Linear speed and reaction forces

In summary, the first problem involves finding the linear speed of a bicycle with wheels of 2m circumference rotating at 1 rev/sec, which is equal to 2m/s. The second problem requires determining the two additional reaction forces at the support ends of a bridge where a 10,000N vehicle is stalled 1/4 of the way across, resulting in 2,500N and 7,500N. The formula used to find the angular speed is 1 rev = 2*pi radians, and the radius in this case would be 0.318 meters.
  • #1
Just checking these other problems

1)Bicycle has wheels with circumference of 2m. What is the linear speed of the bicycle when the wehels rotate at 1 rev/sec.

2) A 10,000N vehicle is stalled 1/4 the way across a bridge. What are the two additional recation forces that are supplied at the supprot of both ends of the bridge?
2,500 and 7,5000N
Physics news on
  • #2
You must change the 1 rev/sec into rad per sec

1 rev = 2*pi rad
  • #3
The second one looks good, but I think you accidentally wrote an extra zero on the 7,500 N :)
  • #4

V= R * angular speed?


angular speed= 6.283185308 radians * ? is it 2meters?
  • #5
Spectre5 said:
You must change the 1 rev/sec into rad per sec

1 rev = 2*pi rad
The cirumference is given, not the radius. So 2m/s is correct.
  • #6
oh, didn't pay close enough attention...sorry for any confusion aneima6!

FAQ: Linear speed and reaction forces

What is linear speed?

Linear speed is the rate at which an object moves along a straight path, measured in distance per unit of time. It is also known as linear velocity.

What are reaction forces?

Reaction forces are the equal and opposite forces that occur as a result of an interaction between two objects. They act in opposite directions and are equal in magnitude.

How are linear speed and reaction forces related?

Linear speed and reaction forces are related through Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that as an object moves with a certain linear speed, it will experience an equal and opposite reaction force from the surface or object it is interacting with.

What factors affect linear speed?

The factors that affect linear speed include the distance traveled, the time taken to travel that distance, and any external forces acting on the object, such as friction or air resistance.

How do you measure linear speed and reaction forces?

Linear speed can be measured using a variety of tools, such as a stopwatch, speedometer, or radar gun. Reaction forces can be measured using force sensors or by analyzing the motion of the object and its interaction with other objects or surfaces.
