5=5=2+3).
  • #8
that cleared some things up. thanks.

that being said, does it suffice to say that since N_0 X N_0 X ... X N_0 (n times) equipped with addition , for any n=1,2,3,... is generated by n values, and (N,*) has countably infinite generators that they cannot be isomorphic? or is there a more extensive proof of this?
  • #9
Of course there is a more extensive proof - you could write out all the details. What level of detail you need to furnish depends on for whom you are writing.

FAQ: Couple questions involving monoids/isomorphisms

1. What is a monoid?

A monoid is a mathematical structure consisting of a set and an operation that is closed under that operation. It satisfies three properties: associativity, identity, and closure. Monoids are often used in computer science and abstract algebra.

2. What is an isomorphism?

An isomorphism is a bijective homomorphism between two algebraic structures. Essentially, it is a structure-preserving mapping between two sets that preserves the operations and relationships between elements in those sets. In simpler terms, it is a way to show that two structures are essentially the same.

3. What is the difference between a monoid and a group?

The main difference between a monoid and a group is the existence of inverses. A monoid has an identity element and is closed under its operation, but it does not necessarily have inverses for its elements. In contrast, a group has an identity element, is closed under its operation, and every element has an inverse. Therefore, all groups are monoids, but not all monoids are groups.

4. How are monoids and isomorphisms used in computer science?

Monoids and isomorphisms are used in computer science to model and study various data structures and algorithms. For example, monoids are used in functional programming to represent computations and data transformations. Isomorphisms are used to optimize algorithms and data structures by showing that two seemingly different structures are essentially identical.

5. What are some real-world applications of monoids and isomorphisms?

Monoids and isomorphisms have many real-world applications, such as in cryptography, database management, and machine learning. In cryptography, monoids are used to generate and encrypt keys, while isomorphisms are used to ensure secure communication. In database management, monoids are used to model and manipulate data, while isomorphisms are used to optimize query processing. In machine learning, isomorphisms are used to compare and transform data sets for pattern recognition and prediction.
